[D20 Modern] Paths of Legend: Shadowgate (OOC)

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Ok, CM, I fixed some formatting, and more importantly gave you some juicy background to work with. I think I did a damn fine job on it so you better read it! ;)


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Very intriguing background. The challenge here for both me as GM and you as player is why the government would take a risk on someone like Connor on a super secret project like the Shadowgate missions. Let's start with his Wild Talent feat. How does that play into his background or does he even know he has it, yet?


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I figure some of the psi-ops guys had picked up minor "psi-chatter" in the area leading up to the explosion, plus some of the forensic evidence of how the bomb was delivered and installed didn't add up. Combining the FBI reports with the psi-ops reports led to some black investigations into Connor's mental state and abilities. Reports from an observation unit working inside the institution have corroborated suspicions that Conner indeed had some psi potential. Conner is only partly aware that he is different, using his ability intuitively rather than through deliberate application of will. In his heightened emotional states, things sometimes move on their own around him, though the effects are subtle. During the years of his planning and especially during the last few days of the bomb plot, his blinding obsession seemed to provide the emotional boost needed to manifest. In those out-of-his-mind hours, the TK abilities came so naturally to him that they were employed without him really even giving them a second thought.
Connor's psychological profile indicates a high probability that he has the flexible perception of reality needed to cope with the anticipated stresses of project Shadowgate. Now that his wife is dead and he has no living close relatives or children, he will not have problematic ties to the world outside project Shadowgate.
Were Connor to find new purpose in his life, there is a good chance he could be a highly reliable team member. Pair that with his exceptional (and sometimes uncanny) linguistic abilities and excellent psi potential, and he becomes a must-have recruit.

So whaddaya think? I ended up kinda making that a pseudo report/dossier on Connor.


First Post
If there is still room I'd like to play in this campaign: I'm in Australia so I would be replying at strange times. Let me know!

[sblock=Amy Monroe : Military Combat Psychologist]
CR 1

Female Human Dedicated Hero 1
Occupation: Military
Medium Humanoid (5'6")
Age: 26
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Ponytail, Brown
Skin: Light tan
Build: Wiry, athletic

hp 7 (1d6+1)
Init +0
Spd 30 ft.
Defense 11 (+1 class); touch 10, flat-footed 10
BAB +0; Grap +0
Atk Strike, Unarmed +0 melee (1d3)
SQ: Empathy
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +3
AP 5
Rep +1
Wealth Bonus 4 (2d4 = 3) + 1 for Military

Str 11
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 12

Skills: ((5+Int(2) X 4 = 28 points)

Diplomacy +5 (4 points = 4 ranks + 1 cha)
Gather Information +3 (4 points = 2 ranks + 1 cha)
Investigate +4 (2 points = 2 ranks + 2 Int)
Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) +6 (4 points = 4 ranks + 2 Int)
Knowledge (Tactics) +4 (2 points = 2 ranks + 2 Int)
Research +4 (4 points = 2 ranks + 2 Int)
Sense Motive +6 ( 4 points = 4 ranks + 2 Wis)
Swim +2 ( 2 points = 2 ranks + 0 Str)
Treat Injury +4 (2 points = 2 ranks + 2 Wis)

Speaks English
Speak small amounts of Mandarin

Simple Weapon Proficiency
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Defensive Martial Arts
Advanced Firearms Proficiency

Personal Belongings
Simple Silver Necklace (given by her father for graduating)
Uniform (Standard Issue Australian Army)
Night Vision Goggles
First Aid Kit
flick knife
Pencil and folder (usually split into a diary, and then notes for 'patients' or 'subjects')
Usually Amy carries into combat binoculars, a walkie-talkie (professional), light sticks, she uses a Browning GP-35 Mk. III Hi-Power pistol (count as Beretta 92F I suppose) and a Steyr AUG as a longarm. Although having limited training Amy is not a sniper or good with heavy weapons. She would normally request a combat knife as well as any special issue items that are required for a mission.

Born in Australia Amy spent her younger years as a psychology major, primarily focused on behavioural studies with a minor in anthropology. Although a middle of the board student, Amy excelled in identifying traits and took a great interest in such fringe sciences such as NLP and became adept at reading people.

Graduating, Amy struggled to find the work she was interested in and with few other options she enlisted in the Australian army as a psychologist and was quickly put into the field. Her intuition and intelligence led her quickly to become attached to the PSYOP's division. Her official title being a "Combat Psychologist," Amy was given some training in basic first aid to double as a medic as well as a in depth understanding of tactics on the field. However her specialties lie within the field of combat stress, depression and situation control.

Due to this her army training, psychology background and specialist skills made her a strong candidate to become an envoy to the US Military, albeit to share information and learn from her counterparts, and as such she has applied for the program.[/sblock]
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Dire Lemming

First Post
Welcome aboard. :D

Combat ready characters will be a definate must for this campaign. ;)

The D20 Modern SRD

Keep in mind that we're not using "Arcana," "Menaces," or "Future" sections (for now, we may add those in later).

Hoo boy, never made a D20 Modern character all by myself. The closest thing was this western system that was sort of based on D20M. Got any tips for making my character? Oh yeah, I found this much better HTML SRD.

d20 Modern System Reference Document
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First Post
If I knew anything about d20Modern I'd be all over this, but alas I do not and haven't the time to learn. So enjoy all. CM runs great games, you won't be disappointed.


Max Storm

[sblock=Background/Character Concept]

Max Storm hated his name, moreso he hated that the stereotype fit him. He was the adventuring type. He just..... craved it. He couldn't live without the adrenaline rush. It was the adrenaline rush that caused him to learn to use the more ancient weapons. He loved the difficulty of it, the up close and personal nature.

He still hadn't mastered them yet, but he favored the classic bow and the cutting edge of the sword. Something about the feel, they just seemed right. If he had believed in previous lives; he was sure his would of included those weapons.

He had gone to college.... didn't learn anything but he went. Graduated in the middle of his class with a b.s. in history. His parents kept trying to push him into following their footsteps and becoming a teacher. Ugh, what a disgusting thought. Why in the world would he want to spend all day talking to a bunch of snot-nose, idiotic teens? Especially when he could be out in the world, experiencing every bit of what it had to offer. That is what he craved.

The only thing Max had in common with his parents was that they were active adventurers. Every so often, Max's father would take the year off from school because of some important dig or treasure hunt. The only reason the school allowed this was because they got the credit for it, and the government more than made up for the "monetary loss" the school suffered.

Max was actually in the middle east, looking for some kind of ancient relic. All he really knew about it was that it was solid gold.... and nearly 4 feet tall. It was suppose to be a statue of some ancient god. He didn't really care. He had a good lead on where it was and how to go about getting it out of the dang country. An American man, one of those guys who stick out but your not sure why, found Max at a small restaurant. He didn't ask, he just sat down.

He simply handed Max a letter and sat there. Max eyed him carefully as he grabbed the letter. It was from his dad. He opened it carefully, as if he was afraid it would explode. As he read it, he would rather of it exploded. His father had been involved in finding some technology, and actually requested that Max came. He said something about his "style" of adventuring would come in handy, if he could keep his mind open.

The last paragraph made up his mind for him. His mother had began there by his father's side. That is, until the artifact was accidently activated. Something from the other side came through...... and took her with it. He may not of been a great child, but he loved his parents. If there was any chance of getting her back, or at least getting revenge, then he would. Max stood quickly and simply told the man, "Let's go."


I think I'm going to change him to strong hero...... going into the Shadow Slayer prc. I'll post a link to the character sheet (it's on myth-weavers.com, I just think it's more neat).



Mother's Name: Michelle Storm
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First Post
Thanks for the vote of confidence, ethandrew. :D

I'll be looking over characters in more detail sometime today or tomorrow. Great concepts so far. :D I like the Australian exchange character quite a bit. ;) As for the "movie star named" adventurer type, good background, but need a bit more on what would get him chosen for a super secret US government program.

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