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Eberron - Crypt of Crimson Stars GAME APPEARS DEAD


[B]Name:[/B] Grilok Hookfang
[B]Class:[/B] Druid 7
[B]Race:[/B] Half Orc
[B]Size:[/B] M
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] Balinor
[B]Action Dice:[/B] 8 (d6)

[B]Str:[/B] 15 +2 (05p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 7        [B]XP:[/B] 24,500
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +5         [B]HP:[/B] 58 (8+36+14)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +9     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] N/A
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (04p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] N/A
[B]Wis:[/B] 18 +4 (13p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0        [B]Spell Save:[/B] N/A
[B]Cha:[/B] 06 -2 (00p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] 0          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] N/A

level: +1 Wis 4th; racial: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Chr

                           [B]Base  Armour Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armour:[/B] Stud Leather        10    +5    +0      +2   +0    +1    +1    19
[B]Touch:[/B] 13             [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 17

                  [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                5    +2    +0     +7
[B]Ref:[/B]                 2    +2    +0     +7
[B]Will:[/B]                5    +4    +0     +9

+4 versus fey spell-like abilities
+2 versus aberrations supernatural and spell-like abilities

[B]Weapon                   Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Scimitar                 +8     1d6+2        18-20x2
-	+9 vs aberrations; +2d6 damage
Spear, long              +8     1d8+2         x3 (20’)
-	returning
Dagger                   +7     1d4+2        19-20x2 (10’)

[B]Languages:[/B] Orc, Common, Druidic


* 60' Darkvision
* Orc blood

* Weapon and Armour Proficiency: club; dagger; dart; quarter-staff; scimitar; sickle; short spear; sling; spear; and, natural attacks when wild shaping. Can use light and medium non-metal armour and non-metal shields.
* Spells: Divine; (see below)
* Chaotic, Evil, Good and Lawful spells: Can't cast spells with the chaotic; evil; or, good descriptors
* Spontaneous Casting, swap any spell for a summon nature's ally spell of an equal level.
* Animal Companion: 
* Nature Sense: +2 Knowledge (Nature) and Survival
* Wild Empathy: Improve the attitude of an animal as Diplomacy (including magical animals with less than 2 Int at -4) d20 + level - Chr -4 (aberrant feats)
* Woodland Stride: Move through natural undergrowth with no ill effects or decrease in speed
* Trackless Step: Leave no tracks in natural surroundings (unless he wants to); can't be tracked
* Resist nature's Lure: +4 bonus to saves versus fey spell-like abilities
* Wild Shape (3/day): Assume the shape of a small or medium animal as polymorph spell (favoured shapes: Black Bear; Boar; Cheetah; Crocodile; Constrictor Snake; Wolf; Wolverine; Desmodu Bat - hunting (mm2))

Aberration Blood (LoM): Flexible Limbs (+2 Grapple)
Gatekeeper Initiate (ECS): +2 saves versus aberrations; Knowledge (Planes) class skill (can be used instead of Knowledge (Dungeoneering to identify aberrations); additional spells to spell list
*1st: protection from evil
*2nd: zone of natural purity (ECS)
*3rd: dimensional anchor
*4th: nature's wrath (ECS)
*5th: banishment
*6th: dimensional lock
*7th: return to nature (ECS)
*8th: mind blank
*9th: imprisonment
Aberration Wild Shape (LoM): Can assume the form of aberrations with the same restrictions as wild shape ability (favoured shapes: Ettercarp (MM); Gauth (MM); Grell (MM2); Runehound (MM3))

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 40     [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 10/5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Concentration (Con)          5    +2          +7
Diplomacy (Cha)              0    -2     -2   -4
Disguise (Cha)               0    -2     -2   -4
Handle Animal (Cha)          3    -2     -2   -1
Heal (Wis)                   3    +4          +7
Gather Information (Cha)     0    -2     -2   -4
Knowledge (Nature) (Int)     7     0     +2   +9
Knowledge (Planes) (Int)     7     0          +7
Profession (labourer) (Wis)  1    +4          +5
Listen (Wis)                 1    +4          +5
Ride (Dex)                   2    +2          +4
Spellcraft (Int)             3     0          +3
Spot (Wis)                   3    +4          +7
Survival (Wis)               3    +4     +2   +9
Swim (Str)                   2    +2          +4

-2 Diplomacy; Disguise; Gather Information; Handle Animal and Wild Empathy checks from Aberrant Feats
+2 Knowledge (nature) and Survival from Nature Sense

[B]Equipment:                              Cost    Weight[/B]
Scimitar                             3815gp     04lb
-	Aberration Bane (+1)(DMG)
-	Byeshk (ECS) 
o	+1 hit masterwork
o	+2 vs aberrations +2d6 damage
-	Returning (+1) (DMG)         3805gp     09lb
-	Byeshk (ECS)
o	+1 hit masterwork
o	returns to throwing spot at
             start of next round
+2 Studded Leather Armour            4175gp     15lb
Dagger                                  2gp     01lb
Ring Protection +1                   2000gp     (-)
Ring Sustenance                      2500gp     (-)
- don’t need to eat or drink, only needs 2 hours rest
Amulet of Natural Armour +1          2000gp     (-)
Potion Cure Light Wounds               50gp     (-)
Potion Jump                            50gp     (-)
Potion Shield of Faith +2              50gp     (-)
Potion Eagles Splendour               300gp     (-)
Backpack                                2gp     2lb
Bedroll                                 1sp     5lb
Winter Blanket                          5sp     3lb
Scroll Case                             1gp     1/2lb
5 Fishhooks                             5sp     (-)
Fishing Line                            1sp     (-)
2 Pints Oil                             2sp     2lb
Signal Whistle                          8sp     (-)
Flint and Steel                         1gp     (-)
Whetstone                               2cp     1lb
2 Flasks Acid                          20gp     2lb
2 Flasks Alchemist Fire                40gp     2lb
2 Vials Antitoxin                     100gp     (-)
Holly and Mistletoe                             (-)
Spell Component Pouch                   5gp     2lb (A&EG)
Healer’s Kit                           50gp     1lb (in leather satchel) (A&EG) - 10 uses (+2 heal checks)
Collapsible Grappling Hook              3gp     2lb (A&EG)
Potion Belt                             1gp     1lb (FRCS)

 [B]Total Weight:[/B] 52.5lb      [B]Money:[/B] 27 gp 9 sp 8 cp

                       [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy   Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]            66    133     200   400  1000 

[B]Spells Known:[/B] 6x0; 5x1; 4x2; 3x3; 2x4

[B]Spells Prepared:[/B]

[U]Orisons DC: 14[/U]
Detect Magic
Resistance x2
Read Magic

[U]1st DC:15[/U]
Detect Aberration (ECS)
Magic Fang
Produce Flame

[U]2nd DC: 16[/U]
Bull’s Strength
Owl’s Wisdom
Briar Web (CDiv)

[U]3rd DC:17[/U]
Cure Moderate Wounds x2
Infestation of Maggots (CDiv)

[U]4th DC:18[/U]
Flame Strike
Rusting Grasp

[B]Age:[/B] 25
[B]Height:[/B] 6'4"
[B]Weight:[/B] 225lb
[B]Eye:[/B] Red
[B]Hair:[/B] Black coarse and long
[B]Skin:[/B] swarthy olive complexion

Boar (medium animal)
HD: 48 (5d8+18)
Init: +0
Spd: 40' (8 squares)
AC: 18 (+8 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
BAB/Grapple: +2/+5
Attack: Gore +5 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Gore +5 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 5'/5'
Special Attacks: ferocity (fight without penalty when disabled or dying)
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent, Link, Share Spell, Evasion
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +5
Feats: Alertness, Toughness
Tricks: Track; Stay

Sithek is a large female boar which sometimes has a rather nasty disposition. She has been known to 'affectionatly' smack at Grilok with her tusks when hungry, riled, or just plain upset. She and Grolik are close friends though. She wears a leather belt strapped around her waist, a saddle bag dangles on either side tied loosely to the belt. Her tusks are long and sharp, her fur is white with russet patches and she has deep blue intelligent eyes.

Appearance: Grilok is tall for a half orc, even accounting for his slightly stooped stature. This is because his arms and legs are longer and more flexible than the average half orc. He only has his right eye, his left is just a scarred pit. Large curved tusks jut out from his strong jaw and smaller teeth rise unevenly from his black gums. The teeth and tusks have all been pain-stakingly engraved with eldritch patterns and runes. His wide nostrils are flared and pierced with crystal spindles of various hues. His wide, pointed ears have been pierced with wooden plugs. His face is painted with dark shades of ink giving it a leering almost alien cast.

The horrid boar skull that sits lightly a top his head, protecting his skull and neck from serious attack, accentuates his height. A long cape made of the skin of some bizarre creature (probably from the same creature who's skull protects his head), both furred and scaled, is settled upon his broad shoulders.

He wears armour made of leather and stained a deep green. The leather has been carved with magical symbols and eldritch runes and is covered in tiny studs. Patched leather breeches cover his legs and high heavy leather boots protect his feet. A potion belt makes sure that his breeches remain up and his potions close at hand.

A wickedly curved purple hued scimitar hangs from his belt and he grips a long spear with a very sharp, painful looking point. He wears magical rings on the thumb of each hand and an amulet of scale and feathers hangs around his throat, dangling next to the crystal capped necklace that he uses as a focus for his magic.

Background: [sblock]Grilok Hookfang strode purposely through the sloppy, smelly streets of the Mud Caves. His long legs and steady stride bearing him resolutely towards his goal, the dirty hole in the wall that he and Sithek called home. A palpable sense of anger hung heavy in the air around him causing the human scum of the dirty seaside district to scamper quickly out of his way.

His heavy boots sloshed through what passed for muddy streets in the dung heap that sprawled haphazardly at the foot of the City of Towers. The heavy tread of the sturdy leather boots, like the hem of his mottled fur and scale cloak, were caked with the smelly, black, oily mud of the lower ward. The mud seemed to collect all the vileness of the upper city and deposit it in stinking puddles in the slums far below, before sucking at the spirit (and the feet Grilok thought miserably) of the souls that had the misfortune to live in the stinking rat infested midden heap.

The harsh, dirty environment that he had chosen as his ‘lair’ since being exiled by the Ghaash’kala reminded him of his homeland somewhat but it didn’t improve his mood at all. At least the heavy skull of the horrid boar that was nestled snugly upon his head kept most of the rain from his remaining good eye, and had the added bonus of keeping his face paint from running.

A street urchin, bolder or hungrier than the others, darted forward and slid to a halt in front of the towering brute causing him to stutter to a halt mid-stride. The child’s eyes looked up pleadingly, his lips quavered and he stammered as he blinked fat oily raindrops from his eyes.

“P-p-p-lease s-s-s-s-sir, spare a c-c-c-coin for some food?”

“Be gone man-cub”, grumbled Grilok in his deep throated brogue. “It grows dark and these streets too often claim the life of the young and weak…”

Suddenly the child grabbed at the bone and volcanic glass talisman that hung heavily from a colourfully beaded leather throng braided and looped around Grilok’s neck. With reflexes honed through long hours working the Labyrinth of the Demon Wastes, Grilok’s hairy, black nailed hand flew to the ivory hilt of the heavily battle nicked scimitar that hung familiarly at his side. The curved blade slashed through the air like a serpent of steel striking the child’s head a meaty blow. The child slumped heavily and immediately to the ground.

“…and foolish!” Grilok finished.

Grilok’s single eye stared unblinking at the small bundle that lay at his feet. He checked his scimitar for blood, and seeing none, quickly sheathed it in its snakeskin home. Mud splattered over the dirty, threadbare cloak that covered the small boy as Grilok’s heavily booted feet stepped over the young would be thief. He stopped, an exhausted sigh escaping his lips and turned his head back to regard the unmoving heap.

“Hunger drives the weak to acts of desperation when a toothless cub would risk the wroth of the caged boar.” He grumbled. ” Hunger is not a weakness, and the cub did show courage, if foolishly, indeed he may yet have some role to play in the events that unfold. And possibly may even be of some use to me.”

Grilok quickly scanned the lawless slums that surrounded him. Sensing no other immediate threats he smoothly knelt down beside the body. His hands closed around the heavy amulet that had so recently been the target of theft. He pulled the leather throng over his head, muttering angrily to himself as it momentarily snagged on one of the broken teeth of his snarling boar headpiece, and waved it in intricate patterns over the child’s inert form. His breathing quickened and he softly chanted guttural, ancient words of power. A soft blue light lit the child’s face bringing into stark relief the tightly stretched skin that covered the lump that had risen where the flat of Grilok’s blade had connected.

The child’s eyes slowly opened and for the first time he stared fully into Grilok’s face. Seeing the single blood-shot, cat-slit eye and the ragged empty socket that once housed its twin up close had an immediate affect on the whelp. He let out a startled scream and tried to scrabble crab-like backwards through the black muddy slime, only succeeding in splashing smelly muck all over the front of Grilok’s leather breast plate, bringing an even deeper scowl to Grilok’s ink-stained face.

“Be quiet and still man cub or I’ll deliver another blow to that bone head of yours and maybe silence you for good!”

Grilok quickly stood up and brushed the sticky mess from his chest.

“On this day you have been very lucky young buck.” Grilok growled, his deep bass voice having an immediate calming affect on the child. Flicking the putrid black mess from his fingers he reached down to help the child up from the muddy street. His mouth broke into what he hoped was a reassuring smile but, in truth, the heavily carved teeth, hooked tusks and black gums had the opposite affect and only increased the waif’s anxiety.

Rolling his eye and clamping his mouth shut Grilok dug into the small cloth sack that dangled loosely from the braided hemp rope that he used as a belt. His thick stubby fingers closed around a cold, greasy garlic and mutton sausage that he had saved from his lunch. He pulled it from the sack and offered it to the thin wastrel that stood forlornly before him. The food reminded him that Sithek would be worried, hungry and impatient (and not necessarily in that order) and that a worried, hungry and impatient Sithek wasn’t likely to be a good thing for he or his neighbours.

“Come boy take the food and get to your shelter, I have not the time to waste standing here trying to convince you I mean no harm.”

The boy snatched the sausage and ran, his little legs pumping in the thick slurping mud. Grilok watched the boy bolt around the corner and then he turned his steps back towards his home.


It had been another frustrating day of dead ends and red herrings and Grilok was no closer to clearing his name. It angered and frustrated him to be stuck in Sharn but this is where his exile had led him. The people of these soft southern cities believed that the war had ended but the Ghaash’kala knew that it went on, and would likely never end. Everyday the Ghaash’kala fought against the tide of darkness that threatened the whole of Khorvaire. Everyday the Clan that protected the borders of the Demon Wastes held at bay horrors that these soft southerners could only dream of. And everyday that Grilok was exiled was another day where he let his brothers die defending the weak and believing that he was a murderous coward.

Two hard years it had been since his humiliation, a humiliation that had cost him his life and left him feeling hollow and dirty. It had almost broken him. He had been spiralling out of control, giving into his anger and drinking heavily. Beaten, broken and bruised he had limped from the Labyrinth and straight into a self-induced hell. If not for the selfless sacrifice of Sithek then he would still be wallowing in self-pity. In fact, truth-be-told, he probably would have given his beliefs away and become one of life’s wasted chances.

But Sithek had saved him. She had bought him back from the brink of insanity, and had woken him to his purpose, had given his anger a focus. He now had drive, although the endless frustrations in his investigation were starting to wear awfully thin. It might be that he needed to look at enlisting aid, a concept that was fairly alien to him since his separation from the Clan. He didn’t think of Sithek as aid. Sithek was family, an extension of himself.

Admittedly, he didn’t know much about who may have framed him for the murder of the visiting Silver Flame priests. They had said that they were hunting a thief who had stolen an artefact of great importance to their church. He had been asked to escort them to Ghaash Dar so that they could plead their case before the Ghaash’kala elders.

On the second evening of their journey though tragedy struck. The guards that accompanied the expedition had been out scouting the area immediately around the site the group had chosen to rest in. Grilok began setting up the camp while the priests dismounted, dusted off their prayer mats and knelt to begin their evening prayers. That was when all hell broke loose, or so Grilok had been told. He could recall nothing of how the priests had died or why he had been spared. Grilok had been discovered standing covered in blood in the middle of the circle of dead priests. All he could recall was the smell of cinnamon and the name ‘Belkorr’ screamed into the night.

The Silver Flame hierarchy demanded restitution and the Ghaash’kala delivered it in the form of a branding, the loss of an eye and exile. Grilok was branded on each palm with the broken circle that identified him as a coward. His left eye was ruined with a sharpened stick, eventually, after infection had set in, Grilok removed the pulped mess that remained. And, what hurt worst of all, he was exiled from his home and divorced from his purpose.


Since being in Sharn Grilok has been able to follow several leads regarding the mysterious Belkor, they'd all ended in dead ends. He just wasn't cut out for investigative work. His means were those of the wild, he was more straightforward, more direct. And this Belkor was elusive, and powerful, everywhere Grilok turned there was another red herring. Sure as it would rain tomorrow, Belkor knew Grilok was in Sharn. He knew and he revelled in that knowledge. He toyed with Grilok and there was nothing the half orc could do about it.

It'd been three years now since Grilok's shame, three long hard, lonely years. If not for Sithek he would have gone insane, and he wasn't sure if he might not have 'lost-it-a-little'. It became obvious to Grilok early in his time in Sharn that he didn't fit. Well it wasn't so much he didn't, but his beliefs didn't. He didn't feel right in the city, he didn't feel as attuned to his power, but he did what he could and regularly sought out the gardens and parks of Sharn’s higher levels. It was hard being in Sharn and he had to adapt or die.

Grilok managed to find a job as a labourer for the Cannith family in Ashblack . He carried raw ore for the family, ore to fragile to be trusted to the constructs that normally carried out the heavy-duty work. During the day he would work the Cannith foundries, growing in strength, using his determination to regain his stolen heritage, to drive him on, to help him through the hard days. At night he would pursue whatever leads he could find.

It was almost two years before Grilok had saved enough money to move out of the Mud Caves. Two years of lugging ore and fighting with the riff raff that occupied the shantytowns that sprawled at the base of the City of Towers. But eventually he was able to save enough money to relocate from the Mud Caves to Deathsgate. A place of opportunity, a place where he would find it easier to get aid in his quest; and a place where he could use his new found strength and fighting ability to keep him and Sithek dry and fed.

Grilok has recently been hiring on for odd jobs for various mages in Everbright. He figures that the best way to get information on a magic user is to work for one. He has started to build quite a reputation as a collector of spell components. He is enjoying this work much more than the work for the Cannith's. This work gives him the opportunity to get out of the city on occasion, and allows Sithek to run loose for a time. Grilok has become so successful at acquiring difficult to come by components that he is starting to receive referrals and is in constant demand by the arcanes of Everbright.


Grilok was part of a different branch of the Gatekeepers. The Keepers left the Eldeen Reaches and the Shadow Marches long ago and had to quickly learn to adapt to the new frontier that was the Demon Wastes. They consider the original Gatekeeper sects to be a little soft, if they were true to their beliefs they’d be in the front lines defeating the evils that dwell in the Demon Wastes.

Grilok was taken in and trained at an early age by the Abolishers, a secret group of aberration hunters that operated from within the Demon Waste Gatekeepers. These druids teach that to know ones enemy one must become the enemy, and the Abolishers of the Demon Wastes do just that. In bizarre, arcane rituals not understood by those who aren’t in the highest echelons of the cult, new entrants to the sect are initiated into this ancient cult. These initiations instil some aspect of an aberrant in to the very being of the initiate. Grilok did not finish his training and has not reached his full potential as an Abolisher.

The Abolishers of the Demon Wastes are mysterious and secretive and have many subtle plans in motion. For all Grilok knows (and this is a thought he holds on to with both hands) his whole exile might be part of some greater plan of the Abolishers. [/sblock]
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Age of Worms Adventure Path

[B]Name:[/B] Fixit
[B]Class:[/B] Artificer
[B]Race:[/B] Warforged
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Onatar
[B]Action Points:[/B] 5
[B]EXP:[/B] 400

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)            [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 (4p.)            [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 7 (1d6+1)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (2p.) +2 racial  [B]Grapple:[/B] +0     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] 2/slashing
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)            [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] N/A 
[B]Wis:[/B]  8 -1 (2p.) -2 racial  [B]Init:[/B] +1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] N/A 
[B]Cha:[/B] 16 +3 (16p.) -2 racial [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0%

[b]Current Hit Points[/B] 7

		        [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] None               10     +3  +0     +1   +0    +0    +0    14
[B]Touch:[/B] 11              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 13

                         [B]Base Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      0    +1    0     +1
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +1    0     +1
[B]Will:[/B]                      2    -1    0     +1

[B]Weapon               Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Hvy Mace                  +0     1d8        x2
Light x-bow               +1     1d8        19-20/x2 80'

[B]Bolts Used:[/B] 2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Elven

*Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis,disease, nausea, fatigue,
exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain
*Only heal half damage from cure spells and fx
*Vulnerable to spells and fx that affect metal and wood (as long as the
effect is not restricted to objects)
*No need to eat, sleep or breathe but can gain the benefits of consumable
spells, fx and magit items
*Composite Plating: +2 armour class (5% spell failure)
*Light Fortification: 25% chance to avoid critical and sneak attack damage
*Slam attack: 1d4 damage
*Infusions: To access infusion level need an Int equal to 10 + the infusion
*Craft reserve: Use instead of xp to create magic items
*Artificer knowledge: DC 15 check to determine if an item has a specific 
magical aura; bonus is level + Int mod
*Artisan bonus: +2 Use Magic Device to activate an item that he has the 
prerequisite item creation feat
*Disable trap: As rogue ability
*Item creation: UMD check (DC20 + caster level) for each spell normally 
required to create the item; 1/day per spell;
effective caster level +2 for meeting item pre-reqs; if it emulates a spell fx 
that fx is 2 levels lower; can also emulate non spell fx (alignment, race)
*Scribe Scroll

[B]Craft Reserve:[/B] 20

[B]Feats:[/B] Ironwood Body (+3 AC, DR 2/slashing)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 24    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]

Appraise (Int)                2    +2          +4
Concentration (Con)           2    +1          +3
Craft (Int)                   2    +2          +4
Disable Device (Int)          2    +2          +4
Know (Arcana)(Int)            2    +2          +4
Know (Arch & Eng) (Int)       1    +2          +4
Know (Local) (Int)	     .5    +2          +2.5
Know (The Planes) (Int)       2    +2          +4
Open Lock (Dex)               2    +1          +3
Profession (toy maker) (Wis)  2    -1          +1
Search (Int)                  2    +2          +4
Spellcraft (Int)              2    +2          +4
Use Magic Device (Cha)        2    +3          +5*

*Artisan Bonus +2 UMD

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
5 candles                 5cp   -
5 pieces of chalk         5cp   -
2 flasks	          6cp   03lb
Hammer                    5sp   02lb
Inkpen                    1sp   -
Light Crossbow           35gp   04lb
Heavy Mace               12gp   08lb
20 crossbow bolts         2gp   02lb
Warforged Repair Kit     50gp   01lb
ID Papers, with portrait  5gp   -
Satchel (Backpack equiv)  2gp   02lb
Belt Pouch (large)        2gp   01lb
Artisans Tools, m'work   55gp   05lb
Sunrod x2                 4gp   02lb
Flint and Steel           1gp   -
Red Ink                   8gp   -
Blue Ink                  8gp   -
Mirror, sm steel         10gp   .5lb
2 Scroll cases            2gp   01lb
Sharn Inquisitive sub    10gp   -

[B]Total Weight:[/B]31.5lb      [B]Money:[/B] 2gp 4sp 4cp

                [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]     33    66    100  200   500

[B]Age:[/B] 6
[B]Height:[/B] 6'7"
[B]Weight:[/B] 200lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Blue
[B]Hair:[/B] N/A
[B]Skin:[/B] N/A

Infusions Known: 2+1 Infusions Used: 0

[sblock]Armour Enhancement, lesser
Energy Alteration
Enhancement Alteration
Inflict Light Damage
Magic Stone
Magic Vestment
Magic Weapon
Natural Weapon Augmentation (RoE)
Repair Light Damage
Resistance Item
Shield of Faith
Skill Enhancement
Spell Storing Item
Weapon Augmentation, Personal[/sblock]

Appearance: Fixit is a hulking brute that has engraved himself with various formulas and recipes some of which he has shaded with different coloured inks and paints. He sports a heavy leather tool pouch on his front and carries a large mace.

Unusually for a Warforged he also wears big leather boots that are covered in small press studded pockets (He's hoping to make some Fixit's Handy Boots in the future). Most believe he sports the boots for extra storage but in reality he has a phobia about getting his feet wet. He thinks that being in constant contact with the moisture of the earth will make him rust from the ground up, the added storage is just a bonus. He also has problems with his eyes from doing a lot of small detail work and has crafted himself a set of goggles to make his life a little easier, these goggles are held in place with a small, tight leather belt (think aviation goggles). He wears a leather skullcap. Several childish charms, which have been given to him by children he has gifted with his creations, hang on leather throngs around his neck. Over his shoulder he wears a leather satchel with several compartments in it.

Background: Fixit is very imposing (although children never seem bothered by his appearance) but generally has the heart of puppy, especially where children are involved. He can get riled up though, and suffers serious embarrassment after he has calmed down. He loves mystery and reading and has a current subscription to the Sharn Inquisitive. He also loves creating toys to give to children. In fact, one of the pouches of his satchel is full of small toys and trinkets that he gives to children.

Fixit never made it to the war. In fact he never made it out of Sharn during the war. A minor Cannith noble, heavily in debt to The Boromar Clan, was forced to divert some of the Warforged being produced in the Cannith foundry to pay for his indiscretions. Fixit found himself being passed from owner to owner until he wound up in Diamond Lake working for Teren the Magewright.

Teren put Fixit to work as a labourer. Slowly, as he has interacted with the Warforged he grew impressed by his quiet determination and ceaseless striving to be the best at what he chooses to do. Teren began to reverse his opinion that Warforged were just items to be used, machines to make life easier. Fixit had shown some aptitude and a thirst for knowledge and Teren has slowly come to appreciate that he is a sentient being and does not deserve enslavement. It wasn't long before Teren couldn't teach Fixit anymore. Teren has sponsored Fixit as an apprentice Artificer.

Zan (Bront) first met Fixit when he was 'indentured' to Teren. Zan was an inquisitive young man and provided Fixit with a ready companion to discuss the theories behind magic. While Zan took an interest in magic in its purest form Fixit wanted to know more about the mechanics behind magic. Even though Zan probably doesn't realise it he was very helpful in influencing Fixit's career choice.

Zan's younger brother, Pak (Candide), has always amazed Fixit. He is continuously fascinated by his quick wit, rapier tongue and manipulation of language. While Fixit can easily grasp the most complex of magical formula he is much more rudimentary with regard life and Pak has sometimes taken advantage of this ignorance. It must be remembered, after all, that Fixit is only 6 years old and has spent most of that time being shunted from owner to owner and sequestered in dark rooms. Fixit treats Pak like a kid brother and often intercedes in arguments between the two real-life brothers.

Fixit doesn't have the same patience for Zan's 'partner in crime' Meldain (Knight Odu). The wiry human often partners Zan on his missions of daring-do. It might be because of his relationship with Zan that Fixit has more patience for Pak, but he finds the humour of Meldain caustic and his practical jokes mostly puerile. Saying that he doesn't hate the boy and still respects his place in the town.

Fixit has never really known how to take Kell (Captain Tagon). At times he seems such a gentle kid yet some times he can break into a ferocious rage which only goes to remind Fixit of the shame he feels when he himself gives in to anger. Kell has though, often stepped in to help the Changeling brothers and for that, if nothing else, Fixit respects the young wild man.

Mulch (lotuseater's PC) has always been an enigma to Fixit. When the dwarf is being serious (which is far to infrequently as far as Fixit is concerned) he and Fixit wax lyrical on all things alchemical, Fixit always being keen to learn something new. But, when the dwarf is playing at being the practical joker and, particularly when Fixit is the butt of his gags, the dwarf can tend to grate. They are close friends though and Fixit often colludes with Mulch when creating toys and fireworks.

Fixit is a little unsure of the latest settler to Crystal Lake, another Warforged that goes by the name of Sniffer (Ranger Rick). Fixit is a little jealous and at the same time uncertain. He is jealous because this new 'forged experienced war and uncertain because he doesn't know how the residents of Crystal Lake will feel about another 'forged in their midst. Will they now not want Fixit around?

The one thing that mitigates the unease the Fixit feels around Sniffer is the close bond the ‘forged has with Kerwin (Erekosc13). Fixit is inspired by Kerwin’s stories and finds his sharp mind an absolute pleasure to be around. Fixit is keen to learn more about the power of the mind and to see if he can’t somehow incorporate the science into his toys and gadgets. Sniffer can’t be all bad if Kerwin is friends with him. Can he?

Fixit is still very insecure after the events that unfolded before he was able to win his freedom. He needs security and hates loneliness. He is quick to make friends and a trustworthy, stalwart companion. He is keen to journey outside Crystal Lake and see some of the outside world. The stories that Sniffer and Kerwin tell of far away lands fill him with excitement and a longing to experience adventure.


Bekath's Progeny (Iron Heros)

[sblock]Jek Kel'Drek
human man-at-arms 3;
medium humaniod (human);
Init +3; Senses Listen +8, Spot +8;
Languages: Common, Sea Speech, First Speech, Gray Speech.
AC 16, active 6 (+3 BdB; +3 Dex), passive 0, +6 AoO when moving through or out of a threatened area (Mobility (2))
DR: 1d2/magic
HP 10 (HD 1d4+6)
RP 10
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
Spd 30'

sap +6 (1d3 (non-lethal), x2)
warhammer +6 (1d8, x3)
short sword +6 (1d6,19-20/x2
whip +2 (1d3 (non-lethal), X2) (Exotic)
shortspear +6 (1d6, X2, 20')

Attack Options: Lithe Acrobat - Tumble normal speed, Bravo - +1d6 sneak attack, Mobility (2) - +6 AC against AoO when moving in threatened area, Tactics of the Mind (1) - use Int bonus for ranged and melee attacks; Quick Draw - Draw weapon as free action or hidden weapon as move action; Improved Disarm (2) - Disarm attempt provokes not attack of opportunity, cannot be disarmed in turn.
Base Atk +3, Grapple +6
Combat Gear: sap, warhammer, short sword, whip, shortspear
Abilities: Str 10 (+0), Dex 17 (+3), Con 11 (+0), Int 17 (+3), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 10 (+0).

XP: 3300

Traits: Lithe Acrobat (+2 Tumble; tumble normal speed), City Rat (Survival (city) +2; Bravo +1d6 sneak attack)

Feats: All simple and martial weapons, all armor, and all shields; Mobility (2) - +6 AC against AoO when moving in threatened area, Tactics of the Mind (1) - use Int bonus for ranged and melee attacks; Quick Draw - Draw weapon as free action or hidden weapon as move action; Improved Disarm (2) - Disarm attempt provokes not attack of opportunity, cannot be disarmed in turn.

Agility 6 (Balance (Dex) +9, Escape Artist (Dex) +9, Tumble (Dex) +11);
Perception 6 (Listen (Wis) +8, Search (Int) +9, Sense Motive (Wis) +8, Spot (Wis) +8);
Stealth 6 (Hide (Dex) +9, Move Silently (Dex) +9);
Heal (Wis) +8;
Jump (str) +6;
Knowledge (Local) (Int) +5;
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) +5;
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +7;
Spellcraft (Int) +7;
Survival (Int) +9 (city +9).

Possessions: leather armor (10gp, 15lbs), sap (1gp, 2 lbs), warhammer (12gp, 5lbs), short sword (10gp, 2lbs), whip (1gp, 2lbs), short spear (1gp, 3lbs), Adventurer's Outfit (2lbs), flint and steel (1gp), signal whistle (8sp), belt pouch (1gp. 1/2lb) 70 gp 2sp
Encumbrance: 311/2lbs; Load: Light (33lbs)
---------------------------- [/sblock]
Description: Jek is a slight, wiry lad with long, shaggy sandy-blonde hair, one green eye and one blue, a smattering of freckles that dance across his broken nose and cheeks and a scar across his lower face that makes him appear as though he is always leering.

Personality: Jek is inquisitive and tough, he takes no nonsense and will not be bullied. He has a fascination for the arcane arts and is awed by those that know how to harness the power. He loves life with a passion and lives his life to the fullest. He is always looking for something fun to do and gets bored and side tracked quickly. He loves a good joke, the company of women, and reading. He carries himself with a confident swagger.

History: Jek works at the Slavering Dog, a rowdy tavern near the docks of Silahin, that has a main bar for the sailors and a Gentleman's Retreat for the ships captains, arcanists and the occasional noble. He usually works nights as part of the security team, tag-teaming with a hulking behemoth aptly known as Ogre. The wiry boy has worked at the inn all of his 17 years. He was born of the tavern keepers daughter, Leila, who still works in the kitchens.

He has learnt to fight well in confined spaces and uses his agility to his advantage, trying to maneoveur in to a position to take advantage of his larger ally. He has learnt to fight with a number of weapons, often having to improvise with what is available in the bar. He has also had to learn how to subdue his foes rather than kill as the Captains often take a dim view of their sailors being killed in a bar fight. Jek hasn't had it all his own way though, he has been knocked around more than once and has the scars to prove it.

He is a thinker though and likes to spend his spare time studying in the Gentleman's Retreat where he has been able to pickup the odd bit of mystical lore. If he is not in the Retreat he is out prowling the streets of Silahin, picking up women, brawling with other drunkards and generally making a nuisance of himself. He has been spoken to on more than one occassion by the town constabulary with the last warning apparently being his last. Sergeant Collop's last words still ring in his ears "That's it me'boyo the last time, I catch ye once more and at worst it's the army for ye"

Jek has had no experience outside Silahin.
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Clutches of Evil - Homebrew

Bahruul the Seeker
Bous Barbarian 3
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Nature
Sex: Male
Height: 6’11"
Weight: 300lbs
Skin: White, pale fur and pink skin with dark markings

Hair: White
Eyes: White Dark Blue/Purple Iris
Age: 23

Str: 18 (+4) [16 points]
Dex: 10 (0) [4 points]
Con: 17 (+3) [8 points]
Int: 10 (0) [2 points]
Wis: 10 (0) [2 points]
Cha: 8 (-1) [0 points]

Class Abilities
Fast Movement (+10' speed); Illiterate; Rage 1/day (+4 Str; +4 Con; +2 Will; -2 AC; 3 rounds plus newly improved con bonus); Uncanny Dodge (Retain Dex bonus of caught flat footed, or attacked by invisible foe); Trap Sense +1

Race Abilities
+1 attack and damage vs minotaurs
+1 sunder and disarm (+2 with 2 handed weapon)

Hit Dice: 12
HP: 15+12+12=39
AC: 14 (+0 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt) Touch – 10, Flat-footed – 14
ACP: -2
Init: 0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 40ft

Fortitude +6 [+3 base, +3 Con] +2 save versus massive damage
Reflex +1 [+1 base, +0 Dex] +1 saves versus traps
Will +1 [+1 base, +0 Wis] +2 save versus enchantments spells and telepathic psionic powers

BAB/Grapple: +3/+7
Melee Atk: +7 Great Sword (2d6+6 ;19-20/x2)
Melee Atk: +7 Warhammer (1d8+4;x3)
Melee Atk: +7 Battle Axe (1d8+4;x3)
2 handed +17 - +4 2 handed; +2 Boes; +4 improved sunder feat; +7 attack
single weapon + 12 - +1 Boes; +4 improved sunder feat; +7 attack
Ranged Atk: +3 -

Class Skills:
Climb 4 [2 ranks, +4 Str, -2 ACP]
Craft 0 [+0 Int]
Handle Animal 1 [2 ranks, -1 Chr]
Intimidate 3 [4 ranks, -1 Chr]
Jump 6 [4 ranks, +4 Str, -2 ACP]
Listen 4 [4 rank, +0 Wis]
Ride 0 [+0 Dex]
Survival 6 [6 ranks, +0 Wis]
Swim 2 [2 ranks, +4 Str, -4 ACP]

Power Attack - Trade attack bonus for damage (up to level)
Improved Sunder - +4 bonus on Sunder attempts, no attack of opportunity

Languages: Common, Giant


Wearing or carrying at hand
Great Sword – 50gp (8 lbs)
Battle Axe - 10gp (6 lbs)
Warhammer - 12gp (5 lbs)
Chain Shirt – 100gp (25 lbs)

In or on containers

Total weight carried – 44 lbs, light load.

gp sp cp

"SEEK OATHBREAKEEEEER-KER-KER-Er-er-r-r,” bellowed the great voice, bouncing off the rocky, weathered walls of the canyon. "SEEK TRUSTDESTROYEEEEEEER-YER-YER-Er-er-r-r,” it continued, crying out in a hoarse, guttural bark. "SEEK HOPEE, OPe, Ope, ope, ope". The echoes died down, almost to a whisper, almost a plaintive cry for help. The hairy beast fell to its knees, the only physical sign that the heavily muscled creature that had caused the discordant words to echo through the great crevasse, might have been in need of any assistance.

A hulking brute, standing at least seven feet tall, with two horns that curled almost ram-like either side of its head, but otherwise giving every appearance of being a very large, overly muscled human, stood silhouetted in the afternoon sun. A huge, wickedly bladed double axe was strapped across the beasts back, the razor sharp edges catching the fading afternoon light. The short, wiry white bristles that covered what could be seen of the creature's shoulders and back bristled in anticipation, every muscle, every fibre of the being seemed to quiver in anticipation.

The creatures wide, hairy nostrils flared, a small silver ring, which was looped through the left nostril, swung slowly back and forth in time with each breath, the cavernous nostrils sniffed at the stale, hot air that seemed to rise languidly from the canyon floor. Suddenly, the creature flayed its head from side-to-side, again sniffing at the wind, before it let out an anguished, undulating cry. "AAAAHHHRRROOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo", again the bellow echoed down the wide, natural stone corridor "AAAAHHHRRROOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo", rebounding from craggy wall to craggy wall. Then -


- The creature had lost the scent, again.


A bone coloured robe covered in scrawled runes and pictographs hung over a gnarly branch of an old willow, which sprawled majestically on the banks of the placid waters of the mountain lake. The light of the early morning sun danced across the still lake's waters, dappling the dark, midnight blue surface with small motes of dancing light. Suddenly, with a great crashing roar, a bovine-like head exploded from the water and shook from side-to-side, beads of water shaken from ebony black horns, that swept back from deep violet coloured eyes, splattered through the crisp morning air.

"Haha that is what life is all about "Petik" the Bous yelled in exhilaration, it's mighty voice breaking the stillness of the fresh mountain morning. "It feels good to be alive eh Byntrou" the mighty beast's arms broke the water as it stroked heavily towards the shore, a frothy wake trailing in the water behind. The beast kept its head bobbing above the water as it swam, a beaming smile playing across its broad face as it eyed its 'herdmate'. The second Bous sat cross-legged upon the shore, a jumble of bones, hairs, skins, furs, berries, dungs, crystals and stones piled before him, all laid out in an intricate, mystical pattern.

"I have no luck!" the robed and cowled Bous grunted in frustration, exasperation dancing through every word "The path is unclear, the way forward is muddied, whomever we oppose is mighty indeed in the sorcerous arts. I can not discern who the Oathbreaker is or how the oath will, or has been, broken" he threw back the heavy hood that shadowed his face revealing a small diamond backed snake sleeping wrapped around a short horn that jutted spear like from the beasts temples. "I think perhaps we will need help 'Petik'. I fear you will not like this solution but we may need to journey to the League Cities to find help from Gah'irr-kei'uhk. I am afraid that this 'problem' runs deeper than just affecting the Boes."


Note: I'm thinking of a prophecy linked to this guy, maybe he is a candidate for being a 'chosen one', one prosephised in Boes legend to do something. that's why I went with the horns that curved differently to the norm for his race and, of course, the colour of his 'coat'.

‘Petik’ is Boes for friend. Herdmate is Boes for family, in this case through friendship rather than blood. Gah'irr-kei'uhk translates as 'not of our blood'. 'Eerrruk del kiehar kek berin' is a traditional Bous greeting meaning something along the lines of Welcome to my herd

A Destiny fulfilled?

The Aster seemed to appear out of nowhere. Of course, given how small the creatures were, it was hardly surprising the Boes hadn't taken notice of her. It was only Delcoi's mental nudge that gave Byntrou cause to turn. When he looked down, the Aster's bright blue eyes locked onto his gaze. Though they didn't touch one another, Byntrou nonetheless felt himself held in place, as if unseen hands gripped his soul.

"There is no shame in admitting your limitations, Byntrou," the Aster said quietly. "Your herdmate's devotion is stronger than you suspect."

Byntrou's breath grew cold in his chest. "How do you know my name?"

The diminutive female creased her eyebrows. "You just told me," she answered, clearly perplexed. Then, a slight desperation in her voice, she backed away a step, whispering, "didn't you?"

Delcoi slid her way out of Byntrou's robes where he'd concealed her and moved to wrap around his horn, and the insight she shared with him, as usual, was quicker in coming than his own. Here was another like him. Another struggling with a power not fully understood. But unlike Byntrou, the small one appeared to be alone.

"What are you up to, Byntrou?" Bahruul called out. Apparently, he'd just noticed his companion had stopped. Bahruul gave Byntrou a comrade's slap on the back, then laughed when he saw the Aster, "Don't tell me: we require the aid of a tiny cat girl."

The Aster blushed, and turned her gaze from them, moving to leave. It didn't take Delcoi's urging for Byntrou to make a decision this time. He puffed out his chest and turned to Bahruul. He still only came up to the warrior's chest, but that didn't mean he couldn't affect a forceful presence when he needed to.

"Supernatural power is beyond what the mundane eye sees, Bahruul. Small is her frame, but mighty are the psychic forces she commands. Sorcery alone clearly hasn't shown us the Oathbreaker. We've come to find alternate means, and we have found one in this Aster, this ... " he turned to her now, seeing the spark in her eyes that his praise had engendered. She already knew he was searching for her name, and answered:

"Destiny," she declared proudly.

Baruul chuckled. "Well, with a name like that, we'd be fools to refuse her, eh herdmate?"

To Bait a Dragon

"There," Destiny pointed into the crowd. The man towered over most of the others humans, the silver highlights in his dark hair catching the light. Serene and graceful as he was, it would have been difficult not to take notice of him even without the psychic's aid.

Bahruul smacked Byntrou on the back. "At least the unknowable forces picked a tall one this time, eh, Byn?" He smiled, then turned affably downward to add, "No offense, of course, lady."

Destiny smiled. "Of course."

"Now, how to approach our intended divine guide?" Bahruul said.

As if on cue, the man turned and caught them all staring. Byntrou really wished people would stop locking eyes with him, especially people with such knowing gazes. This one had exotic, silver eyes.

Byntrou tried to shrug it off, announcing as if it were his plan all along, "We don't. He comes to us."

Sure enough, the lithe man slipped through the crowd on the walkway, across to the pair of Boes and their small Aster guide. Byntrou realized on the man's approach that, unlike most humans, this one was not only as tall as him, but slightly taller.

"You seek Bahamut's aid?" It was only slightly a question.

Bahruul took the lead now. It was his quest, after all.

"I seek the Oathbreaker, as is prophesied" he said, pulling up to his full height and staring down at the man, commanding. "I have gathered arcane and psychic powers to guide me. They advise me that your link to the divine is crucial in unlocking the secrets of my birthright."

The priest merely frowned, the dragon hanging from his neck glinting in the silence.

"Bahamut's power is not to be demanded, my good Bous. And a child of the dragon is hardly cowed by so blunt a show of force."

Not a human, then. A Drakontos. That explained the coloring. The height. The Drakontos looked over the others. Tiny Destiny. Nervous though he tried to hide it Byntrou. And, Bahruul's stance notwithstanding, the man's expression softened.

"It can, however, be gained through mutual respect and understanding. Come, I've a space at The Pixie's Hammock. If you agree to give up your game of 'who has the bigger stick,' I'll hear your tale and decide if Bahamut would wish me to take up your cause."

He walked away without checking to see if the others followed. When they shuffled into step behind him a few moments later, he smiled slightly, saying, "My name, since you've forgotten to ask, is Keryth. You can introduce youselves when you buy the first round of drinks."

Other PC 'hooks'

Bahruul's nebulous quest seems to provide a decent way to connect the other characters. He and Byntrou are looking for more aid in identifying the Oathbreaker. Byntrou's still trying to play the part of super-mage, so it makes sense he might steer them toward other types of magic: divine magics in the form of Keryth and psychic powers in the form of Destiny. Either of them might have been the initial contact, pointing the way toward the other.

Gav's background seems to fill in right up to the robbery, but it wouldn't be a major retcon to have him acting as the Boes' "local guide" (whether he knows the local town well or not isn't required. After all, he wouldn't be the first party member to misrepresent his credentials). If he's as quick to take the measure of a town as his background might suggest, Gav, too, could have been the contact point that put the Boes in touch with Keryth and/or Destiny.

Race: Bous Plural: Boes

Racial Traits:
Abilities: +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Languages: Automatic: Common, Giant. Bonus: Auran, Aquan, Terran, Ignan, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan.
Mistaken Identity: Boes are often confused with Minotaur by those who do not know the difference. Because of this, many good Bous have been slain by non-Bous in a confused effort to purge the land. This has generated a deep dislike for Minotaur by all Boes. As a result, Boes get a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against Minotaur.
Large-handed: Because the Boes possess a size advantage over the typical humanoid, their grip on their weapon makes it easier for them to sunder or disarm. All Boes receive a +1 bonus on attack roll made during the opposed rolls step of an attempt to sunder or disarm an opponent. This bonus also applies if the Boes is subject to a disarm or sunder attempt by an opponent. This bonus does not count in the preceding attack of opportunity if there is one. If the Boes is fighting with a two-handed weapon, the bonus increases to +2.
Solid Body: When making a bull rush, trip, or overrun attack, the Bous receives a +2 bonus to their strength or dexterity check.
Dense Body: Boes bodies are dense in spite of their larger than normal size. A Bous receives a +2 bonus to their Fortitude save to survive massive damage.
Firm Will: Boes are used to having a say in their actions, if not getting their way outright. Because of this, a Bous receives a +2 bonus on any save against an enchantment spell or a telepathic psionic power.
Favored Class: Barbarian

Physical description:
Boes stand between 6’0 and 7’0 tall and weigh between 240 and 350 pounds. Females are slightly larger and heavier than their male counterparts. A Bous reaches adulthood at 20 years, middle age at 40, old age at 60, venerable age at 80, and the oldest Bous to ever live was 120 years old.
Bous have small non-functional horns that begin growing slightly above and forward from their ears. The horns curve backward around the ears, down to the level of their jawbone, and back up to a point just below their eye socket and about one inch away from their skin. Boes horns grow very slowly; by the beginning of adulthood the horns have grown halfway down their skull behind their ears and only at middle age does the horn begin to curl up from the level of the jaw towards the eye. Only a Bous that has managed to make it to a venerable age has horns of a full length. Bous typically live as long as humans.
Bous skin is always dark, often taking on a slight reddish hue over the typical dark brown. During the summer months, the more time a Bous spends outside and in direct sunlight the more the skin takes on a reddish hue – although it never turns more red than brown except through magical means. This effect has no impact upon the abilities of the Bous. Bous eyes are white with either dark green, dark brown, or black irises. Often the colors of the eye are so dark that they make the iris indistinguishable from the pupil. Boes typically have larger than normal hands and long, thick fingers ideal for increasing a tight grip on larger objects.
Bous tend to wear long flowing robes over any other type of clothing, although there is no cultural or social restriction for clothing type. Most clothing worn by Boes is colored in earth tones, but again there is no cultural restriction for coloration. All unmarried Bous wear a ring through one of their nostrils. The ring is silver and through the left nostril for the smaller male Boes; and the ring is gold and through the right nostril for the larger and more dominant female Boes. This ring is typically removed once a Bous has found a mate. Bous are loyal to their mates for life.

Because of their great size and unfortunate luck for being mistaken as Minotaur, many Bous live the lives of hermits. It is still uncommon to find a Bous town in more remote areas, but not impossible. Bous typically get along well with other races once they demonstrate that they understand the difference between the Boes and Minotaur kind. Since Boes can be of any alignment, Boes may be found mixing with any race that respects the qualities that a Boes brings to life. Boes may occasionally join together and form large hunting bands in the case where a Minotaur hunter has slain several other Boes. These raiding parties are often feared by the general public, but they are typically of no threat except to the one who is responsible for slaying a Bous because they perceived it as a Minotaur.

Boes have no alignment restrictions. A Bous generally becomes the alignment that prevailed in the society in which they were raised. Boes can be very regimented and raised to respect strict laws; but on the other hand Boes can enjoy the freedom in life that their larger stature tends to bring. Boes can respect the cause of good and helping those around them; but some Boes can be quite capable of understanding greed and domination over others as well. Boes can often learn to appreciate all of the above held in balance.

Boes Lands:
Many Bous do not desire to congregate together in a formal setting. The typical Bous lives a solitary life until mated. In spite of this solitary lifestyle, every Bous belongs to a formal family hierarchy of Boes. Male Boes who mate for life are removed from their own hierarchy and adopted into the hierarchy of their mate. These family hierarchies always meet together in a central location at various times per year. Each family of Boes has their own unique schedule for meeting, but no family of Boes goes without meeting at least four times a year. It is at these meetings that the Boes teach socialization to their children and form parties to take revenge upon Minotaur hunters who may be preying upon family members.
Boes do not claim land for themselves, they exist in the land without care about whose kingdom the land belongs to. Boes usually have a good relationship with the kingdom in which they live, however, because the Boes treat the land as their own and typically care for the land a great deal. Thus, Boes are often welcome in the land once it is discovered that they are not Minotaur. However, even Boes who are welcomed in the land seldom find the urge to become true citizens of a kingdom. Instead, the Boes have their loyalty to family. It is certainly possible for a Boes hierarchy to span across kingdom borders if the Boes family lives near the edge of the border. Most Boes families live within a three days journey of the central family land where they meet.

The Boes are most commonly worshippers of nature. They can find many respectable things in religion, so long as the religion is not destructive to their homelands or their people. The Boes have difficulty with extreme fanatics, however, because they are often the victim of mistaken identity and live knowing what types of genocide fanatical thought can lead to.

Boes are capable of speaking any language, however their opportunities are quite limited as far as which languages they can learn. Most Boes tribes speak a dialect of Giant, which interestingly enough often allows them to converse with any Minotaur they should happen to find and hunt. Boes occasionally have a chance to learn any of the elemental languages of nature: Terran, Aquan, Auran, and most rarely Ignan. Of course, any race which has made itself known to the family hierarchy of Boes of an area has the opportunity to teach them their language as well. Most common in this category are Gnome, Goblin, and Sylvan.

Boes names are typically guttural sounding. They are given only a single name at birth. Thus, a Boes does not carry a family or surname. At the time in which a Bous sets of on his or her own, usually determined by their parents, the place in which the young Bous chooses to live is adopted by the Bous in the place of a surname. When two Boes mate, the male Bous willingly changes his surname to match the surname of his mate.
Example male names: Groack of the oak grove, Trang of the purple cave, Brist of the tall rock
Example female names: Craash of the narrow river, Ergoth of the apple orchard, Herthosh the cliff dweller

Designer's notes: Again, the -2 DEX is something people are unaccostomed to taking, but this race definately has some things to offer for a player who wants to use more tactics with a fighter type than just hack the bad guy to pieces.

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LEW - Hanging in the Red Dragon Inn

[B]Name:[/B] Kyle Widebelly, Gourmet of Geoth,[SIZE=1] (sometimes called the Gastronome of Gluttony by his enemies)[/SIZE]
[B]Class:[/B] Cleric
[B]Race:[/B] Dwarf
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Good
[B]Deity:[/B] [URL=http://www.enworld.org/showpost.php?p=2216002&postcount=19]Geoth[/URL]

[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 08 -1 (00p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 11 (1d8+3)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3 (06p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +1     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -/-
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 15'/x4   [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]Init:[/B] -1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] -
[B]Cha:[/B] 13 +1 (08p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -9         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] n/a
[SIZE=1]Racial +2 Con, -2 Cha[/SIZE]

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +5    +1    -1    +0    +0    +0    15
[B]Touch:[/B] 9              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 15
[SIZE=1]+4 Dodge versus Giant types[/SIZE]

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                     2      +3        +5
[B]Ref:[/B]                      0      -1        -1
[B]Will:[/B]                     2      +3        +5
[SIZE=1]+2 poison, spells and spell-like effects[/SIZE]

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Skillet                    +1      1d6+1      20/x2
Rolling Pin                +1      1d6+1      20/x2 10'
Sickle                     +1      1d6+1      20/x2
Sling                      -1      1d4        19-20/x2 50'
[SIZE=1]+1 attacks orcs and gobliniods[/SIZE]

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarf

Class: Turn Undead; Spells [SIZE=2](3; 1+1; bonus 1/1/1)[/SIZE]
Race: Darkvision 60'; Stone-cunning; Eapon Familiarity (dwarven waraxe and urgosh);
Stability; +2 savs vs Poision; +2 saves vs Spells and Spell-like Effects; +1 attacks orcs
and gobliniods; +4 Dodge vs Giant Types; +2 Appraise stone and metal; +2 Craft stone
and metal

[B]Feats:[/B] Combat Casting [SIZE=1](+4 Concentration when casting defensively)[/SIZE]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 8       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Concentration               2    +3   00     05
Heal                        1    +3   00     04
Knowledge (religion)        2    +0   00     02
Profession  (Chef)          2    +3   00     05  
Spellcraft                  1    -1   00     00

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Chainmail               150gp   40lb
Shield, small steel       9gp   6lb 
Skillet                   2gp   3lb
Rolling Pin               2gp   2lb
Sickle                    6gp   2lb
Sling                      -   -
20 Bullets                1sp   10lb
Backpack                  2gp   2lb
3 Bottles of Wine         3gp   4lb
5 Candles                 5cp   -
Flask                     3cp   1.5lb
Flint and Steel           1gp   -
Clay tankard              2cp   1lb
5 flasks oil              5sp   5lb
Belt pouch                1gp   1.5lb
Waterskin                 1gp   4lb
Whetstone                 2cp   1lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]83lb      [B]Money:[/B] vow of gluttony (22gp 4sp 8cp - spare money must be spent on food and drink as soon as is possible)

                           [B]Lgt    Med    Hvy     Lift    Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                43   44–86   87–130  130/260   650 

[B]Age:[/B] 76
[B]Height:[/B] 4'8"
[B]Weight:[/B] 320lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Agate
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] Pale often florid due to over-exertion, always seems to be covered in flour

Appearance: Kyle is round, no other word could describe him so perfectly. He has small arms and legs that stick out from the folds of fat like toothpicks. He has a wild mop of black curly hair and a handlebar moustache (one of his pride and joys, behind his cooking of course). He wears a heavily food stained white apron over his chain mail when out-in-the-world and heavy, hard soled boots. When cooking he ties his hair back in a pony tail. He always seems to be covered in flour and a subtle spicy aroma hangs perpetually around him.

Background: Kyle has always loved food. This fact may have something to do with the circumstances surrounding his birth. His mother squeezed a little to hard just as the midwife bent down to retrieve a swaddling rag and the poor child flew through the air, over the midwive's back and landed in the middle of the birthing feast that was being prepared to welcome him into the world. His parents, coming from a deeply religious family, saw the event as an omen and immediately enrolled him in the clergy of Geoth.

At quite a young age Kyle left his parents to study at the seminary of Geoth, which is actually a huge bakehouse, kitchen, festhall and bar that sits on the highest hill (outside of those in the noble quarter) of Orussus. It was here that Kyle learnt his arts, although he did spend most of the time eating the other students work rather than doing his actual studies. But, lucky for him, the priests of Geoth saw in him the very essence of their great god and tended to turn a blind eye to his over indulgences, afterall, he was kind, friendly and good fun to be around.

Kyle is quite keen to expand his taste buds, he wants to travel the world discovering (well, eating) new dishes, fruits, spices, meats, in fact anything remotely gastronomic would find a welcome home in the big dwarf's belly.
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Cave of the Spiders

[b]Name[/b] Erethinol Shadowswyft
[b]Rogue 9[/b] 
[b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good
[b]Deity:[/b] Olidammara
[b]Sex:[/b] Female
[b]Height:[/b] 6 ’1”
[b]Weight:[/b] 175 lbs 
[b]Hair: [/b] flame red with blonde strips (at the moment)
[b]Skin:[/b] Weathered, tanned
[b]Eyes:[/b] Azure
[b]Age:[/b] 178
[b]Str:[/b]  14 (+2) [6 points] 
[b]Dex:[/b]  19 (+4) [8 points] 
[b]Con:[/b]  10 (+0) [4 points]
[b]Int:[/b]  12 (+1) [4 points] 
[b]Wis:[/b] 10 (+0) [2 points] 
[b]Cha:[/b]  10 (+0) [2 points] 
Racial: +2 Dex; -2 Con
Level: 2x Dex

[b]Racial Abilities[/b]
Immunity to sleep effects; +2 save versus enchantment spells or effects
Low-light vision
Weapon Proficiency (longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow)
+2 Listen, Search, Spot

[b]Class Abilities[/b] 
Prof (simple; hand crossbow; rapier, shortbow; short sword)
Prof (light; no shields)
Sneak Attack +5d6
Evasion – avoid “half-damage” spell damage with successful Reflex save
Trap Sense +3
Improved Uncanny Dodge – retain Dex modifier to AC in most circumstances; can't be flanked

[b]Hit Dice:[/b]  9d6
[b]AC:[/b] 21 (24*) (+4 armour; +4 Dex; +3 magic) Touch – 14 (*), Flat-footed – n/a[SIZE=1]*Trap Sense (+3) – to avoid traps[/SIZE]
[b]ACP:[/b] 0 
[b]Init:[/b] +4 (+4Dex) 
[b]Speed:[/b] 30ft
Fortitude +6  [+3 base, + 0 Con, +3 magic] 
Reflex +13  (*) [+6 base, +4 Dex, +3 magic] [SIZE=1]*Trap Sense (+3) – to avoid damage from traps[/SIZE]
Will +6  [+3 base, +0 Wis, +3 magic] 
[b]BAB/Grapple:[/b] +6-+1/+8
[b]Melee Atk:[/b] Long Sword +10/+5 (1d8+5 19-20/X2) 
[b]Melee Atk:[/b] Short Sword +10/+5 (1d6+5 19-20/X2) 
[b]Class Skills:[/b] 8+1x4=36; 8+1x8= 72 total 108

Balance 11 (5 ranks; +4 Dex; +2 Synergy)
Climb 7 (*9) (5 ranks; +2 Str) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Use Rope when climbing with a rope[/SIZE]
Decipher Script 6 (5 ranks; +1 Int)
Disable Device 10 (*12) (9 ranks; +1 Int) [SIZE=1]*+2 masterwork thieves tools[/SIZE]
Escape Artist 9 (11*)(5 ranks; +4 Dex) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Use Rope if check involves rope[/SIZE]
Hide 9 (9 ranks; +4 Dex)
Jump 9 (5 ranks; +2 Str; +2 Synergy)
Listen 7 (5 ranks; +0 Wis; +2 racial)
Move Silently 13 (9 ranks; +4 Dex)
Open Lock 13 (*15) (9 ranks; +4 Dex) [SIZE=1]*+2 masterwork thieves tools[/SIZE]
Search 12 (9 ranks; +1 Int; +2 Racial)
Spot 11 (9 ranks; +0 Wis; +2 Racial)
Tumble 15 (9 ranks; +4 Dex; +2 Synergy)
Use Magic Device 11 (*13) (10 ranks; +1 Int) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Decipher Script when using [/SIZE] scrolls
Use Rope 9 (*11) (5 ranks; +4 Dex) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Escape Artist with checks that involve [/SIZE] bindings

[B]Quick Draw[/B] - [SIZE=1]draw weapon as a free action[/SIZE]
[B]Close-Quarter Fighting[/B] - [SIZE=1]if grappled get an AoO even if the opponent doesn't normally allow one, if successful grapple fails, if creature has improved grapple then the grapple roll includes the damage dealt in the attack (CW 97)[/SIZE]
[B]Flick of the Wrist[/B] - [SIZE=1]Draw light weapon and make melee attack that round opponent is caught flat-footed; can only be used once per round and once per opponent per encounter (CW99)[/SIZE]
[B]Hamstring[/B] - [SIZE=1]Give up 2d6 sneak attack damage to cut an opponents speed in half (CW100) [/SIZE]

[b]Languages:[/b] Common; Elven; Giant

[I]carrying capacity:[/I] 58/116/175 lift 175/350 drag 875
[b][i]Wearing or carrying at hand[/i][/b] 
Cloak of Resistance (+3) - 9,000gp
Mithril Chain Shirt +3 - 10,250gp (25lb)
Short Sword +1 - 2,310gp (2lb)
Long Sword +2 - 8,315gp (4lb)

[b][i]In or on containers[/i][/b] 
masterwork thieves tools - 100gp (2lb)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50) - 750gp
Wand Magic Missiles (5th) (48) - 3,750gp (3x1d4+1)
Potion Darkvision x2 - 6,00gp
Scroll Spider Climbing (2nd) - 150gp
Scroll Gaseous Form (3rd) - 375gp

Total weight carried –  lbs, load. 
5,00 gp -sp -cp

Appearance, Personality, Background
Appearance: Ery is very plain for an elf, and she deliberately sets out to make herself that way. She isn't interested in fashion or being flashy. Her only indulgence is her hair, which she likes to keep clean, slashing parts of her natural red colour with different coloured dyes and bleaches. She has spent alot of time outdoors and her skin is tanned and weathered. Her hands have long, calloused fingers and her nails are short and raggedy from where she chews them when she is nervous. Her eyes are a startilingly bright azure colour and she has long, thick lashes and arched eyebrows. She generally dresses in dark colours.

Personality: Ery is generally in an indifferent to bad mood. She hasn't had many happy times in her life and this shows in her mood and manner. She can soemtimes be rude and is typical of the haughty elf. But this all masks a deep hurt, she lost her parents at a very early age and this has psychologically scarred her, she tends to be withdrawn and inward looking and this is often interpreted as being arrogant.

Background: Ery's parents were killed by bandits when they were travelling between cities, she was abrely 10. She was abducted by the bandits and grew up in their where she went from cleaning and cooking for the dirty men to eventually camp whore when she could no longer fight off the advances.

Eventually she ecaped and has since lived life on the road, travelling form place to place and earning what she needs to survive through theft and the occassional odd job.[/sblock]
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Men'Thar-Glory to the Dragonknights (Gestalt)

Lady Even del'Dray - Flashfire
Human Paladin 8/Cleric 5 - Dragonrider 3
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Bahamut
Region: Draconic
Sex: Female
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 130 lbs

Skin: Pale, freckled
Hair: Flame Red
Eyes: Green
Age: 28

Str: 16 (+3) [8 points]
Dex: 10 (0) [2 points]
Con: 10 (0) [2 points]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 16 (+3) [8 points]
Cha: 14 (+2) [6 points]
+1 Wis; +1 Str

Class Abilities
Aura of Good (Strong) - as detect good spell
Detect Evil - at will as detect evil spell
Smite Evil 2/day - +3 attack (equal to Cha bonus); +8 damage (equal to level)
Divine Grace - +3 all saves (equal to Cha bonus)
Lay on Hands - Heal 24 HPs (Level x3)
Aurau of Courage - Immune to Fear (magical or otherwise); allies within 10' receive a +4 morale bonus on saves vs fear
Divine Health - Immunity to all diseases (including magical and supernatural)
Turn Undead - As cleric of 3 levels lower
Special Mount -
Remove Disease 1/week - as remove disease spell
Spells (1;0)

Turn Undead - 3 times per day + Cha bonus
Spells (5; 3+1; 2+1;1+1)
Spontaneous Caster - cast healing spells spontaneously

Dragonriding - Add class level to Ride checks when riding a dragon
Immune to frightful presence
Mounted spellcasting - +5 Concentration checks when mounted
Bonus Feat - Ride by attack

Hit Dice: 10 (max every level)
HP: 80
AC: 19 (+0 Dex, +5 armour, +1 shield, +3 magic ) Touch – 13, Flat-footed – 18
ACP: -3
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +13 [+9 base, +0 Con, +1 Magic, +3 divine grace]
Reflex +6 [+2 base, +0 Dex, +1 Magic, +3 divine grace]
Will +15 [+9 base, +2 Wis, +1 Magic, +3 divine grace]
Electricity Resistance 5

BAB/Grapple: +8/+3 - +11
Melee Atk: + 12/+7 Heavy Pick of Shock (1d6+4+1d6 ;x4)
Melee Atk: + 12/+7 Lance (1d8+4;x3)
Melee Att: +11 Short Sword (1d6+3; 19-20/x2)
Ranged Atk: +9 Light Crossbow (1d8+1 19-20/x2; 80')

Class Skills:
Total = 8+16+11 (human)+8 (Int) (human) = 43
Balance 5 [5 ranks, +0 Dex, ACP] - dragonrider
Concentration 2 [8 ranks, +0 Con] - paladin/cleric/dragonrider
Craft 0 [0 ranks, +0 Int] - paladin/cleric
Diplomacy 6 [4 ranks, +2 Cha] - paladin/cleric/dragonrider
Handle Animal 6 [4 ranks, +2 Cha] - paladin/dragonrider
Heal 7 [4 ranks, +3 Wis] - paladin/cleric
Jump 4 [1 ranks, +3 Str, ACP] - dragonrider
Knowledge (arcana) 0 [0 ranks, +0 Int] - cleric
Knowledge (history) 0 [0 ranks, +0 Int] - cleric
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 0 [0 ranks, +0 Int] - paladin
Knowledge (the planes) 0 [0 ranks, +0 Int] - cleric
Knowledge (religion) 7 [7 ranks, +0 Int](Int) - paladin/cleric
Profession [0 ranks, +3 Wis] - paladin/cleric
Ride 11 (19*) [8 ranks, +0 Dex, +3 Skill focus] * +8 Dragonriding class ability- paladin/dragonrider
Search 0 [0 ranks, +0 Int] - cross class
Sense Motive 3 [0 ranks, +3 Wis] - paladin
Spellcraft 0 [0 ranks, +0 Int] - cleric
Spot 3 [0 ranks, +3 Wis] - dragonrider
Tumble 0 [0 ranks, +0 Dex, ACP] - dragonrider

1(+1)/3/6/8 (Dragonrider)

Mounted Combat - Once a round when mount is hit make a ride check to negate the hit. Ride check must exceed opponents attack roll
Ride by Attack - Mounted and make a charge may move and attack as a tandard charge and then move again. Total movement can't exceed double mounted speed. No attack of opportunity on rider or mount
Skill Focus (Ride) - +3 Ride
Quicken Turning (Complete Divine) - Turn as a free action

Languages: Common, Draconic

Wearing or carrying at hand
Mithril +2 Chainmail - 8300gp (20lbs)
+1 Light Steel Shield - 1159gp (6lbs)
+1 Heavy Pick of Shock - 8308gp (6lbs)
+1 Lance - 2312gp (10lbs)
+1 Light Crossbow - 2335gp (4lbs)
Short Sword - 10gp (2lb)
Ring of Feather Falling – 2200gp (-)
Holy Symbol, Silver - 25gp (1lbs)
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000gp (-)

In or on containers
Backpack - 2gp (2 lbs)
Potion of Flying - 750gp (-)
Explorer's Outfit - 10gp (8lbs)
Noble Outfit - 75gp (10lbs) - not carried, left in room or strapped to mount, not counted in load
Flint and Steel - 1gp (-)
Healers Kit - 50gp (1lbs)
Lantern, Bullseye - 12gp (3lbs)
Mirror, Small Steel - 10gp (1/2lbs)
Pouch, Belt - 1gp (1/2lbs)
Waterskin - 1gp (4lbs)
Whetstone - 2cp (1lbs)
Everlasting Rations - 350gp (-) Heroes of Battle
8 x Blessed Bandages - 80gp (-) Heroes of Battle
20 bolts - 2gp (2lbs)

Total weight carried – 71 lbs, light load.
Light - 76lbs; Medium - 153lbs; Heavy - 230 lbs; Lift - 230 lbs/460lbs; Push/Drag - 1150lbs

7 gp 9 sp 8 cp

1/0 (bonus 1/1/1) - Save DCs
Divine Favour x2
Eagle's Splendour

5/3+1/2+1/1+1 (bonus 1/1/1) - Save DCs - 13/14/15/16
Air - Turn earth creatures, bolster air creatures - 6/day
1. Obscuring Mist
2. Wind Wall
3. Gaseous Form
4. Air Walk
5. Control Winds

Storm - Electricity Resistance 5
1. Entropic Shield
2. Gust of Wind
3. Call Lightning
4. Sleet Storm
5. Ice Storm

Create Water
Detect Magic x2
Read Magic
Shield of Faith
Hide from Undead

Bull's Strength
Spiritual Weapon

Protection from Energy
Searing Light

Turn Undead
6 times/day - synergy +2 Knowledge (religion)
6 times/day - as cleric of 5th level

Appearance: Even is a heavily built woman with long wildly flowing red hair, she has a smattering of freckles across her pale skin, and a scar runs down her right cheek. She also has a large burn patch on her upper right arm where she was struck by lightning. She prefers to wear dark colours - greys, blacks, purples, and deep reds - all the better to reflect her stormy nature. While she wears glittering mail of chain, her shoulders, neck and elbows are protected by thin sheets of mithril enrgaved with the symbol of her God. She wears a blood red cloak embroided with a large holy symbol of her deity. Even wears long black, heavy soled leather boots with short heels that are laced up the side with strips of silver. Upon each of her hands she wears tight calf skin gloves died a deep purple. She often times has her flying goggles hanging from her belt of wide black leather, a silver buckle shaped in her deities holy symbol clinches the leather strap home.

Personality: Even is fiery, she is quick to anger when she feels an injustice is being perpetrated. She is also caring and loving, she respects people until they prove that they do not deserve her respect. She does not suffer class prejudice and will do all she can to assist anyone in need. She lives her life by the ideals taught at Military School. She always strives to be on time and believes that presentation and fine grooming is an important asset and so always presents herself appropriately, with the exception of her hair which, no matter what she does, remains unruly and wild - something that annoys her no end (in fact she has been contemplating cutting all her hair off, the only thing stopping her being the fact that her father (good bless his dead soul) always said that her hair was like the breath of the Dragonmother)

Background: Even's mother died at birth, as did her twin brother, and her father never remarried. She was the only child and, it was thought for awhile, that the family traditions of dragonriding would also die. But, Even proved to be a woman quite out-of-the-ordinary. As she grew Even took to pursuits not typical of the women of Amun in fact, her pursuits were decidedly manly. Some speculated that her brothers spirit or soul had, upon death, somehow married with that of his still breathing sister for she grew taller and stronger than was the norm for women of her race.

When it was obvious that his daughter was no ordinary maiden of Amun her father, Lord Baeldrin, employed the best tutors that his money could buy to prepare his daughter for entry into Military College. She was taught basic training in various arms, tactics of war, her letters and numbers (though she proved much more capable with sword than quill), and religious studies.

Even had a much harder time with those of her own age than she ever had with her father, servants or tutors. She was teased mercilessly for not being a typical Amun woman. Women hated her for her independant streak and her forthrightness, in front of both sexes. Men hated the fact that she could often best the most seasoned warrior and envied the ease with which she learnt the art of war.

As the first woman into the College Even was an oddity, some wanted to know her because of the novelty value and others for more dishonourable purposes. Some totally ignored her, acting as though she didn't exist at all and still others hated the fact that she had been allowed to attend the school, they thought that it was some slight against their own personal honour and tried their best to make her life extremly difficult.

After her second year at the College Even was just about ready to throw in the towel. She was missing her home terribly, even though she was doing moderately well in her classes the fact that she was the only woman in the school, with the exception of the nursing staff, was starting to take its toll. But her honour, and her family name, would not allow for failure.

Even learnt of her fathers death and the destruction of her homeland during her third year of schooling. Her family lands were close to the Skelandgrief border and were some of the first to fall when the Goblins began their invasion. Her fathers head was sent to the Conclave and her holdings were raized to the ground, the fields salted and the lake poisoned with bodies, faeces and other more gruesome items. She thirsts for revenge and has dedicated her life to her god (all that she has left in the world) and avenging her father.
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CoC - The Cult of the Red Hand

Name: Ethan Masters
5th level Defense Option
Profession: Police Detective

XP: 10,001
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Light


STR: 16 (+3)
DEX: 17 (+3)
CON: 18 (+4)
INT: 15 (+2)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 14 (+2)


FORT: +8
REF: +4
WILL: +3

HP: 42
AC: 18 (+4 Kevlar, +3 DEX, +1 Offense Option)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)

BAB: +4
Melee: +7
Ranged: +7

Sanity: 70
20% Sanity: 14
Max. Sanity: 99


*Forgery: +5
*Gather Information: +6
*Hide: +5
*Intimidate: +5
Knowledge (Law): +4
*Knowledge (Criminology): +10
*Listen: +6
*Move Silently: +6
Open Lock: +5
*Search: +5
*Sense Motive: +7
*Spot: +5
Tumble: +4

* indicates core skills.


Glock M17: +7
Damage: 1d10
Crit: x3
Range: 20 ft.
100 bullets
Mossberg M590: +7
Damage: 3d6
Crit: x4
Range: 50 ft.
20 bullets


Skill Emphasis: Knowledge (Criminology)
Weapon Proficiency (Pistols)
Weapon Proficiency (shotguns)

Income: $50,000
Savings: $36,000


Blue Kryptonite's D20 Modern - Shadowchasers: Rock Star Edition

Slaye M'Neow

Birthplace: The Strip, U.S.A
Height: 6'11""
Weight: 134 lbs
Age: 36 (December 5, 1968)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Long, Blonde
Classes: Smart 5
Occupation: Religious

XP: 10,001

Vision Type: Normal
Action Points: 7
Reputation: +2
Wealth: +4 (+2 starting, +2 Religious)

Speed: 30'

Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)

STR 10 (0) (costs 2)
DEX 16 (+3) (costs 10)
CON 10 (0) (costs 2)
INT 16(+3) (costs 10)
WIS 11 (0) (costs 2)
CHA 10 (0) (costs 2)

4th level: +1 Wis

Massive Damage:

[15 Base, +3 Dex, +2 Defense Bonus]

Fort +1 [1 base +0 Con]
Ref +4 [1 base +3 Dex, +2 Lightning Reflexes]
Will +3 [3 base +0 Wis]

Languages Known:
~ English

Base Attack: +2 [No Bonuses]
Melee: +2 [+2 base +0 Str] +1 damage
Ranged: +5 [+2 base +3 Dex]
Grapple: +2 [+2 base +0 Str]

Smart 48+12+12+12+12 = 96
Computer Use 9 [6 ranks, +3 Int]
Decipher Script 10 [6 ranks, +3 Int, +1 Religious]
Demolitions 9 [6 ranks, +3 Int]
Disable Device 9 [6 ranks, +3 Int]
Investigate 11 [8 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (arcane lore) 15 [7 ranks, +3 Int, +5 Talent]
Knowledge (art) 5 [2 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (popular culture) 5 [2 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (theology) 17 [8 ranks, +3 Int, +1 Religious, +5 Talent]
Knowledge (philopsophy) 11 [8 ranks, +3 Int]
Profession (musician) 8 [8 ranks, +0 Wis]
Repair 8 [5 ranks, +3 Int]
Research 11 [8 ranks, +3 Int]
Search 11 [8 ranks, +3 Int]
Sense Motive 9 [8 ranks, +0 Wis, Religious (class)]

Talent: Savant *2 (knowledge (theology)/(arcane lore)); Exploit Weakness (after 1 round of combat Int check (DC 15) to use Int as attack bonus)

~ Simple Weapons (Smart Hero Class)
~ Personal Firearms Proficiency - Proficient in use of personal firearms
~ Advanced Firearms Proficiency - no -4 penalty to autofire
~ Lightning Reflexes (2nd Level) - +2 Reflex saves
~ Combat Expertise (4th level ) - -5 Attack/+5 Defence

Casual Clothes
Stage Clothes
Cell Phone
Portable Video Camera
Chemical Light Sticks (5)
Flashlight, Battery Flood
Sleeping Bag

Appearance: 80s sleaze metal, long teased hair, tight clothes, subtle ;) use of makeup

Background: religious metal/glam band (think Stryper), haven't had a successful album since Nirvana released Nevermind. Have continued to tour but gone from 40,000+ stadiums to 200+ clubs. Have recently recorded an album which has sold extremely well. The new album has the original members back together. After the current commitments are put to bed they will be touring the world on the strength of the new album and the revitalised back catalogue.

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Glandred, Shield Maiden of Azerkyn - The House of Rath

Glandred, Shield Maiden of Azerkyn
Dwarf (Shield) Fighter 1
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Haela Brightaxe (Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden)
Region: Cormyr, Eagle Peak, Storm Horns (hamlet, 153; FRCS 112)
Sex: female
Height: 4’7”
Weight: 132 lbs
Skin: Dark, almost red tone

Hair: Flame red
Eyes: Orange
Age: 121

Str: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Dex: 10 (0) [2 points]
Con: 16 (+3) [6 points]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 9 (-1) [1 points]
Cha: 8 (-1) [2 points]
* +2 con; -2 Cha

Racial Abilities
Darkvision 60'
Weapon Familiarity - dwarven urgoshes and waraxes
Stability - +4 to resist bull rush and trip attempts when standing on the ground

Class Abilities
proficient with all simple and marial weapons
proficient with all armour and shields
bonus feat

Hit Dice: 1d10
HP: 13
AC: 17 (+0 Dex, +7) Touch – 10, Flat-footed – 17
ACP: -5
Init: +4 (+0 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 15ft
*+4 dodge bonus to AC vs giants

Fortitude + 5 [2 base, +3 Con]
Reflex 0 [+0 base, +0 Dex]
Will -1 [+0 base, -1 Wis]
*+4 vs fire effects (Azerblood); +2 vs poison (dwarf); +2 vs spells and spell effects (dwarf)

BAB/Grapple: +1/+4
Melee Atk: +4 Dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Melee Atk: +4 Flail (1d8, x2)
Melee Atk: +4 Long Sword (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Ranged Atk: +1 Light Crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80')
* +1 attacks vs orcs and goblinoids (dwarf)

Class Skills: 12
Climb 2 [4 ranks, +3 Str, -5 ACP]
Craft (weaponsmithing) 6 [4 ranks, +1 Int, +1 Azerblood]
Handle Animal -1 [0 ranks, -1 Chr]
Intimidate -1 [0 ranks, -1 Chr]
Jump 2 [4 ranks, +3 Str, -5 ACP]
Ride 0 [+0 Dex]
Swim -7 [0 ranks, +3 Str, -10 ACP]
*+2 Appraise (stone or metal) (dwarf); +2 Craft (stone or metal) (dwarf)

Azerblood - descendant of Clan Azerkyn - +4 saves versus fire effects, +1 craft (armoursmithing, blacksmithing and weaponsmithing)
Improved Initiative - +4 initiative

Languages: Dwarf, Common, Ignan


Wearing or carrying at hand
Masterwork Banded Mail (regional) – 0 gp (35 lbs)
Masterwork Light Steel Shield - 159 gp (6 lb)
Dagger - 2 gp (1lb)
Flail – 8 gp (5 lbs) (Bludgeoning)
Light Crossbow - 35 gp (4lb)
20 bolts - 2 gp (4lb)
Long Sword - 15 gp (4lb) (Slashing)

In or on containers
Backpack - 2gp (2 lbs)
Waterskin – 1gp (4 lbs)
Flint and Steel – 1 gp (--)
Whetstone - 2cp (1lb)
Bedroll - 1sp (5lb)
20 days Iron Rations - 10 (0lb) (consumed in the trip from the Storm Horns)

Total weight carried – 69 lbs, light load.

2gp 3 sp 8 cp


Appearance: Glandred is well muscled with bronze, almost red skin. Her hair is worn long and, like the downy growth upon her cheeks, is a fiery orange in color. Her eyes are dark, almost black with pale yellow pupils. She favours dark colours, particularly mauves, purples, reds, blues and deep oranges and yellows. She carries herself with a swaggering confidence gained through the knowledge that she seems to finally be in control of her own destiny.

Personality: Glandred is a little confused. There seems to be large chunks of her memory that are missing. She doesn't have any idea what happened previous to the last year and she acts accordingly. She is a little paranoid, seeing a threat behind every shadow, she is cautious around strangers though always ready to take matters into her own hands. She is impatient and hates standing in ques or large crowds. If she trusts someone she trusts them implicitly, and can be easily led by such individuals.

Background: Glandred literally translates as Forgotten or Lost Maiden (RoS 25). Glandred has no idea as to her past. She woke up just over a year ago high in the Storm Horns battered and bruised. She wandered for a couple of days before, half dead, she stumbled into Eagle Peak. She had no possessions and no money and so was forced to work for the human smith Belden for a year and a day in return for lodgings, a stipend and a little equipment once the tenure was over.

Glandred proved to be a great asset to Belden and secretly he squirreled away a portion of the money he made from her wares. After the term of the contract was up Belden presented Glandred with a suit of mail and her share of the takings from the year. Glandred, although moved to tears by the friendship of Belden, had resolved to depart as soon as she could so she could try and solve the mystery of her past.

Glandred said her goodbyes to Belden not more than 3 weeks ago and has slowly made her way out of the Storm Horns and through Cormyr since. She has been in Wheedon for only a week and is starting to run low on funds. She is reluctant to get a job at another smithy so soon after leaving her last job and so is looking for a more direct means to earn some money, and a chance to practice her martial skills.

Note: She recalls her surname but not the signifigance of its meaning.
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