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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell. [FULL]


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I'd be interested in joining if you're still after players. :)

I'm thinking along the lines of a marine using pic 3b, Cpl. Brendon Radley seems like an alright name (best one i can think of anyway).

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Festy_Dog said:
I'd be interested in joining if you're still after players. :)

I'm thinking along the lines of a marine using pic 3b, Cpl. Brendon Radley seems like an alright name (best one i can think of anyway).

Well, the upper limit will be 8 characters. I think the game would become unwieldy with more (12 as initially proposed seems too much after all, but if later it proves no problem to handle, I could accept a couple of other players, provided we find an interesting way to include them into the team).

Currently only 3 players have proposed to join. So you are welcome as Cpl. Brendon Radley, using the pic #3b. Create your PC as you want, but I need that your character being at least proficient with medium armor (Medium Armor Proficiency feat to be able to use PL7 medium combat armor).

Send me an email so i can send you back the avatar pic.


First Post
Falkus said:
I've got my character done. Corporal Kecia Tavernier, using picture 6a.

Great! Welcome aboard Cpl. Kecia Tavernier! I guess you are a Tough character with that pic? Some ranks in Intimidate? ;) At least I expect you have Medium Armor Proficiency feat (it will be important).

So, so far the follwing pics have been taken: 3b, 6a, 8 and 13. Of course, if it isn't obvious, 3a and 6b are also no longer available. Don't forget to email me so I can send the avatar pic back.

Great, this game is already exhilarating me! :cool:


First Post
Excellent. The PCs' employer is the SIA (Space Intelligence Agency); that is: like the CIA but in space instead than on Earth.
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Character posted in Rogues Gallery...

Character quotes:
"Where did I put my atom wrench?"

"Okay, you have to hold your finger on the blow back toggle while you aim. If you don't you'll blow your ear off. Good luck!"

"I found this warp dampener in the trash bin and I used its wave coils to power the suit... This not only provides a strength boost, but keeps your buns toasty too."

"Is breathing important to you?"

"I'm not sure what the red button does. Good luck!"

"BOOM! *Sparks* ARRGGH!!! MY EYE!"

"If I only had a wheelbarrow."

"Once while supporting the 501st artillary division, I fashioned a rocket launcher from my own arse...."

"Don't touch that!"

"I didn't think the portside Head was working efficiently so I re-wired it. I think I may have inadvertantly spaced Private Yates."

"Here! I finished whipping up that plasma grenade. You better just throw it now, since it's going blow up sometime in the next ten minutes. Good luck!"

"Excellent! It fits you like a glove. Now I'm going to go over here behind the blast door while you power it up. Good luck!"
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First Post
Class(es) ; Source (d20 Modern) Smart 3 / (Blood & Circuits) Gadgeteer 5

Harvee has spent most of "his" machine life fixing and jury rigging devices of all types inside the confederation. Starships, weapons, armor, anything and everything. Harvee typically hauls around a back full of spare parts and pocket welder. While highly innovative, Harvee's creation have a tendency to explode after a few uses. But even so, sometimes all you need is a couple of good shots.

Harvee has experimented with crafting his own upgrades from time to time. But he rarely does so since he blew both arms off in a botched strength upgrade.

Starting occupation: None
Allegiance: Confederation
Reputation: +2

Masada/HAR-Vee: Biodroid Smart 3/Gadgeteer 5
Combat: HD: 8d10+10; Hit-points: 61; MAS --; Initiative: +3; Speed: 25; Defense 21 (touch 16, flat-footed 15); BAB +4; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee (1d4, unarmed strike), or +7 ranged (2d8, firearm); AP 12.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3.
Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con -- (+0), Int 18 (+4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0).
Racial Traits: Biodroid: Immunities: Biodroids are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. They are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain (except as noted under Destruction/Restoration, below), energy drain, or the effects of massive damage. They cannot be raised from the dead.
Skills: Computer Use (Int) +15, Craft: Electronic (Int) +18, Craft: Mechanic (Int) +23, Craft: Cybernetics (Int) +16, Craft: Structure (Int) +16, Decipher Script (Int) +4, Demolitions (Int) +5, Disable Device (Int) +19, Forgery (Int) +16, Investigate (Int) +4, Know: Tech (Int) +15, Know: Physics (Int) +15, Listen (Wis) +2, Navigate (Int) +4, Profession (Wis) +0, Repair (Int) +18, Research (Int) +15, Search (Int) +16, Spot (Wis) +2, Bluff (Cha) +0, Sleight of Hand (Dex) +4, Pilot (Int) +5
Feats and Talents: robot traits, Simple Weapons,Personal Firearms, Savant (Craft: Electronic), Builder (Mechanic, Electronic), Savant (Disable Device), Mastercrafter, Mother of Invention 50, Stone Knives +1, Handyman (Mechanic, Repair), Advanced Armor Design, Stone Knives +2, Mother of Invention 250
Equipment: sturdy clothing, Laser Rifle, Mechanical Tool Kit, Electronic Took Kit, Multi-Tool, Pocket Welder, Duct Tape, Bailing wire
Task hands function just like advanced hands, except that they are equipped with additional joints and often with additional or telescoping digits, enabling them to multitask, as well as to spread the robot's grip strength over a slightly wider area.
A robot with a task hand gains a +1 equipment bonus on Climb, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, Drive, Escape Artist, Forgery, Pilot, Repair, Search, Sleight of Hand, and Treat Injury checks. This bonus improves to +2 if the robot has two or more task hands. At the GM's discretion, the robot can gain this bonus when attempting certain Perform checks as well.
Damage: Nonlethal bludgeoning only.
Purchase DC: 10 + one-quarter the base purchase DC of the robot's frame.
This sensor system includes hi-definition video sensors with darkvision (out to 120 feet), acoustic audio sensors, a chemical vapor scanner, pressure sensors, and multiband radar that uses multiple concurrent radar signals in different frequencies to gather more data.
A robot with a Class VII sensor system gains a +2 equipment bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. All other skill checks are made without penalty. The robot also gains a +2 equipment bonus on initiative checks.
Type: Audio, Olfactory, Tactile, Visual.
Purchase DC: 22.
Robots are often used to explore environments inhospitable to organic creatures. The survivor array enables the robot to better traverse harsh terrain and withstand hostile conditions. A survivor array includes the following units:
o Topographical and astronomical guidance systems that grant a +10 equipment bonus on Navigate checks.
o A pressure-sealed, energy-resistant frame that allows the robot to function normally in low-gravity, high-gravity, and zero-gravity conditions, prevents oxidation and corrosion, and provides resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
Purchase DC: 15 + one-half the base purchase DC of the robot's frame.
Restriction: Licensed (+1).
This easy-to-acquire alloy is lightweight and reasonably strong. Bioreplica robots and liquid-state robots cannot have integrated aluminsteel armor.
Equipment Bonus: +5.
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the robot's frame (rounded down).
Speed Penalty: -5 feet.
Purchase DC: 10 + one-half the base purchase DC of the robot's frame.
Restriction: None.


First Post
I'm game...

This game sounds very interesting, and I would love to play. Thumbnail #5 looks good to me. I think the character's name will be Conrad Hart. He would be a scientist, considering no one has really chosen to be a one yet. I'll set up the account as soon as I get confirmation.

Voidrunner's Codex

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