Dark*Matter, Discovery: A Quiet Little Assignment


"I … I guess that makes sense," Megan said, slowly starting to nod as Larry began to spin his tale into her ears. "I mean, aliens don’t exist after all… and deGant is also going on about other companies trying to steal his secrets or Neo-Scientologists trying to embarrass him. I'll use some vacation time, you’re right… go visit my parents in New York."

Peeking through the window, Cade could see a big man in a police uniform and winter coat standing at the front door, apparently trying to listen through it. He was a tall, strongly built blonde man with his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, and a .44 Smith and Wesson revolver holstered at his side. There was a squad car parked behind the team’s van on the street. The markings showed it to be one of the local department’s vehicles.
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"There's a police officer at the door," replies Cade. "He seems to be listening at the door, no knock or anything."

"What a coincidence" Nick says as he gets to his feet. He walks over to Cade and whispers into his ear.

"Call me paranoid, but I'm not in the mood to get shot at by another coincidence," he says. "Contact Z and get her to verify, make sure he's the real deal. In the mean time we need to get away from the doors and windows."


"Already on it," replies Cade as he takes a quick set of picture with his PDA before moving further from the windows. One is of the office and the others is of the cruiser's license plates.

Once they're dispatched, Cade moves off to the side, so as to call 'Z' and let her know that the images are coming and that he's looking for confirmation of whether or not the guy is legit.


Z called back a minute later after receiving the photos. "Here we go, got the files on him. Sergeant Kurt Gibbens, head of the Police Department in Greenway Crossing. Eighteen year veteran of various small town police forces in the state, no real issues or problems that come to note... hmm, transferred in two years ago. About a week after the Crystoleum Chemical Plant opened. He's got three officers under him, all of whom transferred in within a few weeks of his arrival. No reason given for the officers they replaced leaving. Want me to do some more digging, see if we get any hits on federal databases? It'll take me a few hours though."


"Thanks, beautiful," answers Cade. "Knowledge is power, as they say." With a soft chuckle, he adds, "I'll fill the others in on what we have, ring me when you get the rest."


"Aww, thanks," Z replies, smiling unseen on the other side of the phone. "I'll see what dirt I can dig up and get back to you as soon as I can."


"You're more than welcome, talk to you soon," says Cade as the call ends. After which, he lets Nick know, first, about what he found out before he lets the others know. But, Cade keeps it sort of casual, as if he's just filling them in on equipment setup.


"You're more than welcome, talk to you soon," says Cade as the call ends. After which, he lets Nick know, first, about what he found out before he lets the others know. But, Cade keeps it sort of casual, as if he's just filling them in on equipment setup.

"Let me know when you're ready, I'll open the door. I might have a little surprise for him if he starts shooting."

Voidrunner's Codex

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