First Post
There are worlds beyond our own.
Alternate dimensions.
Other realities.
Places where magic and monsters are real.
In 2002 an underwater archeology expedition accidentally found something in the Carribean. Something that the United States government soon determined was the source of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.
The artifact, an eight sided crystal of unknown origin, is capable of sending objects and people through time and dimension.
The government has determined that a credible threat exists from the beings existing in those other dimensions and has put together special military and scientific teams to battle this threat.
By hooking the artifact up to a nuclear power generator, government scientists have created a stable gateway that can be turned on and off and adjusted to change the destination. Using this "Shadowgate," they intend to eliminate the threat posed by these other dimensions by any means necessary.
Welcome to the next Crazy Monkey play-by-post, this one using the D20 Modern rules.
This game draws some inspiration from Stargate and Sliders, with the players taking the role of military and scientific characters exploring other dimensions, assessing the threat of the natives of those dimensions, and dealing with those threats.
For those familiar with my Paths of Legend setting, this game takes place in the "What Came Before" era of the setting in the spring of 2009.
The player characters will be traveling to different worlds, including (eventually) D&D worlds such as the Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance and Eberron.
Character Creation
Books Available: D20 Modern core rulebook only
Starting Level: 1
Ability Scores: 25 point buy
Starting Wealth Bonus: 5 + any relevant modifiers
Starting Occupation: Because the PCs are members of a US military run operation, starting occupations are limited to Academic, Adventurer, Doctor, Emergency Services, Law Enforcement, Military, and Technician.
Advanced Classes: All are available, including (and especially) FX related ones.
I'll be limiting the group to no more than six. The first "episode" will be the recruitment and assembly of the team by the US government. As a team, players will want to have a well rounded group of skills and abilities. In other words, those recruited for the team will be a couple of military types, a scientist or two, perhaps a medic, and more than likely a "talker" to interact with non-hostiles.
Players can arrange with me, via PM, to eventually replace their initial character with a native of one of the visited worlds (a member of a D&D race) if they want to go that route.
Alternate dimensions.
Other realities.
Places where magic and monsters are real.
In 2002 an underwater archeology expedition accidentally found something in the Carribean. Something that the United States government soon determined was the source of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.
The artifact, an eight sided crystal of unknown origin, is capable of sending objects and people through time and dimension.
The government has determined that a credible threat exists from the beings existing in those other dimensions and has put together special military and scientific teams to battle this threat.
By hooking the artifact up to a nuclear power generator, government scientists have created a stable gateway that can be turned on and off and adjusted to change the destination. Using this "Shadowgate," they intend to eliminate the threat posed by these other dimensions by any means necessary.
Welcome to the next Crazy Monkey play-by-post, this one using the D20 Modern rules.
This game draws some inspiration from Stargate and Sliders, with the players taking the role of military and scientific characters exploring other dimensions, assessing the threat of the natives of those dimensions, and dealing with those threats.
For those familiar with my Paths of Legend setting, this game takes place in the "What Came Before" era of the setting in the spring of 2009.
The player characters will be traveling to different worlds, including (eventually) D&D worlds such as the Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance and Eberron.
Character Creation
Books Available: D20 Modern core rulebook only
Starting Level: 1
Ability Scores: 25 point buy
Starting Wealth Bonus: 5 + any relevant modifiers
Starting Occupation: Because the PCs are members of a US military run operation, starting occupations are limited to Academic, Adventurer, Doctor, Emergency Services, Law Enforcement, Military, and Technician.
Advanced Classes: All are available, including (and especially) FX related ones.
I'll be limiting the group to no more than six. The first "episode" will be the recruitment and assembly of the team by the US government. As a team, players will want to have a well rounded group of skills and abilities. In other words, those recruited for the team will be a couple of military types, a scientist or two, perhaps a medic, and more than likely a "talker" to interact with non-hostiles.
Players can arrange with me, via PM, to eventually replace their initial character with a native of one of the visited worlds (a member of a D&D race) if they want to go that route.
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