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[D20 Modern] Stargate SG-1 - Part II - It's getting warmer

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.06 hours, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah starts instinctually backing away from the creature. Taking in the scene he starts manuervering himself as he goes backwards towards the gate.

It was clear that Jeremiah was not watching where he was going, as he very nearly bumped into her. "Dammit, Greyson," she snarled, removing her hand from his shoulder and leveling her rifle on the oversized snake. Greyson' translation did nothing to make her feel better. Still backing up, she called out to Durant. "Durant? Waiting for permission to fire. Please?" Amazing. She was actually doing a decent job of keping the nervouness out of her voice. Although if she did not get the orders soon, she'd seriously consider taking the initiative herself.

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I aim to misbehave
Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.12 hours, June 3, 2003

The commotion that followed the creature’s eruption from the lava was frenzied. Several were gathering gear, some were dropping gear and others were observing their surroundings, or just to stunned to react. Overall, they were all waiting for the gate to open and to escape the hellish terrain . . . and the creatures that came with it.

Lorelai keyed the next several symbols into the DHD, hopefully that those around her would do their job and allow her the time necessary to do her job. She and Andreev knew that she needed at least 15 to twenty seconds before anyone could go through the gate, and they couldn’t get within 10-20 feet of the entrance until it opened due to the explosive opening of the wormhole. The chevrons on the gate lit and the gate spun to the next combination and locked into place. It had suddenly gotten much warmer behind her, though she didn’t hear was Jeremiah said over the din of activity.

Craig Durant scanned his surroundings before fixing his gaze on the large salamander, noting several of the other smaller creatures (though still larger than human size) were beginning to emerge from the pools. Others noticed this as well, particularly Rylee, Lucas, Luther, and Andreev.

Though Rylee and Jeremiah stepped back from the creature, the salamander easily approached them. With its long reach, a flaming hand struck both of them, igniting some of the flammables that Jeremiah was carrying, as well as jarring both of them. *

Jeremiah seemed to take the brunt of the assault, his eyes watering from the impact.

With the strike, the other salamanders issued a shrill hissing cheer and slowly closed on the team from the various pools.

OOC: Rylee: 19 damage (8 of it is fire), Jeremiah 21 damage (8 of it is fire). All?


Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.12 hours, June 3, 2003

This is bad! Lucas thought in alarm as the salamander struck at Rylee and Jeremiah. He pulled his pistol free from its holster, and without a second thought fired at the alien creature menacing his companions.


Rogue Warrior
Lt. Commander Craig Durant

Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.12 hours, June 3, 2003

Durant opened up with 2 bursts from his rifle, into the large creature attacking them.

"Andreev, get this team through the gate! Now! Stewart, Donovan, Reed, we're rear guard!"
Durant did not turn or look away from the creature attacking his team. He relied on them being professionals and getting the job done. Out of his peripheral vision he saw more of the smaller fire-f^($ers coming to join in the assault.

To himself he muttered, "This is looking to be a real short trip."


First Post
Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.12 hours, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah staggers abit taken aback by the force of the blow. "DON'T DO THIS!" Jeremiah yells at the lizard. Jeremiah continues to stagger backwards taking in his surroundings seemingly for the very first time. I can not believe I f@#@ed this up so bad.

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.12 hours, June 3, 2003

The blow stung, but training kept her on her feet. She kept moving backwards, listening to the sound of gunfire behind her. She too took a shot at the snake, noting with dismay that the ohers were emerging from the pools. She was amazed when she noticed Jeremiah was still trying to talk to the snake, having not moved very far from it at all. "Greyson! The time for talking is over! Greyson!" He'd been hurt badly... perhaps he'd been struck in the head? Or was he just very sure in his communication techniques?


First Post
Lt Barry Stewart (4d6 AD 68VP 14WP)

Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.12 hours June 3, 2003

Nuke261 said:
"Andreev, get this team through the gate! Now! Stewart, Donovan, Reed, we're rear guard!"

"Yes, SIR!!!"

Now that the orders were issued Stewart was ready to act. Any decisions he would have had to make were of no consequence. 'Holy $#!^ here we go. I'm not sure what chance I have against that thing.'

(Deep Breath)

Like a robot ordered into battle Stewart promptly marched in the direction of the flaming snake, at the same time the pistol seemed to appear in his hand. He opened fired on the monster as he spared a quick to glance to the injured. He noticed the Grayson was a little slower in reacting to the situation than Rylee.

In a most matter of fact way of speaking, Stewart spoke to Grayson as he stepped by him, "Follow Rylee, fast!."

As the situation was assessed to the best of his ability, Stewart placed himself between Grayson and the fire demon as he did his best to empty the clip of his 9mm into the belly of the beast.

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov (3d4 AD 45VP 14WP)

Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.12 hours, June 3, 2003

"Andreev, get this team through the gate! Now! Stewart, Donovan, Reed, we're rear guard!"

Weapon in hand, Andreev attempted to gather everyone at the DHD. "Miss Fallon! Mr. Grayson! Prepare to enter the Stargate as soon as it becomes operational! Mr. Fisher, please assist me in gathering as much of the remaining gear as we can carry!" Gun trained on the largest naga-creature, he waited for the others to congregate at the DHD. Looking to Lorelai, he called to her. "Doctor Nguyen, how long do you estimate before the Stargate is operational?"

His attention was soon divided, as the others began to open fire on the creature. An idea sprang forth in his mind, and he yelled over the noise in the warehouse, to suggest it as a possibility to Durant. "Commander! Perhaps we could use some of our flammables as distractions!"
Last edited:


I aim to misbehave
Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.18 hours, June 3, 2003

Donovan acknowledged his commander’s orders with well-practiced ease. With equal well-practiced skill, Donovan took aim with his rifle and placed a single shot which impacted nicely into the large creature’s right shoulder. The environment didn’t matter, the group of teams in front of the creature didn’t matter . . . only he and his target.

Ilianov barked his orders and heard from Lorelai that it would take 5-10 seconds until the gate would open. She reminded him that people needed to be at least 15 feet away from the event horizon when it opened or they would be vaporized. Andreev then slung his sea bag over his shoulder and grabbed some additional gear.

“Understood,” Lt. Reed calmly replied to Commander Durant as she scanned the warehouse for targets. She drew her sidearm with her free hand as she slung her bag over her shoulder as well. When her arm finished with slinging her bag, it also had another sidearm in it as well. She aimed at the smaller salamanders that approached from the right of the Stargate, allowing the others to concentrate on the large creature. She held her fire waiting for the order, . . . or until the creatures started getting too close.

Durant fired two bursts from his FN P90, catching the creature on the left flank (several of the bullets pinging across the salamander’s scales). His final burst he pulled wide as Grayson and Fallon got dangerously close to his line of fire. Whether from the creature’s heat or from its scales, his shots didn’t seem to matter much to the salamander.

Fallon kept her arm steady and fired a shot from her rifle . . . or rather, the rifle she acquired shortly before leaving home. The shot felt satisfying as it thunked into the creature’s chest and made it stagger a step. The recoil kicked her shoulder, but she ignored the impact.

Fisher pulled his pistol and fired. Whether it was the movement of the creature or the people in front of it, his shot missed its target – actually coming closer to hitting Grayson than the creature.

The smaller salamanders slowly advanced on the rest of the group and would arrive within seconds, turning the retreat into a general melee. Lt. Reed reported their actions to the rest of the group.

Grayson called out to the creature, then stumbled back from the large fiery creature, noticing for the perhaps the first time the hellish environment he currently found himself in – a far cry fro the idyllic surroundings of reservation. Looking in his arms, several of the flares and one of the cans of oil smoldered and looked to fully ignite any moment. Jeremiah felt rather than saw Lt. Stewart slip in front of him to face the creature himself.

Stewart got his first good look at the creature that towered six feet above him, heat pouring from the salamander. Melting rock dripped from the creature and flames licked all over it. The creature looked on him with impudence as Stewart snapped off a shot from his pistol. The bullet visibly melted on hitting a scale and dripped onto the warehouse floor.

The salamander drew its large spear from its holder on his back and stabbed it into Stewart. Stewart dodged with the attack, but it wasn’t enough. His Air Force shirt ignited on impact with the spear. The salamander's serpentine tail whipped over Stewart shoulder, narrowly missing him.

The creature barked out [Jeremiah only:]
”You cannot harm me . . . I will destroy you and burn your very souls . . . (calling to the other salamanders) Burn them - destroy them, though we die tomorrow, we live and fight well today!!”

OOC: All (see OOC thread for notes)


First Post
Inside Warehouse 37
Las Vegas, Nevada
0740.18 hours, June 3, 2003

Jeremiah realizing what he had in hands starts to through each thing he has in hands at the large lizard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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