Damsel: Millie Bobbie Brown is a princess sacrificed to a dragon, and then fights back


Why? The dragon is a different species, a predator that kills to eat, its just intelligent enough to have some added vengeance
well we can't have it both ways.

If its just a predator with just enough intelligence for vengeance....than we can't fully vilify the king for slaughtering the dragon's children and trying to kill it. Its similar to a Shepard taking out a wolf to save its flock.

Either we apply ethical judgments to the dragon's situation....or we don't.

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Why? The dragon is a different species, a predator that kills to eat, its just intelligent enough to have some added vengeance
IMO, any creature that reasons that innocent kids need to be sacrificed continuously for it not to destroy an entire kingdom for one man's actions needs to be put down.

Honestly, I think I would have preferred the two human factions banding to together to kill the dragon and making peace with each other.


A suffusion of yellow
well we can't have it both ways.

If its just a predator with just enough intelligence for vengeance....than we can't fully vilify the king for slaughtering the dragon's children and trying to kill it. Its similar to a Shepard taking out a wolf to save its flock.

Either we apply ethical judgments to the dragon's situation....or we don't.

Yeah I'm a druid, so I would be against killing the wolf cubs too - in more enlightened times we know that killing wolves isn't a good choice - we don't actually know if the dragon was previously a threat or if it was provoked

IMO, any creature that reasons that innocent kids need to be sacrificed continuously for it not to destroy an entire kingdom for one man's actions needs to be put down.

Honestly, I think I would have preferred the two human factions banding to together to kill the dragon and making peace with each other.
That argument I could sympathize with

Watched it last night. Good fun. Hated the dragon cgi, its motion just wasn’t right. I’d have liked to see more interaction between Elodie and the dragon in the caves, a bit more cat and mouse.


Regarding the ending:

I saw Elodie saving the dragon as pragmatic as well as merciful. If she went back to the royals and told them the dragon was dead they'd likely kill her as a liability/witness now that they don't have to worry about the dragon. By having the dragon eliminate the royals Elodie eliminates a threat to her AND gains a powerful ally.

Of course Elodie now has to deal with having an ultra-powerful serial killer following her around.

As for the dragon, she's evil. She decided her pain meant she got to sadistically murder innocent people. She didn't help Elodie out of remorse, she was furious the royals had tricked her.

Voidrunner's Codex

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