Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 4



He nods and puts his stone away. “I will be most careful with it.”

He can’t help but wonder how long he will be away, and what will exactly this new place will bring him. It is a nostalgic feeling, ironically, leaving so many things behind, even if he did not put them much weight beforehand. It is both exciting and somewhat scary to think about, as it is a rather large leap from the world he has known so far. He wishes it would be just a moderate field trip, but if he would deduce from the events of today... he does not really expect a merry story. In the end, he supposes at this point he can only hope for the best while expecting the worst.

“Anything else I should know before leaving?”

Izel: "No I think not. You do your tribe a great service Ersun. Don't forget that." He says and simply walks away with his two bodyguards.


When you approach the the spot prearranged by Izel you do not see any sign of Ania. Finally you have no choice to but to go ahead without her. Once you arrive you do not have to wait long for the emissary to appear. Suddenly she is there with you in a cavern dimly lit by fluorescent lichen.

At first all you see is a figure in a cloak and gloves gripping a staff. Once she pulls back her hood however you see an attractive woman of delicate bone structure who is paler than you expected. It is obvious from the curve of her almond-shaped eyes and the high set of her cheek bones that she is not entirely human either (according to images from your own histories depicting your Sezzaran ancestors on the surface long ago). Her hair is brunette, thick and curly, which she keeps knotted behind her neck.

Beneath her cloak she wears an unremarkable long-sleeved blouse and leggings that are loose-fitting. Her belt, boots and gloves are all made from supple leather. She also carries a pair of masterwork daggers on her hips and around her neck she wears a beautiful pendant inset with a modest but brilliantly sparkling emerald. As soon as she appears she starts glancing about looking for you.

Thiara: (Spot check: = 27)

[Ersun: What do you do? Make a Knowledge Check to recognize her as a half high-elf, DC 13]
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Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil

Wrenwil said:
It took a few moments to return to reality, or at least the least worse of the two. Wrenwil took a seat in front of the fire, letting its heat warm his back as he stared off into the night.

"The matter?" He turned to his half-dwarven chum with an anxious gaze and furrowed brow.

"I need a holiday Ordechai. This journey isn't exactly what I had in mind. I believe we are safe here, perhaps for a short time, but we must make haste come dawn. Tell me, I've been thinking, I'd like to reach Tabba, preferably in one piece, and avoid whatever kafuffle is going on upstream. I wish you to be by my side, yet the dwarves have other plans. It seems we need to ensure your innocence or perhaps... expose the futility in delivering you for trial... My little trick earlier, to make the Barossan speak the truth... will such a thing be of benefit to you when the time comes for this "questioning"? We are like light and shade my friend, so different in every way, and for this reason I feel best to work as one, if of course, Tabba is of interest to you?

Ordechai: Drinks another swig of rum. "I have been through Tabba many times my friend. It is just a simple town like so many others. Yet I would gladly accompany you there if I were free to do so. As you say though, I must first convince the dwarves to see me free. If it helps that cause, I do not mind your magic tricks."

[Wrenwil: What do you do?]

Kryslogious said:
"Right now should we press on I can not guarantee I will not quickly become a burden. I have marched all day in this sun and have been injured twice without proper triage, and I am built to do such a trek. I fear Ordechai and my Lord will not fare as well should we press on and encounter more hostilities."

Alic: Nods. "Kryslogious speaks sense. We would be even worse off encountering additional Vul out there half-dead from exhaustion if we keep moving."

Malic: Grunts. "So be it. We shall rest here and hope to see the sunrise. Yet we still need to perform Ordechais interrogation before we decide what to do, and where to go, come the morning. Kryslogious, would you care to carry your new weapon..." Gestures to the heavy crossbow "...and keep watch while we do so?" He says with a bit of a snicker, indicating he finds the idea funny with that particular weapon.

[Kryslogious: What do you do?]
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He nods towards her, waves in a friendly gesture and walks up to her. He has an inkling he should know what her racial variation should be but can’t really place it properly. He appraises her looks, physical characteristics, posture, and is satisfied with what he sees, although he will have to see what other surfaces look like to have a better judgement of her.

“You must be lady Thiara. My name is Ersun Durim, I will be in your care for a while. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He greets her graciously. He starts to wonder about cultural differences they might have on the surface regarding such customs, but he will learn eventually anyway.

[Knowledge, Geography: 11 fumble, DC 13]



Ordechai: Drinks another swig of rum. "I have been through Tabba many times my friend. It is just a simple town like so many others. Yet I would gladly accompany you there if I were free to do so. As you say though, I must first convince the dwarves to see me free. If it helps that cause, I do not mind your magic tricks."

"We will do our best," Wrenwil replied, standing up to stare into the distance, a 360 degree arc of night, speaking as he surveyed the fringes of their camp. "They better get on with it though, my patience is thinning, in fact it has been since first light." Wrenwil winked to his friend, a hopeful gesture that all would be fine.

"Actually... you don't happen to have a shovel do you? I hate to ask, but my faith demands that I bury the dead, excluding those who seek to murder us of course. Couldn't think of a better way to spend a night on vacation, help a friend who is ripe for interrogation, and bury an oversized bird, whilst obviously keeping one eye open for death from above..."

[sblock=Wrenwil Stats]
WRENWIL - a tough old boot on a terrible holiday

4, Init 2, HP 20/27, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus 3
Masterwork Staff +7 to hit (d6+3)
Spells: 5/5/3
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Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar

To Jabbar: -Whispering- "Stay behind me until we're sure it's not an ambush. If they want you, they'll have to pass Avar and I first. If there's trouble, I will engage with my sword, since we're in tight quarters."

Bill puts the arrow back into the quiver, and slings his bow back over his shoulder. "Okay, we're coming. Our hands are empty and raised." He says, loud enough to be heard by the bandit, but not loud enough to carry outside.

Bill will stand, and calmly walk toward the end of the tunnel, showing Avar and Jabbar the location of the trap trigger as he approaches it, by pointing to it, and saying "Don't step here."

Basically, Bill is going to show good faith, and proceed as the bandits ask, i.e., approach with weapons sheathed / put away, with his hands empty, and raised to chest level ("truce hands.") If they try to disarm him, he will warn them that he is a man of patience, but not unending. He will say that on his word of honor, he shall not attack, and will agree to parlay, but that his weapons are special (sentimental value) to him, and he's not going to hand them over to anyone; not the bandits, not the Vul, not to Herod himself. He will NOT permit himself to be disarmed.

As you emerge from the tunnel, squeezing by the mechanical trap in the process which has not been reset yet, you find yourself in a small cave with four exits. Stacks of goods and supplies are piled in two places, some of which are obviously taken from other smugglers as they have no purpose for daily survival underground.

There are five bandits waiting in a semi-circle around the tunnel entrance, blocking the exits. All of them are well-armed and armored. Two of them hold light crossbows (aimed at the floor) and the others have melee weapons at the ready.

Two of them have lanterns they've placed on the ground by their feet to free up both their hands. Four of them are Akhenatens and the last is a Hill Dwarf. The Dwarf appears to be the leader, standing in the center of their formation. Avar and Jabbar step out from behind you at your flanks.

Avar: Holds up his torch and scoffs as he recognizes the dwarf. -Speaking Dwarven- "Odan RamHorn is that you?!"

The dwarf stiffens, looking a bit chagrined.

Odan: -Dwarven- "...Avar DarkChains... I should have known I'd catch you in here eventually."

Avar: -Dwarven- "What is this nonsense?!"

Odan: Shakes his head. -Dwarven- "It's not personal, it wasn't even my idea to be honest."

Avar: -Dwarven- "Of course not, I can only think of one moron capable of this..." He mutters and spits.

Odan: -Dwarven- "It was orders. He knew I was the best one for the job."

Avar: -Dwarven- "Well you are a twice-damned fool! Lurking in alleyways and backrooms is one thing, this is certain to get you all killed."

Meanwhile the other bandits look to their leader with raised brows. They clearly do not speak dwarven but they can sense this is already not going to plan.

Odan: Sighs. -Dwarven- "As I said... this is not personal."

Jabbar: Lowers his cowl and speaks up. - Speaking Common- "Do you know who I am?" He asks looking at each of the bandits in turn. A couple of them nod. (Number 1 & Number 5)

Bandit 1: -Common- "You are Jabbar Najafi!"

Jabbar: -Common- "Indeed I am. I was using these caves before some of you were old enough to steal your first loaf of bread! What is the explanation for these traps? You almost injured one of my bodyguards. All I have to do is say the word and he'll slice you up." (Intimidation Check: = 27)

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]

[sblock=Odan RamHorn]
Male Hill Dwarf, 4'4", 183lbs, Age 60, Black Hair & Beard, Brown Eyes
MW Heavy Pick, MW Shortsword, MW Dagger
MW Chainshirt w/Coif + Bracers & Greaves
MW Heavy Steel Shield
Boots, Cloak and Gloves
[/sblock][sblock=Bandit 1]
Male Akhenaten, 5'5", 155 lbs, Age 20, Brown Hair & Eyes
Scimitar, Dagger
Studded Leather Armor
Light Wooden Shield
Boots + Cloak
[/sblock] [sblock=Bandit 2]
Male Akhenaten, 5'6", 160 lbs, Age 25, Brown Hair & Eyes
Light Crossbow, Short Sword
Chain Shirt
Boots + Cloak + Gloves
[sblock=Bandit 3]
Male Akhenaten, 5'5", 165 lbs, Age 26, Brown Hair & Eyes
Battle Axe, Shortsword, Dagger
Scale Mail, + Open Face Metal Helm
Heavy Steel Shield
Boots + Cloak + Gloves
[/sblock] [sblock=Bandit 4]
Male Akhenaten, 5'7", 178 lbs, Age 31, Black Hair & Brown Eyes
Light Crossbow, Scimitar, Dagger
Chain Shirt + Open Face Metal Helm
Boots + Cloak
[sblock=Bandit 5]
Male Akhenaten, 5'5", 158 lbs, Age 24, Brown Hair & Eyes
Spear, Scimitar
Studded Leather Armor + Open Faced Reinforced Leather Helm
Boots + Cloak
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: Looking Mean

Jabbar: -Common- "Indeed I am. I was using these caves before some of you were old enough to steal your first loaf of bread! What is the explanation for these traps? You almost injured one of my bodyguards. All I have to do is say the word and he'll slice you up." (Intimidation Check: = 27)

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]

Bill quietly surveys the group, a stern scowl on his face. For a few moments, he says nothing. He pauses, to look the Dwarf over.

In Dwarven: "Greetings friend. What's a well-heeled Dwarf such as yourself doing in the company of amateurs such as these? They won't last a minute in a real fight. This one," indicating Bandit #2 with a nod of his head, "looks as if he borrowed his father's chainmail to play dress-up. They are not worthy companions to one such as you."

In Common, smiling coldly: "I await your instructions, sir. What is your wish?"

In Dwarven, still smiling coldly: "If I may make a suggestion, you could simply charge us the discounted 'friend' price, and let us pass. That would satisfy your employer's honor, and keep your cohorts here alive another day. You're obviously in charge here, so the decision is yours. I trust Avar's judgment, and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to spill your blood. So why don't we just compromise, and part as friends?"

Bill scans the bandits one last time, finally settling his gaze on Bandit #3. Bill winks at him.~He'll be the first to die.~


Drasus, Svexyn


Looking around, Svexyn's eyes take in the hallway and the table where he is asked to be seated. The words ring in his ears, as he has been warned repeatedly about this man. He has also seen him in action, and does not fancy upsetting him. Deciding on making this as short as possible, but not rude, he answers honestly.

"Tylia is already bringing you a drink, I made sure to have it on its way."

He sits at the table, bowing slightly to Drasus, showing some form of decency. He still has his drink, having decided to drink slowly, and keep his wits about him.

"I apologize, but I cannot stay for much long, as Tamas is holding my gear for me until I return to deliver what is needed to help bury the half-orc that so recently met the wrong end of your sword. Best to get that job done with quickly, before the body starts stinking up my camp, if you know what I mean. Well, at least MORE than what he already does..."

Svexyn hopes that Drasus is a man of some measure of decency, but doubts it. "But of course, I settle all my debts in full, when I can. So, here I am, at your disposal to talk about settling up. I just hope I don't say something that would make me end up needing to tell my men to make a bigger hole for me to join the half-orc."

Drasus: Smiles "I wouldn't worry, your life doesn't look like it'd be worth my fee." He says in poor humor. "Good of you to speak to Tylia on my behalf however. That is the second favor you have done for me today. Such thoughtfulness is unusual out here..."

Meanwhile, the hill dwarf trader and the quresh merchant seated at the other table seem to dismiss you as a nobody and resume their discussion.

Svexyn: (Fate Pool Listen Check: = Natural 20) And you happen to have no trouble eavesdropping on that discussion.

Hill Dwarf: -Speaking Common in a gravely voice- "...As I was saying Raja, surely by now a pass into the Sezzara Wasteland isn't out of the question? All these years of good business between us should be worth that small favor at least."

Raja: Frowns and raises his hands in a gesture of helplessness "It is not my decision to make Drumir!"

Drumir: Sits back with frustration. "I was told the favor of a Quresh merchant was exactly what was required?!"

[Svexyn: What do you do?]
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Mogan and Folg


~So he has a fee for murder...nice to know...~

Svexyn is about to sit when he overhears Raja and Drumir... ~Another Quresh, and apparently they hold the key to approved access to the place called the Sezzara Wasteland. I will have to ask Tamas about this place, and why people are keen on going there. Along with why the Quresh hold access to this land in high regard...~

Taking a seat that allows him the closest proximity to the two others, Svexyn answers Drasus rather dryly, noting that apparently being too nice would likely get you killed just as quickly as being rash.

"I will have to endeavor to alter my actions then, as being favorable doesn't seem to be something these lands 'favors' it would seem." Svexyn raises his mug in a slight toast to Drasus, as he then takes a sip of his drink. It still took some getting used to, as he continues savoring the taste of a drink that wasn't filled with the grit of sand.

"But I do intend to pay my debts, however small or large they are. Which is why I requested Tylia bring up your favored drink, so that our business could continue." Again, he glances back to see if Tylia is coming soon with the drink he ordered for Drasus.

"Besides, knowing a man's drink says a little about them. For one, it would seem that you enjoy the pleasures of the high life. As well as the ability to provide for it, as that drink isn't easily something I could afford most days."

Svexyn attempts to continue to overhear anything that would help him on his search, constantly pausing his speech to be able to listen to the two nearby.

"Which brings me to our conversation. I offered 5 gold for the scavenging rights, but you offered to settle up later. I hope that we can come to some agreement on the payment."

Svexyn lets the last statement hang, hoping that Drasus has had enough time to come to a decision. The longer he stayed, the more dangerous he felt it would be for him. There was just something that didn't sit well with this man.


Ersun, Thiara

He nods towards her, waves in a friendly gesture and walks up to her. He has an inkling he should know what her racial variation should be but can’t really place it properly. He appraises her looks, physical characteristics, posture, and is satisfied with what he sees, although he will have to see what other surfaces look like to have a better judgement of her.

“You must be lady Thiara. My name is Ersun Durim, I will be in your care for a while. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He greets her graciously. He starts to wonder about cultural differences they might have on the surface regarding such customs, but he will learn eventually anyway.

[Knowledge, Geography: 11 fumble, DC 13]

Thiara: Looks to you with a discerning stare before she says. "You speak the common tongue rather well for an under-dweller, that is good..." She steps to the side and starts slowly circling you to get a better look at you. "I almost did not come, things are very bad right now in Masaeus. I can't guarantee your safety, but I do not want to forsake the lives of my scouts either."

"My arrangement with Izel was that you would come back with me for one week. After that week if he was satisfied with your reports, and you were still alive, he would release my scouts and consider an alliance. However given the situation in Masaeus I think it best that we alter that arrangement a little. Let me take you to a town known as Cabarda. It is only a couple days east of Masaeus by horseback."

"I have a contact there that can look out for you and show you around. If things calm down in Masaeus I will send for you so you can still see the city. If not, well, I hope you can gather enough information in the meantime to please Izel. Is that agreeable to you Ersun?"

[Ersun: What do you do?]


Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar

Odan: Shifts his gaze to you Billanverthorne -Speaking Common- "Who is this elf who speaks like a fool? What do you think you know of my employers honor?" He asks voicing that final word with complete distaste. "IF YOU KNEW HIM AT ALL YOU WOULD KNOW BETTER!" He roars and charges towards you with his Heavy Pick!

<Start of Combat>

<Start of Round 1>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(20) Odan (-7,-6)
(19) Avar
(18) Billanverthorne (-7)
(14) Jabbar
(13) Bandits


Odan: (Charge Attack vs. Billanverthorne: =19, Hit)(Location: Gut)(Damage: = 7)

Odans Heavy Pick swings wide and pierces your side!

Avar: Shouts "Damn you Odan!" Takes 5 ft. Step, Dropping his torch and drawing both his weapons as a free action action. Engages in Full Attack vs. Odan.
  • (Handaxe Attack: =22, Hit)(Location: Right Leg)(Damage: =7)
  • (Hunting Knife Attack: =23, Hit)(Location: Gut)(Damage: =6)

[Billanverthorne: It is your turn, what do you do?]

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