Dark*Matter, Discovery: A Quiet Little Assignment


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Meri listens to what Cade has to say, then glances at the 'abductee' furtively for a second before asking, "So what do we do now? Seems like she's taken care of, but we're obviously going to have to check that place out. Who's gonna talk to the cop?"

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"Be ready," Cade says quietly. Then, as he pulls the door right open, he says a bit louder. "I think I left my cell in the rig."

The timing of things is just right that, hopefully, if the cop was a bad guy, then he'd have little time to prepare. However, if the cop is a good guy, then he's just gonna be startled a bit by the production assistant.


For once, Diego has a chance to psychically prepare for possible combat ahead of time.

[sblock=ooc]use combat precognition (3 hr, +1 insight to AC unless flatfooted)
& lesser natural armor (+1 to AC for 1 minute)[/sblock]


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Larry had kept out of the discussion, keeping the small talk with Megan going on. If the others needed him they'd call.


Cade pulled the door open suddenly. The cop looked startled for a moment, but recovered well. "Megan," he called out towards the inside of the house, shouting past Cade's head. "These folks bothering you? Saw the van outside, figured it was probably more reporters."

"No, no, it's okay, Officer Gibbens," she said, disengaging from Larry and approaching the door. "They're not harassing me like those tabloid reporters."


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Meri looked over at the cop, and made a quick decision. She concentrated, eyes open but not seeing. The sense she was learning to pay attention to was more like scent...something in the air around places...or things. A wrongness.

She figured the cop was probably just a patsy, but it might be useful to get a clue as to what he was a patsy OF.

(Using Detect Shadow power on yon cop)


Merideth stared at yon cop, her pupils dilating as her eyes begin to see the realm beyond, the swirling eddies of Dark*Matter that wrap in the world. The cop has been touched recently, but indirectly... not the source of it. She can also sense ... pain... in the background aura of the town itself. Pain and fear. And then there's that tugging feeling again, something in the forest, calling to her.

Meredith snaps out of it, and the cop is looking at her, his head tilted to the side. "Something the matter?" he demands.


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Meri suppresses her shiver at the alien sensations she's opened herself to, and forces a smile for the policeman.

"Just a sucker for a guy in a uniform," she answers glibly, then looks around at the others. "Anyway, I think we're about done here. Seems like we've about worn out our welcome. You guys ready to head out?"


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Larry approaches and as after Meredith answers. "Sorry officer. It's just that you are the spitting image of her old boyfriend. It wasn't a pretty breakup." The lie comes easily to the con man, as he adds some depth to his friend's lie. "She does like cops though, he adds teasingly.

He turns to the girl and adds naturally, but making sure the cop can listen. "So Megan, try to avoid making up these stories in the future. It always stirs up the crazies, and good people like the officer here have to spend tax-payer's money watching out for you. It might seem funny to make up a story about alien abduction, but now you know it means dealing with the tabloids. Take care, honey, I think we're done here, guys." He hopes his performance is enough to allay any suspicions.


Megan nodded quietly. "I just need a vacation, see my family, get my head cleared up," she said. "And stay away from the tabloids. Thank you."

Sergeant Gibbens leaned on the wall with one hand. "Now that you're done," he said, looking at Larry and the others, his eyes hidden behind his mirrored shades. "You should leave. This a nice town, and I won't have you bothering anybody here. Understand?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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