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[D20 Modern] The Tomorrow People


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Actually, the Wild Talent feat is in the SRD, just not in the normal feats file, it's in with the psionics.

New Feat
If the Gamemaster decides to include psionics in the campaign,
he or she will make the following feat available to psionic
Wild Talent
The character can manifest one 0-level psionic power.
Benefit: Select one 0-level psionic power. The character can
manifest this power up to three times in a 24-hour period. There
is no power point cost for using this power.

I'd love to get in, I loved the Tommarrow People, both versions!

Unfortuinatly I simply can't commit myself to a game right now, I've already got another that I'm neglecting. Hopefully though there might be a place where I can get in later?

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I'll be getting D20 Modern Tomorrow, and will fix anything I screwed up!

Jayna Swift
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5’10’’
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Smart 1
Dilettante: +6 Wealth, +1 Reputation, gain as class skill Gamble.

Str 10 +0
Dex 12 +1
Con 10 +0
Int 16 +3
Wis 12 +1
Cha 14 +2

HP: 6

Defense: 11 (Touch 11, Flat-Footed 10)

Action Points: 5
Wealth Bonus: 8 (+5 base, +6 occupation, +1 Profession, + 3 Windfall Feat, -3 Corvette, -2 Computer, -2 Glock)
Reputation: 1

BAB: +0
Melee: +0
Ranged: +1

Fort: +0
Ref: +1
Will: +2

Speed:: 35'

Initiative: +1

Skills (Ranks)
Computer use +7 (4)
Knowledge Business +7 (4)
Knowledge Technology +7 (4)
Read/Write Language (4 – Spanish, German, French, Mandarin)
Speak Language (4 – Same as Read/Write)
Research + 7 (4)
Profession + 5 (4 – Financial Analyst)
Gamble +5 (4)
Craft Electronic +7 (4)
Search +7 (4)
Decifer Script +7 (4)
Drive +3 (4/2)

Mandarin Chinese

Simple Weapons Proficiency
Wild Talent (Distract)

Savant (Computer Use)

Possessions (in the order the were bought):
Business Clothing (DC 12)
Cell Phone
Chevy Corvette (DC 30 - -3 to Wealth = 12)
Computer (DC 22 - -2 Wealth = 10)
Modem (DC 3)
Conceal Carry Holster (DC 5)
Glock 17 (DC 18 - -2 Wealth = 8)

History and Personality:
With a father who is one of the richest men in America, Jayna has truly grown up in the lap of luxury. Jason Swift began building his fortune at a very young age, making his first million in real estate and the stock market by the time he was twenty five. By the time he was 40 he was worth well over a billion dollars. His company, Swift Enterprises had holdings and investments in real estate and companies on 5 continents in dozens of countries. Jayna grew up in this world of 5 star hotels and estates around the world, high stakes deal making, and corporate takeovers. Life, however, has not been all room service and wine (non-alcoholic of course) for Jayna. Her mother died when Jayna was so young she can’t even remember her face, which left her father a widower, and her growing up out of suitcases in whatever country her dad needed to be in next. She was home schooled by her father’s personal secretary, Miss Mary Albright, whom she grew to think of as (almost) a type of surrogate mother. This was her existence for the first 13 years of her life.

Once Jayna was ready to enter High School, Miss Mary convinced Mr. Swift that Jayna would be better served in a stable high school environment where she could make friends and come into her own as a woman having a place to call home beyond her father’s travels. The three of them moved back to Atlanta to the penthouse in the center of her father’s financial world, Swift Tower. The top three floors of this 85 story high-rise on the corner of Peachtree and Lenox have become a home to Jayna, something she had yet to experience in all her travels. She attended the prestigious Westminster Private School for high school, however, thanks to the diligence of Miss Mary, she was smart enough to have been able to skip 9th grade. Growing up an only child of one of the most powerful men in the world certainly has affected Jayna’s outlook on life. When other children were learning how to play soccer and baseball, she was learning how to play the stock market. While others her age were working on the intricacies algebra, she was analyzing p/e ratios, gross margins, and capitalization rates. She realized early on that her father was different from most fathers, and her life would never be normal. She also began to see that her father was grooming her to play a role in Swift Enterprises, eventually replacing him when he wanted to retire. She would have it no other way. She is currently managing a fairly sizeable portfolio of investments with her broker’s number on speed dial on her cell phone. It has been extremely successful so far, seeing gains of 20% on average the last two years. Her father, needless to say, couldn’t be happier.

Not all of Jayna’s life revolves around the corporate world, however. She has developed a keen interest in computers, learning how to build them, network them together, and hack into systems with the best of them. She has an entire room in her suite of the penthouse setup as a computer lab, and she spends many hours during weeknights seeing what she can do. Another interest of hers is cars, fast cars at that. She bought herself a Corvette with some of her gains in her portfolio and has hooked up with a group of people that street race on the weekends. It’s a pretty interesting setup. The group piles into about 5 or 6 cars, with two acting as lead cars to check for cops, and three or four racing each other. They go out about midnight on weekends and go down I-75 to several miles outside the Perimeter (I-285), and once the receive the all clear from the scout cars, one car honks three times and on the third honk, the cars gun it. Rules are simple: keep going until you are the only one who hasn’t dropped out. It usually is pretty clear when one or two cars are superior, leaving them to push the cars to their limits. Jayna has also begun attending Georgia Tech part time majoring in Finance and Computer Science. She doesn’t have the time to attend full time and still keep up with her business, but she is determined to get a degree.

It is in these last two endeavors that she has met two of her closest friends. First, she met Gregory Mosaki during one of her CS classes at Tech. The two of them hit it off really well, and she learned that he was running a start up Technology Company. They talked about it for a while realizing that they both had skills that would complement the other in such a venture. They both had mad computer skills, but Gregory had a vision for the future with his company, while Jayna was connected in the financial world through her father and others she knew, and might be able to convince her father into investing some capital into the company to move it to the next level. She realized that her father would need to be convinced that such a venture was going to be a success, so she and Gregory began working together to build a solid, if small, company with some viable products that the public would want. They have been progressing nicely, and feel that within the next couple of months, they could be able to approach her father with a business plan that he would support.

Her other close friend she met several months ago while out racing cars. Jayna was used to being one of the only girls out there with the guys, so she immediately noticed when another girl came to race. She was tagging along with some guys she met earlier, but was having no luck convincing them to let her race their cars. Jayna introduced herself, and met Kimberly Fletcher. With Jayna riding shotgun, Kimberly put on a display of driving skill that left Jayna amazed. She knew that, while she was not a half bad driver herself, she wouldn’t be able to match Kimberley’s skill in handling a car. They continued to meet on the weekends to race, with the two of them winning more often than not. This continued pretty constantly up until about two weeks ago. While tearing down I-75 at about 120, they were engaged in a pretty competitive race with a guy in a BMW. Figuring that she would try to gain every advantage she could, Jayna leaned out the passenger’s window, with generous amounts of cleavage showing, and winked at the guy and licked her lips. Now, Jayna is pretty attractive, but she just expected to momentarily distract the guy, to push the two girls over the top. However, what happened next truly surprised her. The guy got a blank look on his face and couldn’t take his eyes of Jayna, slowing down, and losing control of his car until he crashed headlong into an oak tree on the side of the interstate. The fireball was surely noticed from a distance. Reflexes kicked in, and all of the cars began to scatter to escape the police who would surely be on the scene shortly. Kimberly and Jayna made it back to the Tower fine, but Jayna, not only distraught at having most certainly killed a friend, was also perplexed about the reaction the guy had. He seemed to have lost all interest in anything but her. Why would he have stopped steering? Those questions have haunted her for the past two weeks, during which time Jayna has noticed herself producing that same reaction with others, on several occasions. She has not mentioned this to anyone else, not knowing what to think.

Overall, Jayna is a very competitive person. She wants to be the best at whatever she does, and constantly strives to achieve perfection. She has no tolerance for stupidity, but deeply respects intelligence and talent. She is not afraid to admit it when someone is able to do something better than her, she just wants to learn from that person to improve herself. Jayna is determined to succeed in her finances, and the venture with Gregory, in order to show her father that she is capable of taking over Swift Enterprises when he wants to retire. She is fairly tall for a woman, with a slim, attractive body that men seem to notice quite a bit. She dresses conservatively in her business dealings and when at school, but when she is going out to party, or race, she likes to let her hair down and dress a little on the wild side to keep the boys (who are always in the heavy majority) guessing. She has yet to have a serious relationship, mainly because she has not yet found some one she considers up to her standards, although she may be starting to have feelings for Gregory that she has not revealed.
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I see a few possible character ties already, d'Anconia. Maybe Greg's trying to set a dela with your father, or something?


First Post
Angelsboi said:
not filled up.

Gary, you ned to get the book in order for you to play here and in my Goand game. I cant reprint things from the NON SRD. Also, there is no Psi Hunter in the modern book.

Oops, meant Agent of Psi, not Psi Hunter. Sigh. :)

As for the feat, Darwin filled me in on that. I just had missed it. I hope I can still make the games off the SRD - Amazon is back-ordered about a week, it looks like, but the $13 savings is too good to pass up.


First Post
Dade Trolin

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11’’
Weight: 186lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
General Appearance: Blended American

Charismatic 1
Creative: +2 Wealth, +1 Craft (Writing) +1 Perform (Act) Gain Computer Use as class skill.

Str 10
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 16

HP: 6

Defense: 12 (Touch 12, Flat-Footed 10)

Action Points: 5
Wealth Bonus: 6 (+6 base, +1 profession, -1 Purchase Colt 1911,)
Reputation: 2

BAB: +0
Melee: +0
Ranged: +2

Colt Government 1911: +2 2d6 Ranged, 30', Ballistic, Semi-Auto, 7-box magazine

Fort: +1
Ref: +3
Will: +0

Speed: 30'

Initiative: +2

Craft (Writing) +8
Knowledge (Philosophy) +6
Computer Use +6
Perform (Act) +8
Profession: +4
Diplomacy: +7
Bluff: +7
Disguise: +7
Research: +4


Simple Weapons Proficiency
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Wild Talent (Missive)


Colt M1911 (.45 Autoloader)
3 .45ACP Clips
Concealed Carrying Holster

Dade Trolin was the average New York kid. He had a good life, a loving family, decent grades, and plenty of friends. His father was a member of an USA Counter-Terriost Unit. Dade was taught much about firearms as young teenager and still has most of that knowledge today. Riley Trolin (Dade’s Father) had always wished to see Dade someday join the military; Dade however was much more interested in writing.

Life was good for Dade, until shortly after beginning the 9th grade he received news of his father’s death in an Anti-Terriost act somewhere upstate. This is where Dade’s life took a turn for the surreal. Heartbroken Veronica Trolin fled to her sister’s house in Atlanta Georgia. Dade was now alone and upset, it was now when he put some serious effort into his writing.

After 2 months of writing, re-writing, and editing Dade sent his first book to the publishers “1942 Soldier” A Story following a WWII solider throughout the last half of the war. The book did quite well on the market and Dade saved most of the money for his college education someday.

Through all these things though Dade has been able to keep contact with one of his closest friends, Travis Franklin. Both Travis' and Dade's fathers were involved in Nam so the two became close friends. Travis recently joined the army and will attend boot camp in Atlanta. This may give Dade and Travis a chance to hang out.

Dade has also been hanging out at a local cafe to write and read and drink coffee. While there he has met a attractive and talented proof-reader, Kimberly Fletcher. The two have been becomign close friedns in the past couple of weeks.

Otherwise Life was picking up again but weird things had been happening. At times Dade had received the strange feeling that people have been reading his thoughts and know what he’s going to say before he says it. Dade has made a handful of friends at school but is also gotten into a few bad scuffs with the local thugs. He looks to continue his writing but he is becoming awfully paranoid about whether or not people can read his mind.

“Can They?”
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First Post
Etc, Etc,Etc...

Let me know if the characters alright and everything. Jsut to let you knwo I bought the book this after noon.

If any of the players or the Gm want to contact me (Im bored and wouldn't mind discussing d20 modern or DnD)


Where you been lately Ryan?


GWolf, just wanted to let you know that your weapon description says it's a Wlather PPK, but it has the stats of a Colt M1911, and that's what your posessions list says it is.

stupid c/p. :)


Kimberly Fletcher
Fast 1 Criminal (Class skills: Disable Device, Move Silently +1. Feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency.)

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 8 (-1)
CHA 12 (+1)

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Melee: +1 [+0 BAB, +1 STR]
Ranged: +3 [+0 BAB, +3 DEX]
Hit Points: 9 [8 (levels) + 1 (CON)]
Defense: 17 [10 + 3 (DEX) + 3 (Class) + 1 (Leather Jacket)]
Initiative: +3 (+3 DEX)
Movement Rate: 30 feet

Attacks per round:
Beretta 92F (+3 to hit, 2d6 dmg, Rng 40', ROF S, Magazine 15 box)
or Knife (+1 to hit (melee), +3 to hit (thrown), 1d4+1 dmg, Crit 19-20, Rng 10')

Action Points: 5
Reputation; +0
Wealth: +7 [5 roll, +1 Occupation, +1 Profession, -1 Beretta, -1 gun licence, -1 Leather jacket]

Saving Throws:
Fort: +1 [+0 base, +1 CON]
Ref: +4 [+1 base, +3 DEX]
Will: -1 [+0 base, -1 WIS]

Simple Weapon Proficiency (Free for Fast)
Personal Firearms Proficiency (Bonus Criminal feat)
Vehicle Expert (1st level feat)
Wild Talent (Finger of Fire) (1st level feat)

Drive +9 [4 ranks, +3 DEX, +2 Vehicle Expert]
Disable Device +4 [3 ranks, +1 INT]
Hide +6 [3 ranks, +3 DEX]
Knowledge (Streetwise) +4 [3 ranks, +1 INT]
Move Silently +8 [4 ranks, +3 DEX, +1 Occupation]
Profession +2 [3 ranks, -1 WIS]
Tumble +7 [4 ranks, +3 DEX]


Leather Jacket
Concealed carry holster
- Beretta 92F (2d6, Rng 40', ROF S, Magazine 15 box)
Knife (1d4, Crit 19-20, Rng 10')

Total Weight Carried: 8 lb
Load: Light

Current XP:
Current: 0
Next Level: 1,000

Kimberly grew up on the streets of Los Angeles. On hitting her teens, she quickly fell into bad company, joining her brother's gang. After a joy-riding session, they picked up on Kim's skill at driving, and she became wheelwoman for them.

All went well for several months, then they got stopped by the cops after one of their outings. The police officer decided to search Kim "for fun...". Kim was less than keen on this idea. 30 seconds later, the officer had 1st degree burns to his face, and Kim was leaving town, fast.

She's come to Atlanta, just to put some distance between herself and her old life. She's also trying to forget the image of setting someone's face on fire...
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