Damsel: Millie Bobbie Brown is a princess sacrificed to a dragon, and then fights back

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Old Castro

I enjoyed Damsel. Its under 2 hours long, its fresh and not hackneyed. Shohreh Aghdashloo is great as the voice of the dragon. There are a couple of plot twists or reveals (mentioned upthread) which were nice. I want to see the sequel where Elodie and the dragon are back in Elodie's kingdom. On a similar butt-kicking princess theme, the previously mentioned Princess is also good fun.


I enjoyed Damsel. Its under 2 hours long, its fresh and not hackneyed. Shohreh Aghdashloo is great as the voice of the dragon. There are a couple of plot twists or reveals (mentioned upthread) which were nice. I want to see the sequel where Elodie and the dragon are back in Elodie's kingdom. On a similar butt-kicking princess theme, the previously mentioned Princess is also good fun.
It took me a bit to disassociate her voice with Avasarala but once I did, her voice perfectly fit a vengeful female dragon.


The dragon design is ok, but the motions are very very stiff. For example, while flying, one expects the dragon body to flex. The body model seems incomplete.



Would have been better if:
The dragon was so full of hate, Elodie had no choice but to just slay it.

This ending where we just forgive the dragon for murdering countless innocents and watch even more die for revenge was just kind of ridiculous to me.


Would have been better if:
The dragon was so full of hate, Elodie had no choice but to just slay it.

This ending where we just forgive the dragon for murdering countless innocents and watch even more die for revenge was just kind of ridiculous to me.
In this case
the dragon is just a meat based wood chipper, that the royal family is feeding innocent girls to. The dragon doesn't really bear responsibility for that.


A suffusion of yellow
Would have been better if:
The dragon was so full of hate, Elodie had no choice but to just slay it.

This ending where we just forgive the dragon for murdering countless innocents and watch even more die for revenge was just kind of ridiculous to me.
Why? The dragon is a different species, a predator that kills to eat, its just intelligent enough to have some added vengeance


For what it's worth: The sequences where she explores the dragon's caverns are great! Minor nit re: catching one's self while falling (and surviving the initial fall), but that's Hollywood physics for you; I don't hold it too much against the film.

From a dramatic perspective, more subtle foreshadowing would have been nice in the beginning. Or perhaps, clear foreshadowing which is overwhelmed by the princess being overwhelmed by the intoxicating events leading up to the wedding.

And, in the end, the dragon ought to remain, to a large degree, embittered. Her initial loss is not removed. More Hollywood happy ending vibes.


Voidrunner's Codex

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