Spelljammer Dark Sun confirmed? Or, the mysterious case of the dissappearing Spelljammer article...


B/X Known World
Over on D&D Beyond there's an article about Wildspace as presented in the new Spelljammer slipcase.

What's interesting is they treat things a bit harshly in a few places. This one stood out for me.

"Merging Air Envelopes
So, you've just left your lovely clean-aired planet, and you think you're safe with your fresh air envelope on a relatively short journey to another world. Think again. If a bigger ship comes along with a not-so-fresh air envelope and merges with your ship's air envelope, you will take on the atmosphere of said ship.

This can cause quite a dire situation when you merge with the depleted atmosphere of a clockwork horror-crewed ship that tries to strip your vessel of parts. But, don't worry, after you're finished fighting off the waves of killer robots, you can refresh your air envelope at any nearby planet (assuming you don't suffocate first)."

That's a...bit more punishing than I'd expect from WotC. There's going to be a lot of people needing to look up the rules for suffocation soon, I'd imagine.

The way they're dealing with gravity planes is a bit wild, too. The ship with more hit points inflicts its gravity on the ship with fewer hit points. That makes sense from a "bigger ships will have more hit points" perspective, but knocking a big ship's hp down then colliding to force your gravity plane on them seems like it shouldn't work as it's too good of a tactic.

ETA: Since the article was originally posted it has mysteriously been pulled. It was posted Wednesday morning and has disappeared overnight.

The most interesting bit is this piece of art...


Note the top right circle says "Athaspace" (aka Dark Sun), but also note the typo in the label..."Wilspace System" instead of "Wildspace System".

ETA2: To make things weirder...the article is listed as having been published on Apr 26, 2022...and there are three pages of comments from that time...yet the byline lists the article as published "7/27/2022 2:08 PM" which lines up with the first mentioning of this art discrepancy.
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If you're looking to travel to locations beyond your Wildspace system, one of the simplest (but certainly not the safest) ways to get there is through the Astral Plane.
Interesting phrasing. This implies other means.

Did I miss previous mentions, or is that the first confirmation of Dark Sun's cameo as "Athaspace"? Don't see any indication of any barriers between it and its neighbors in 5E...

Interesting phrasing. This implies other means.
Hmm, that is interesting phrasing. My guess is that Wildpace, like our own outer space, does connect the various systems directly (although through at huge distances), and that you can choose to not enter the Astral once you get to the standard distance.


Speculation Specialist Wizard
Interesting phrasing. This implies other means.

Did I miss previous mentions, or is that the first confirmation of Dark Sun's cameo as "Athaspace"? Don't see any indication of any barriers between it and its neighbors in 5E...
I think someone is messing with us. This is the picture in the article:

However, there is a different image on the Roll20 blog according to Alphastream:

Are...are they starting a new meme?

Dark Sun Confirmed!


I think someone is messing with us. This is the picture in the article:
View attachment 255546

However, there is a different image on the Roll20 blog according to Alphastream:

Are...are they starting a new meme?

Dark Sun Confirmed!
Considering "Athaspace" has a typo ("Wilspace") and "Doomspace" does not ("Wildspace"), I'd bet the latter is the final version. Though that raises the question of whether "Doomspace" is really Dark Sun or not...


Hmm, that is interesting phrasing. My guess is that Wildpace, like our own outer space, does connect the various systems directly (although through at huge distances), and that you can choose to not enter the Astral once you get to the standard distance.
It would be interesting if they retained something closer to the 2E approach of traveling between spheres, in addition to Planejammer. Also might make for an easier transition for veteran fans.

Voidrunner's Codex

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