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D&D 5E Dark sun Times of change


The caravan sets off at a steady pace the Crodlu bobbing along in front of the cart, the lack of the merciless red sun has a bizzare effect on the desert shortly after the setting of the sun the sand, rocks and buildings emit all the heat that has been stored up over the day but the ground making the evening almost as stifling as the day and then there is the time you have chosen to travel, when the twin moons are high in the sky and the desert is cold and dark yet it is far from desolate. The sounds of predators and prey echo across the flat desertlands as you the mountains in the distance draw steadily closer in the distant horizon.

A few hours pass and in the distance about 100ft you spot a bunch of smudges darting around in the pale moonlight at this distance it is impossible to pick out what they are or even if its man or beast. The two Muls turn towards those assembled in the cart."I don't know what's up there but there slap bang in the middle of the road.".
OOC: Feel free to RP as much or as little as you want while traveling as long as everyone is having fun its all good, ill throw in encounters as and when required.

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First Post
Eevuu Farseeker had pretty much ignored the Mul guards and the Tri-Keen, unsure what he wanted to do here... ride in the cart with the others are run ahead a little. Normally he would prefer to be out ahead and by himself, but that was when he ran with his tribe. People he could trust to come to his aid if he ran into trouble. These people he did not know and did not trust. Maybe they would leave him alone in a time of crises so that they could claim his share of the reward. And so when the time came he simply mounted the cart with the others.

After a few hours in the desert he started feeling like himself again. The dust and heat of the wide open spaces so much better then the dust and heat of the crowded city. Plus the smells of all those being crammed so close together. It was enough to make him gag.

When the cart stopped suddenly he looked towards the obvious ambush site ahead and jumped out of the cart. He readied the string on his bone-bow and drew an obsidian-tipped arrow. He remained silent looking for the ambushers...

OOC: Looking around for anyone hiding Perception : 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18


Eevuu does not spot anything this would be poor ground for an ambush as the road is fairly open, unless of course they where hiding under the sand.... but Eevuu does not see any signs of burrowing.


First Post
Eevuu Farseeker is extremely wary and approaches what the Mul guards were talking about. He does not get too close though and is watching the ground for any hidden traps or dangers.


Chtckh'Chtckh follows the elf, ready to back him up if he needs it. He holds his gythka in his upper hands and readies a net with his lower hands ready to kill or capture an opponent, as seems fitting.

OOC: [roll0]


Atroclos learned from his youth the wisdom that, "It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." So he is silent during the negotiations, although he notices the hostile gaze from Kimet. No matter. Atroclos the Twice-Orphaned has dealt with gladiators before when they refused to pay their debts.

When the group broke up, he shouldered his spiked club and made his way to the rally point at the cart. He rests in the shadows cast by the cart and watches the thri-kreen with great curiosity. When the group sets off, he swings his long limbs along beside the cart, his head on a swivel looking for danger.

Perception Check: 1D20+2 = [16]+2 = 18




As the shadowy shapes are spotted up ahead on the road and the elf and thri-kreen get out of the cart, Kimet follows, snatching up her javelins and maul.

“Hold,” she calls to them quietly, tossing off her outer robes to reveal the leather bikini fighting outfit. “Let me see what I can see.”

Closing her eyes, Kimet called upon her wild talent, casting her vision out ahead of her to 50’ up the road, extending what she could see.

Perception: 1D20+3 = [12]+3 = 15

Bonus Action: Sensing Eye: Establishing her line of sight from 50’ up the road, closer to the shadowy figures.
Free Object Interaction:

[sblock=Kimet Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 17
HP: 18/18 HD: 1/1d12
Rage: 2/2 LR


As the cart sets out on its journey, Tarsin exchanges quick, subtle hand signals with Akylanthes, developed over years living together on the fringes of civilization. He indicates that they should take turns keeping watch, not ready to trust this motley troupe. Upon seeing that he has been understood, Tarsin relaxes, ultimately falling asleep for a time amidst the sacks and whatnot in the cool of the evening.

Sleight of Hand: 1D20+3 = [5]+3 = 8

He is startled awake by the cart coming to a halt. He looks quickly to his bard, then to the Mul escorts, then ahead to the shadows that have attracted everyone's focus. He remains in the cart, but he awakens his senses to possible danger and anything out of order. He slips one hand inside his robes to grasp the iron dragon that hangs about his neck, ready to (hopefully unnoticed) bring his magic to bear if necessary.

Perception: 1D20 = [3] = 3

OOC: I have the worst rolls! :mad: Hopefully I'm just getting them out of my system now. Also, I wonder if there's a way I can develop proficiency in Sleight of Hand. I just today thought of the idea of having private hand signals with Akylanthes, which would make sense for us. And I assume Warlock magic is frowned upon, given most people aren't sophisticated enough to know it isn't defiling - and anyone who could tell might recognize it as Templar magic and like that no better. So I would be inclined to use SoH along with casting. I don't need it to be a "sure, now you have this bonus proficiency" situation, but an idea I'd like to work toward.
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Atroclos doesn't notice anything out the ordinary other than Tarsin and Aklyanthes making some odd gestures to each other but then everyone noticed that.

As Limit stops the forward exposition and focuses her senses into the distance.[SBLOCK=Kimit] From the vantage point granted by your psionic perception you can make out that the blurs where actually multiple blurs, people in fact people a group of elves and humans getting into a bit of a scuffle.[/sblock]




Kimet held up her hand to the others and blinked. “A fight,” she said. “Elves and humans in a skirmish up ahead. Doesn’t seem to be an ambush, but we should proceed cautiously nonetheless.” She gripped her maul. “Forward slowly,” she told the muls driving the cart. Then she headed on up ahead of the cart.

OOC: Currently there isn’t a RAW way to learn extra skills. Some have suggested the 250 DTD used to learn new languages or tools from the DMG. Your best bet might be to see if you can make a custom background, but you would have to give up a skill (you only get 2 from background). Otherwise...does multiclassing give you skills? You could try rogue or bard, one of the skill monkeys, perhaps.

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

[sblock=Kimet Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 17
HP: 18/18 HD: 1/1d12
Rage: 2/2 LR

Voidrunner's Codex

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