Damsel: Millie Bobbie Brown is a princess sacrificed to a dragon, and then fights back

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero

I gotta say, this flick, which I first heard about in Netflix's 2023 sizzle reel today, sounds like a lot of fun.

Tudum said:
What is Damsel about?
Damsel sees Brown as a dutiful, well, damsel, who agrees to marry a handsome prince — only to discover it was all a trap: The royal family recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt. She’s then thrown into a cave with a fire-breathing dragon, relying solely on her wits and will to survive.

Who is in the cast of Damsel?​

Alongside Brown, Damsel stars Angela Bassett, Robin Wright, Ray Winstone, Nick Robinson, Brooke Carter and Shohreh Aghdashloo. Oh, and a dragon.

It comes out on Netflix on Oct. 13.


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Sounds remarkably like another movie, the name of which escapes me now, that came out last year. Princess is kidnapped and then sets about rescuing herself.

Ah, yes! That was it. "The Princess."


What I want to know is:

A) Why in god's holy name is has that sword got a CGI blade?

B) Is the final version going to to look less incredibly awful? This one isn't even lined up quite correctly - the perspective is noticeably off.

Practical FX, guys, they still exist for a reason. I'm pretty sure Millie Bobbie Brown can lift a sword. And just using a hilt, the moves she makes will not be the same as if she makes them with an actual sword. Joey King, who I think is even smaller, managed to run around with non-CGI swords for an entire damn movie with a similar concept recently (I enjoyed it - The Princess), though I'm sure some of that was a stuntwoman.


What I want to know is:

A) Why in god's holy name is has that sword got a CGI blade?
Can't have expensive actors running around with actual pointy things, can we? Insurance costs a fortune!

Truth is there's been a lot of CGI "blades" in recent years. It's frequently a coloured stick with a ball on the end, for tracking purposes.

Truth is there's been a lot of CGI "blades" in recent years. It's frequently a coloured stick with a ball on the end, for tracking purposes.
This appears to be just a hilt, though, because the blade is misaligned in the CGI, which shouldn't happen with a rigid tracking stick.

And I'm confident in saying Joey King was running around with an actual pointy thing. Probably blunt as hell but that's a given.

A) Why in god's holy name is has that sword got a CGI blade?
I can think of a number of reasons:

1) It's actually a lightsabre/flameblade/moonblade/sunblade/vorpal sword. The final blade FX haven't been completed yet.

2) They wanted to make the sword look larger/heavier than the performer could actually wield effectively.

3) they want it to look unreal. In His Dark Materials (BBC/HBO) they used CGI for the daemons, even when a real animal could have been used, the slight unreality was intentional.

I can think of a number of reasons:

1) It's actually a lightsabre/flameblade/moonblade/sunblade/vorpal sword. The final blade FX haven't been completed yet.

2) They wanted to make the sword look larger/heavier than the performer could actually wield effectively.

3) they want it to look unreal. In His Dark Materials (BBC/HBO) they used CGI for the daemons, even when a real animal could have been used, the slight unreality was intentional.
I guess we'll see. It looks dreadful right now because it's misaligned but hopefully they can fix that.

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