Damsel: Millie Bobbie Brown is a princess sacrificed to a dragon, and then fights back

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I thought it was fun. The effects look fine, given the Netflix budget. It's a shame the marketing spoils the big twist of the movie. I liked the second act a lot, with Elody surviving in the lair. The third act felt a bit weak. And although the ending is predictable, it also gives the audience exactly what they want.

Also, this movie is a great example of how a dragon should fight in its lair.


A suffusion of yellow
Just watched it and enjoyed it alot, sfx were a bit wonky and the script could be better, but overall the story ticked all the boxes and the dragons lair was atmospheric. I kept thinking how the story could be adapted to a dnd scenario

Took me back to the glory days of 1980s dragon movies

They are never written that way...
The rules allow it. Also Rocs etc. But there is a case for a "tactics" section in the Monster Manual. Or possibly a side box discussing large flying creatures picking up and dropping opponents. The Gloomstalker (Critical Role content) has a "Snatch" attack specifically for doing this, and I did have a PC dropped from a great height by one of these. They are also fast, so they can climb quickly.
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Just watched it and enjoyed it alot, sfx were a bit wonky and the script could be better, but overall the story ticked all the boxes and the dragons lair was atmospheric. I kept thinking how the story could be adapted to a dnd scenario

Took me back to the glory days of 1980s dragon movies
I kept thinking of the movie Dragonslayer.



Voidrunner's Codex

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