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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell. [FULL]


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Game: d20 Modern + d20 Future.
Campaign Setting: Transhuman Space.
Adventure: This is a one shot adventure (equivalent to a 2 or 3 evening gaming session around the table) for 8th level characters (a starship crew of up to 12 PCs).
Internet connection: I intend to add maps and pictures, so you better have a high-speed Internet connection to play that game. (In any case, it's generally much better to have a high-speed connection to connect on Enworld…)


Creating characters for this campaign:

1) New account and specific pic. To join this game you must create a new account on Enworld, that will bear the name (username) of your PC in this game, and use one of the pics shown below. First joins = first chooses; tell me which pic you want, and I send it your way in the good size and kb weight. Thereafter, to play you must only use this account/username/pic. (The purpose is to help generate a sci-fi / starship crew ambiance.)

2) PC race and background: Your character is human… or at least looks exactly like a human. No alien race allowed, so if it's not human, it's probably a bioreplica droid, or maybe a covert Moreau (see here for ideas). Other than that, your character may come from anywhere in the Solar System, although it is 99.99 % probable that it is from Earth. (Those familiar with Transhuman Space will now where else the character could have grown up.)

3) PC classes: Basically, anything from d20 Modern + d20 Future is allowed. However, spellcasters (d20 Modern) are not allowed, and some advanced classes won't be really appropriate for this game (such as: Personality, Dimension ranger, Nuclear nomad, etc.). On the other hand the following supplement is allowed: Blood & Space 2: High Flyers and Ground Pounders.

4) Suggestions of Classes and skills: This is essentially a starship's crew, the kind you would find in Star Trek. As such, combat (including use of medium armor), investigation skills, scientific knowledge, technical skills, and zero-G training will be much useful. Likewise, warriors and scientists types would do well. On the other hand, crooks and celebrities have nothing to do here; and skills like Bluff or Diplomacy will probably see little use, although if a PC has such skills, there will be a couple of circumstances where they may be of use.

5) Starting Level: All PCs begin at 8th level.

6) Ability Scores: Use the point-buy method: 32 points (see DMG 3.5 p.169, or DMG 3.0 p.20).Then, as your PC begins at 8th level, you also twice get a +1 to one ability score of your choice.

7) Hit-Points: They are rolled using an online dice roller. This will also be used for important rolls and checks during the game; it's nice because it sends the result of die roll to emails (so yourself and the DM).

8) Equipment: Will be discussed between DM and players on a case by case basis for special stuff. Otherwise simply buy whatever you want using your starting wealth; but don't forget that you will be provided with equipment by the mission's sponsor (including a starship).

Okay, here are the pics to choose from for your character. In parenthesis is a suggestion of the type of class / skills that these characters look to me best suited for. Tell me which number you want (first to apply, first to choose), and I send it to you in the relevant size and kb weight to upload as your avatar pic. Of course, each pic can be gotten by only one player, even those with a or b variants.

The World (Transhuman Space):

This is Earth and the solar system in the beginning of the 22nd century. Tech level = 7. To summarize it extremely briefly:

The action takes place in 2108. The 21st century has not seen a third world war (although wars are still fought on Earth and in space); however it has seen a great development of technology. Antigravity and Faster than Light travel still don't exist, but genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence are extremely advanced. That is: new human species are created (adapted to the oceans, life on Mars, or just enhanced humans), intelligent machines including biodroids are everywhere, the Internet has grown into an omnipresent digital sphere, etc. Besides, even if there still aren't any expedition to other stars, most of the solar system is well traveled. With the latest of propulsion technology, spaceships go to other planets in a matter of weeks. Mars is in the process of being terraformed, and has a population of 2.5 millions of inhabitants. There otherwise exist bases and stations (usually of just a few hundred residents) around most planets of the solar system.

For a complete description of the Solar system and humanity in 2100, see Transhuman Space. This adventure revolves around info found in that book.


The Game:

1) Mission: The PCs are agents and military operatives commissioned by their government to recover 3 antihydrogen bombs that went missing, and then arrest/punish the thieves (probably some terrorist organization). The original investigation led to an old space station orbiting Earth. Unfortunately however, the investigators were eventually discovered, and now the legal proceedings are exceedingly complex and will take months to be resolved. As such, it has been decided to send a covert operative team in space, aboard a starship disguised as a scientific endeavor, to get back those bombs. Despite the fact that, according to the Revised Outer Space Treaty, weapons of mass destruction are prohibited in the Solar system, this team will obviously operate outside any legality. In other words, the PCs are alone, and won't be covered / protected by the government if they get into trouble.

2) Rate of Posting: Once a day is perfect. You can post more just to speak with the other PCs, or you can post less, and so be in a more passive mode. In fact, as this is a starship crew, when players do post infrequently, I will just consider that their characters are busy doing some maintenance, watch, or else on the starship, while the more active posters' PCs are on the real action.

In any case, I will check the thread every day, and intervene when I feel it's appropriate. I am not only the DM, but also portray all the NPCs. (This includes the starship and its "avatar". The starship is equipped with an AI -artificial intelligence-, plus a biodroid to make repairs and what not when appropriate.) Note that if I have to create a large map, it could take some time before I can post it (but I will say so).




This thread is for recruiting, asking questions, and discussing various aspects of the game out-of-character.
- Stat-blocks are posted on the Rogue Gallery forum: here.
- When an avatar pic has been chosen and attributed, I must send your way the appropriate 64x64 and <4kb file for you to upload it on Enworld. So, for that just email me, and I will send back the avatar: dominique.crouzet@libertysurf.fr (be precise in the email title, so I don't inadvertantly mistake it for spam and delete).


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First Post
Jack of Shadows said:
I'd like to take #8. Characters name will be John Tobermory once I set up the new account.

<from a previous post>
If (Psi)SeveredHead doesn't want the command slot I'd be interested. Once I know for certain I'll start throwing the character together.

The command slot is yours (as the pic #8 for John Tobermory). Congratulations! :)

Just send me an email, so I can email you back the low resolution pic for uploading on Enworld (must be 64x64 and < to 4kb). My email is:
dominique.crouzet@libertysurf.fr (when sending me an email write a clear header title, obviously for that d20 game, as otherwise I may inadvertently think it's spam and delete before reading...)


First Post
What about Blood & Circuits? I have a great concept for a BioDroid Gadgeteer that would be perfect at 8th level. He'd fill the role of Scientist (probably #10) since no one would make a geeky looking robot *grin*.

The only think exciting about Gadgeteer is that at 8th level (5th level Gadgeteer) they can pull together pretty useful items in just a few rounds and/or minutes. There's a limit to what they can create of course. However, these devices that if anyone ever rolls a 1 (on a 20) in association with them, they explode.

Other wise the expanded item creation rules (constructed normally) could be a cool add for an independent starship. While construction of complex items is a tad faster, it will still take a few game days to make most complex items, and purchase/construction DC's are often equivalent to the listed Purchase DC. But in deep space you might not be able to pull over at the local gas station and buy an Induction Drive.


First Post
Masada said:
What about Blood & Circuits? I have a great concept for a BioDroid Gadgeteer that would be perfect at 8th level.

As the adventure stands, there should be plenty of opportunities for such a character... :cool:

I am okay with the biodroid gadgeteer. I don't have the Blood & Circuit supplement, so it would be nice that you send me a document detailing the class and feats you want to use for this character.

Being a biodroid: I had originally an idea for adding a NPC droid into the starship. However, with one player wanting to be the ship's engineer, and yourself wanting to be the biodroid gadgeteer, I think I won't add such a NPC.

Also: I have added three new avatars. Two are for droids obviously; which one do you want?

(PS: to Jack of Shadows and others: I send the avatar pics as soon as my mail server is working again...)
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First Post
#13 looks good to me. I'll also poke around for a good one. Something a nudge more humanoid looking.

At first glance I didn't see what size the star ship was. That's important to your Pilot. Plus I didn't see any "gunner" positions listed. Do you see that role filled with the other characters?

Also what about starting gear? Cyberware? I was thinking about these issue as I pondered "fallback" characters.
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First Post
Masada: If you find photos of droids, but with backround that don't seem appropriate, send them my way, and i will rework them with photoshop to create avatars.

The ship is huge: 140 meters long (470 feet). As far as positions go I don't mind: players position for whatever they want (and can think of), provided it remains logical (i.e.: no two commanders obviously). The starship is equiped with an Artifical intelligence, so can take care of itself if need be. Having a pilot will help in emergency cases, and there is one shuttle and two starfighters to use that will require pilots. As for gunners, in an age of computers and artificial intelligence, there is no need for a character devoted exclusively as a gunner; however a couple of multipurpose soldiers / marine would be greatly valued.

I don't want to spoil the adventure, so I don't say much; plus I want to let the players decide of their actions, and let them go into stations, onto planets surfaces, etc. The game won't be limited to starship combat! (and in fact there may be not that much of it)
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Posting your PC stat-blocks

Well, according to an Enworld's tradition, if I am not mistaken, PCs must have their stat-blocks posted on relevant Rogue Gallery forum thread. Hence, the present thread is to ask question and discuss various things. For stat-blocks see and post here.

Thanks. :)
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