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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell. [FULL]

Jay Purr

First Post
Deep Space Tracking

Question for Turanil, as Jay Purr ponders what he has learned so far about the Church of the Scientific Revelation. In particular, we have learned something about the ship Pilgrim. What I am wondering is: is there a 22nd Century equivalent to Air Traffic Control that uses powerful radar/ladar/neutrino detectors to track ships in the solar system? Is there a single system, or multiple national systems? Do ships have a transponder that responds with an id code when pinged by an active scan, or that impose an id signal on the neutrino flux from a ship's reactors? Such a system would be pretty expensive, but paranoid militaries might invest in it anyway. If it exists, would we be able to access it to attempt to find Pilgrim? How tough (technically or legally) might this be?

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Jay Purr said:
What I am wondering is: is there a 22nd Century equivalent to Air Traffic Control that uses powerful radar/ladar/neutrino detectors to track ships in the solar system? Is there a single system, or multiple national systems? Do ships have a transponder that responds with an id code when pinged by an active scan, or that impose an id signal on the neutrino flux from a ship's reactors? How tough (technically or legally) might this be?

Frankly, this is not dealt with in Transhuman Space, and I have no idea how difficult it would be to track a starship in the solar system in the 22nd century. After all, our present days telescopes are already good at detecting planets around other stars, so what would it be like in 2100?

So I decide to do it like this:

1) Space Traffic Control does indeed exist (and is an absolute necessity) in the orbit of Earth and Moon, and also around Mars.

2) Then, most spaceships do indeed have a radar beacon (is this the right term?) so they could be located if they had some problems. In fact, most spaceships have an electronic device and AI that regularly sends messages to a "control tower" that monitors their journey. If the ship has a problem, the AI immediately tells it, so it's easy to know where to go to help if necessary. However, the farther away the ship, the most difficult it is to locate it, and depends on circumstances, so it is costly and requires some skill checks. Plus of course, some spaceships don't want to be located / tracked, so not only don't they have such a beacon, but they also have "stealth devices".

3) If you want to know about the Pilgrim, just try. After all, this spaceship probably has a beacon and it could be researched. However, researches usually do occur on request.

I've got a question too. What sort of explosives do we have?

Ah well. There is nuclear missiles onboard... Couldn't resist to give you all a bunch of nuclear missiles. :) Now, about true explosive, well, there is "plastic explosives" (with detonators); I will see the exact stats when you go for using it. There is two strength of explosion available (one weak, one powerful).

Jay Purr

First Post

Just to lay out what seem to be some suspicious facts and events to see what matches up, I have assembled the following small list of items from the "Playing the Game" thread. Some possible correlations exist, but I do not think anything can really be yet concluded with certainty. This is mostly to generate discussion and debate. Turanil, please correct any errors if you spot them.

1) The ships ISS Colorado and ISS Sheridan were attacked nine days ago while in Jupiter orbit. This concluded from our briefing plus the two days that have passed during the game so far.

2) The current head of the Church of the Scientific Revelation, the Church's "Guide," "bought" the position by contributing the most funds towards the purchase of the ship Pilgrim so that the former Guide could take his Final Pilgrimage in the flesh. Note that the former Guide had the revelation that he could make the Final Pilgrimage while still actually alive on a recent trip to Mars. This ship departed Ashira_29 approximately a month ago and filed a flight plan for Jupiter, as we discussed in our meeting. It should be at or near Jupiter by now, if that is where it actually went.

3) SIA headquarter's suspects the involvement of Martian Triads (from the briefing linked above).

Potential Correlation# 1: Could Pilgrim have been involved in the attack on ISS Colorado and ISS Sheridan? The timing does not seem to be quite right, but consider the possibility that Pilgrim might be, like Telarion, a massively-upgraded retrofit. With enhanced performance engines, it could well have been at Jupiter at the time of the loss of the anti-H bombs.

Potential Correlation# 2: The attack on ISS Colorado and ISS Sheridan happened relatively recently. From our initial briefing, no evidence was gathered at Jupiter to indicate that the anti-H bombs were lost into the atmosphere of Jupiter along with the ships. [Assumption: The bombs are no doubt well constructed, but the physical apparatus that generates an anti-H bomb's containment fields is only metal, ceramics and plastics, like anything else. No matter how deep in the atmosphere of Jupiter the bombs might have been when this apparatus failed, the resulting rapid and energetic mixing of antimatter with matter in the Jovian atmosphere should have been detected.] So, unless somebody has a very high-performance ship, beyond what is known in terms of current engine technology, the bombs should still be at or near Jupiter.

4) Caine Freerover has determined that Dr. Mopta is or has been, involved in research of a questionable ethical nature involving the integration of electric field organs into animal and human genomics (from our meeting on board Telarion referenced above).

5) Kecia Tavernier has made some interesting observations. In the cafeteria she noted that:

Turanil said:
After a long and careful, yet discreet, observation, Kecia is sure that nothing or nobody threatens the crew [Spot check of 25]. She nonetheless notices something that looks suspicious. There is a table with three guys: a Chinese and two Indians accompanying and helping him. The Chinese, who is around 60 years old, looks dumb and clumsy, something reminding of a child trying to learn how to eat properly…

6) During the initial tour, Jay Purr noted that only Shabu-Avindranath Corp, where Dr. Mopta is the chief researcher, has a significant technological emblacement, and it extends across two sections of Ashira_29's hull.

7) Upon talking to Shemezgan, Vincent Collins has determined that Shabu-Avindranath has "gone shopping" with Shemezgan & Balmers in the past.

Potential Correlation #3: Possibly Dr. Mopta & Shabu-Avindranath corporation have created a "wild mutation" that allows a genetically-enhanced person to generate and manipulate a plasma field? If this field were powerful enough, it could be used as a weapon and it would create the effects as noted in the final, chaotic transmissions from ISS Colorado and ISS Sheridan. If this mutation were grafted onto an unregistered clone of a deceased person, we have a potential weapon system. The real person would be officially dead, and the clone would not be in the databanks. Brain pattern download to the clone may involve control mechanisms making the clone a willing tool, as we discussed previously. The elderly chinese gentleman from (5) above might be one such creation, or simply an indication that cloning is taking place.

In the game thread, Jay will ask some questions to possibly elucidate more info. However, one, possibly urgent matter should be dealt with quickly:

Tentative Conclusion: The anti-H bombs are probably still near Jupiter, and we should try to wrap things up on Ashira_29 ASAP and head outward. We should also make the arrangements to rent a segment of the station and contract with Shemezgan & Balmers to acquire some quasi-illegal goods for us. Thus, our cover can hopefully be maintained. Filing a fake flight plan, say to Mercury, might also be useful.

Caine Freerover

First Post
Jay Purr said:
Just to lay out what seem to be some suspicious facts and events to see what matches up, I have assembled the following small list of items from the "Playing the Game" thread. Some possible correlations exist, but I do not think anything can really be yet concluded with certainty. This is mostly to generate discussion and debate. Turanil, please correct any errors if you spot them.

1) The ships ISS Colorado and ISS Sheridan were attacked nine days ago while in Jupiter orbit. This concluded from our briefing plus the two days that have passed during the game so far.

2) The current head of the Church of the Scientific Revelation, the Church's "Guide," "bought" the position by contributing the most funds towards the purchase of the ship Pilgrim so that the former Guide could take his Final Pilgrimage in the flesh. Note that the former Guide had the revelation that he could make the Final Pilgrimage while still actually alive on a recent trip to Mars. This ship departed Ashira_29 approximately a month ago and filed a flight plan for Jupiter, as we discussed in our meeting. It should be at or near Jupiter by now, if that is where it actually went.

You know, I didn't think of that. We should definitely try to find out who else was on the Pilgrim.

3) SIA headquarter's suspects the involvement of Martian Triads (from the briefing linked above).

This could be wishful thinking on their part. but we do have two links to Mars: the
new head of the Church and Dr. Mopta both came to the station from Mars. This is another thing we should follow up.

4) Caine Freerover has determined that Dr. Mopta is or has been, involved in research of a questionable ethical nature involving the integration of electric field organs into animal and human genomics (from our meeting on board Telarion referenced above).

I'll just add that a sufficiently powerful electrical field will generate plasma. A spark and a bolt of lightning are both plasma (ionized high-temperature gas).

Tentative Conclusion: The anti-H bombs are probably still near Jupiter, and we should try to wrap things up on Ashira_29 ASAP and head outward. We should also make the arrangements to rent a segment of the station and contract with Shemezgan & Balmers to acquire some quasi-illegal goods for us. Thus, our cover can hopefully be maintained. Filing a fake flight plan, say to Mercury, might also be useful.

I'm inclined to agree with this course of action.

Vincent Collins

First Post
You're definitely on to something here. I especially like correlation #3, the mutant clone magnetic field-generator. So crazy it has to have a shred of truth in it ;) Thanks for putting all our collected facts into one place; now we have a solid idea of how to plan our next few investigative moves...


First Post
Hi all,

I have a problem of Internet connection at home (writing this from somewhere else), so cannot post at the moment. Don't know when it will work again.

Sorry! :(


First Post
Still sorry guys... :(

My internet connection has been out of order for two weeks now. I can't find what's the problem, and the technical assistance neither. I am considering changing of Internet Provider and modem at the same time, but will wait a little before taking my decision. In any case, right now I still cannot connect on the Internet (I am writing this from another place, and don't have time for gaming here).

Sorry all. Until later... :(


First Post
Hello all!

It seems that my Internet connection is up again. I will still consider to change stuff in January, but right now I am considering resuming our game. I will take time to see what you all posted, and let the game go on again (probably today or tomorrow).

Sorry for having been so long, but I couldn't do otherwise. :heh:



Caine Freerover

First Post
Welcome Back!

I think we're considereing splitting the group for a little more recon--one set to the hospital if it seems like Balmers' parter could know something, and one to the Church to try and access their records from within.


Voidrunner's Codex

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