Dark*Matter, Discovery: A Quiet Little Assignment


As Larry focused, he could pick up some sort of psionic impression. A faint background static of recent psionic activity in the region.

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Cade puts the minivan into idle after parking, however he doesn't turn it off, yet. As the others get out of the vehicle, Cade puts his PDA into a passive detection mode; basically, should there be a technological cause for what's going on, the PDA should record it and send out a specific vibrating pulse into its owner's side, altering him.

Once that's done, Cade cranks the heat on the minivan, while it idles, and then he gets out and organizes Diego and himself to sorting through some of the gear that might be needed as part of their cover as Hoffmann Institute interviews and documentarians. It's obvious that Cade is taking more of a backseat and just playing the role of the technician.

[sblock=OOC]Sorry for the delay, folks, it's been a smidge hectic on my end of the Universe. Nothing bad, all good, but I've two part-time jobs and full-time college right now, so it's just been one of those weeks.[/sblock]


First Post
"Well boys, my psydar is tingling. Somebody was using freaky stuff around here recently. Nothing major, as far as I can make out." With that, and as soon as everybody was ready Larry made his way towards the door, putting on his best reassuring smile. He rang the doorbell, already rehearsing his spiel.


A blonde woman, Megan Brandowich, pushed open the door a crack a moment after Larry knocked and snarled! "Just go away! I've already filed suit for libel against the tabloid, so unless you want to open yourselves to harassment charges as well, get off my property!"


First Post
"Ma'am, please, we are not with the press." He flashed his Hoffmann Institute ID, and continued. "We are researchers from the Hoffmann Institute, here to confirm your story." He smiled disarmingly at her. "I hate those vultures from the tabloids even more than you do Ma'am. They make our research almost impossible. The Institute is the premiere leader in research into the paranormal and xeno-visitations. If you could allow us some few minutes of your time, we would appreciate it geatly."

[sblock] Diplo check with +9. Throw in an AP as well[/sblock]


Megan opened the door the rest of the way. "I'm sorry," she said. "I just thought- it's been something of a nightmare, I never wanted any of this. You're here to help, please, come in?"

The woman invited the team into her kitchen. "Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? A soda?" she asked once they were inside.


First Post
"Cofee will be fine, ma'am." Larry waited for her to sit herself, while the others set up the gear. "So, I know this has been a dreadful ordeal for you, and I hate to have to put you through it all over again. But we really need to hear your story from you directly. The press tends to leave out details, details which we find very important when investigating these events."


Once Cade and Diego have brought in the gear, Cade will setup a digital video camcorder that will focus on Megan while she relates her story. He also backs up the video recording with an additional audio recorder, just to be safe.

Fortunately Cade's prior background, now cover identity, of security consulting and A/V surveillance really seems to come into play right now, as his technical expertise shines through with the setup and he makes it the least invasive that he can.


Megan sighs as she pours the drinks and Cade sets up the recording gear. "There is no story. Nothing happened. I was biking home through the road that runs through the forest. I hit a patch of ice, skidded out and hit my head. I had a weird dream and woke up in the hospital. I made the mistake of mentioning it on a forum, then some idiot from one of those tabloids decided to fabricate a story out of it."

[sblock]Larry can tell that she's lying. And he can tell that she's scared of something[/sblock]

[sblock]As Megan mentions the forest, Meredith feels a tugging on the mark on her arm[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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