Damsel: Millie Bobbie Brown is a princess sacrificed to a dragon, and then fights back

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Dire Bare

This movie is required watching. Why, you ask? Because the beginning is a Master Class on how NOT to fight a Dragon. ( I was literally screaming when the King says 'Form a Line!". Ugh. )
Yeah, but . . . we weren't supposed to be impressed with the king. He certainly didn't go dragon-hunting with much forethought, for sure.


A suffusion of yellow
Clearly, but that does not negate the lesson for us poor players.
Yes its good we have the benefit of hindsight and the example of others.

Characters arent suppose to have that though - and it seems this king wasnt familiar with dragons prior to settling the island, he relied on a standard formation, which were hopeless vs a dragon, but he didnt know that until after the slaughter


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Just finished watching it. My wife and I were entertained. A few good trope subversions.


I ended up watching it last night as well. It was entertaining enough, but likely would have been disappointed if I went to the theatre to see it. I did not care for the dragon's looks. I think it was all the frilly things sticking up from its back.


A suffusion of yellow
I ended up watching it last night as well. It was entertaining enough, but likely would have been disappointed if I went to the theatre to see it. I did not care for the dragon's looks. I think it was all the frilly things sticking up from its back.
Heh, I liked the look, invoke for me the idea of a leonine mane

Just finished watching it. My wife and I were entertained. A few good trope subversions.

so other than the Damsel in distress saving herself, I’m kinda wondering what other subversions you identified. In my watch I was seeing a whole lot of fantasy tropes being woven in to the narrative - thus being reminded of older movies like Dragonslayer (1981)

Voidrunner's Codex

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