Dark*Matter: Discovery, The Chicago Ripper


The cultist Larry and Diego shot is dead, thanks to their very accurate shooting. A cursory glance at the cultist notes that he's wearing an earpiece radio. More worrying, however, is the brick of C4 behind the couch, attached to what appears to be a radio controlled detonator.


Dodging assault rifle fire, Cade closed the gap between the SUV and the van, firing at it as he did so. He manages to get right up behind it, and rear end it slightly. Not enough to cause any noticeable damage, but enough to make the two cultists firing from the back to trip and fall forwards onto the hood of the SUV as the van pulled forward slightly to try to pull away from Cade. They lose their Kalashnikovs in the confusion, but start reaching for sidearms. They don't look noticeably pleased at their change in transport.

[sblock]Cade hits the van, dealing no damage (rolled double 1s)[/sblock]

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"Time for a physics lesson, @$$holes!," Cade shouts as he attempts to shake his unwanted passengers off of the SUV.

Cade will then slam on his breaks and jerk the wheel to the left or right before gunning the accelerator in order to catch-up with the van and, more importantly, 'Z'.

"If this doesn't work, guys, shoot them off," Cade says to his allies. "Since I doubt they'll miss from this range!"


Action Point-ville is a town I just love to visit. :D


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Meredith grabs her gun and struggles to the side door, where she wrestles the slding window open. She holds on tight as Cade does his maneuvers, and prays he can shake them, because the idea of shooting people is giving her chills of horror. She knew how to shoot guns, thanks to the self defense courses she'd taken after getting the job at the paper...but she was no crack, marksman shot. Not by a long shot.


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"I have a bad feeling about this, Diego." Larry looks around for a trigger mechanism, as well as studying the C4 from a distance. "I say we get out, this whole thing fairly scream of a trap."

OOC: I have a few ranks in DD, but I'm thinking this'll require Demolitions?


"Way ahead of you" Diego replies as he heads out the shattered door.

When they are outside he tells Larry "You think they knew we were coming? I'm going to report in. Maybe they can send an explosives expert." He calls in and reports what they found.
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Nick, somewhat oblivious to reality at the moment, maneuvers to the side door with the assault rifle Cade threw to him. Even if Cade's driving maneuvers succeed, Nick is going to shoot the bad guys when they land. Whatever they've done to Cliff, they're going to pay.


As Diego and Larry stepped out of the house, there was a thunderous explosion behind them, and the whole house went up in a gigantic fireball, the shockwave hurling the two agents to the ground.


Back at the chase, the van managed to put fifty feet between itself and the SUV. Judging by the street signs that were whipping past, they were rapidly approaching the Chicago river.

The radio went on again, with Cliff's voice again broadcasting to the cultists and, unknowning, to the team. "Unfortunately," he announced. "Your brother who was to ambush the Hoffmann Institute agents was killed by them. He was weak. In my foresight, however, I have set a trap for them that I will now activate, ridding the world of two more agents of light."

(By the way, it isn't just a receiving radio, if you wanted to, you could talk to Cliff over it. Just FYI.)

Cade began whipping the SUV about. The cultist on the left lost his grip, and was sent flying off the vehicle, screaming as he met a bus coming the other way. The resultant mess is best left undescribed.

The other cultist drew a Glock 20 from under his robes, and Meredith quickly shot him the chest, getting lucky with her aim. The short, sharp crack of the gun was punctuated by the scream of the cultist as he fell off the SUV, and under its tires.

Nick opens up on the van with the AK, managing to do some damage to it. Another cultist inside pulls the rear doors shut.

[sblock]Meredith hits the cultist, dealing 11 points of damage, and he fails a balance check.
Nick hits the van, dealing 8 points of damage


oO Damn it Oo thinks Cade as he hears Cliff's plan for the others.

"Someone check in with LArry and Diego," says Cade as he tries to catch up with the van. "Let them know that they're in danger and to get the hell out of there!"

With the cultists now shaken off, Cade pours it on trying to catch the van and he will attempted a pit maneuver, in order to disable/stop the van.


Cade will spend an action point, yet again, like it's water, man!

Also, a pit maneuver is where I use the front edge of the pursuing vehicle to hit the reward edge of the opposing vehicle in order to cause it to spin and stall.

I'm sure many of us have seen this on TV and it works well. :D I hope... :heh:


First Post
Diego really can move fast when he wants The ringing in his ears, Larry ruefully shakes his head. "Well, there goes any of the evidence we might need. Remind me to stop charging blindly into rooms, Diego. Momma Higgins little boy is tired of getting shot at." Once again a reckless charge had saved him, but mostly out of luck and the cultist extremely bad aim.

As the radio message checking on their status came in, Larry slowly stood up and dusted off the debris that had fallen all over them. "We're alright. Kind of. It was a trap, and someone tried to blow us up with a remotely detonated bomb. I guess there must be a observer with the trigger near bye. We'll try to locate him. Over." With those words, Larry tries looking for a good vantage point from which someone might have been watching them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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