Dark*Matter: Discovery, The Chicago Ripper

As Cade slams down on the accelerator, the driver of the van sees him coming, and hits the gas, jumping the van forward as the man in the back finished pulling Z into the van. The one with the Kalashnikov fired, but sudden start knocked him off balance, and he sent the burst of 7.62mm ammo harmlessly into the air.

The sedan behind the van, whose driver wasn't quite on the ball as the van's, started to move forward as the van move forward, with the end result that Cade plowed the suburban right into the driver's side door, killing him instantly. Looking through the now cracked glass of the front windshield, it can be seen that the driver and the passenger are both dressed the same as the men in the van, and the passenger is also carrying an AK-47. He seems to have been rendered unconscious by the collision.

Cade's drive check was 20, the van driver's was 27
The team's Suburban takes 17 points of damage, lowering its HP to 21.


Diego can't see anybody inside the house, and rings the bell. As he does so, he gets a sudden sense of danger, something is very, very wrong, feeling this as if by a sixth sense. As a result, he manages to duck to the side of the door as a burst of bullets tear through the door right where his chest was a second ago.

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OOC Ok, this action is based on the assumption that I hit their driver side with my driver side OOC


Quickly, Cade dives out of the driver side window of the SUV, across the hood of the car that he had just hit and attempts to draw the Kalishnikov from the sedan's passenger side and almost fires a burst of automatic fire into the rearward, driver's side tire of the fleeing van.

However, before firing, Cade notices something about the tires, shouts an expletive, and then he thumbs the safety on the AK-47 and throws it, buttend of the stock first, through the open driver-side window of the SUV.

Quickly, Cade handcuffs the unconcious cultist to the steeringwheel of the car, trying to ignore the remains of the driver that he killed, before he scrambles across the roff of the car back into the SUV.


Yeap, Cade's spending another action point, that makes two out of sixteen thus far.

Also, for the record, Cade threw the SUV into neutral, but left it running, when he dove across the hood of the vehicle.

Now, if this action is deemed too much, or what not, let me know and I'll retcon it via an edit. :)

I like the movie feel of it, but I can understand if it is too much. Also, if it is obvious that the van is just peeling out of there and there is no way Cade could pull this off, that a hot pursuit would make more sense, then obviously he'd made that call instead.
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Falkus said:
Diego can't see anybody inside the house, and rings the bell. As he does so, he gets a sudden sense of danger, something is very, very wrong, feeling this as if by a sixth sense. As a result, he manages to duck to the side of the door as a burst of bullets tear through the door right where his chest was a second ago.

Shocked, Diego draws his Glock and looks for a good place to take cover, then moves to it if possible.

Friadoc said:
I like the movie feel of it, but I can understand if it is too much. Also, if it is obvious that the van is just peeling out of there and there is no way Cade could pull this off, that a hot pursuit would make more sense, then obviously he'd made that call instead.

OOC: I'd allow it, since it's such a damn cool move, but since I just rolled a 28 for you on your knowledge (technology) check, there's something you should know before you make a final decision on what to do.

Now that Cade is close to the van, he can make out that the tires are run-flat tires.

(aw man...hope this is okay. If not, I'll just have her shoot at the van instead. :))

Meredith, still in shock over the incredible -suddenness- of everything, reacts with a sudden blast of insight. She grabs one of the small tracking devices from the SUV's equipment box, then leaps out the passenger side back door to hurl the tiny gizmo as hard as she can at the fleeing van!

(+4 to hit, spending AP on this one...oh yes. If there are no such devices in the SUV, then she'll just shoot at it...and no AP. :))

kinem said:
Shocked, Diego draws his Glock and looks for a good place to take cover, then moves to it if possible.

Larry had been keeping an eye out while Diego checked the doors. He was about to mention that he could jimmy the lock when he heard the gunshot. Looking around the garden, he leaps behind whatever cover he can find, taking a bead on the doorway with his gun. "FBI, come out with your hands in the air."

Shayuri said:
(aw man...hope this is okay. If not, I'll just have her shoot at the van instead. :))

OOC: It's just fine, though, of course, you'll have to wait for the combat result post to see whether you succeeded or not :)

Just to let you guys know, in order to keep two separate combats flowing smoothly (I'd rather hoped to have the entire team together for this, oh well), from here on in, I will only post the combat results once everybody in both groups has posted their actions.

ooc: sorry I've been awol for a bit. I'm back now. /ooc

Nick catches the the assault rifle that Cade threw into the SUV and quickly gets out and takes aim on the fleeting van, and opens fire without hesitation.

Meredith hurls the tracking device at the fleeing van, and just manages to get it in through the side door as it closes, though she can't tell whether or not the men inside noticed it.

Cade manages to pull off a stunt right out of the movies, and throws the AK to Nick, who catches it smoothly, and peppers the rear of the retreating van with automatic fire, putting some holes in the back.

The van itself starts to accelerate as it speeds down the road.


Diego and Larry both found cover behind a small, stone wall near the door. Whoever is inside ignores Larry's demands to surrender, and keeps firing. After a few seconds, the shooting stops, and there's a click, click, click noise from the room behind the front door.

As Cade slides back into the driver's seat, he shouts out to Nick and Meredith. "We gotta catch 'em, get in!"

Quickly Cade flips on the flashing lights and the emergency siren, in order to gain ever edge that he can for the pursuit, and he quickly tears out after the van once Nick and Meredith are inside.

"Meredith, call it in to Hoffmann, let them know we've got two cultists in the sedan, one dead and one alive," says Cade as snaps a quick U-Turn to get aimed in the right direction. "Let them know that the other cultists have 'Z'."

"Nick, contact Diego and Larry, tell them to drop what they're doing and try and meet-up en route," says Cade with a frown. "Or, at least en chase."

It's obvious that the young man is not only worried about 'Z', but downright pissed off about it, although they've never appeared to have more than a working relationship.

oO I'm not losing anyone, d@mnit! Oo thinks Cade in a fit of concentration.

Ok, as if 2 were not enough, how about 3 action points toward my skill check on drive for the beginning of the pursuit.

Unlike most 'official' pursuits, Cade's goal is not to get the van to pull over, but to make them stop as quickly as possible. If he can, Cade will pull along side the vehicle and give Nick an open shot at the driver. If not, he'll try to run them off the road, even beat up the SUV should have more mass than the van.

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