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D&D 5E Darksun 3.0


Did the other cities have specialised goods? I'm just thinking of the economics of Athas. Wood from Gulg, iron from Tyr. Did the designers give each city state a specialised trade item.

Kind of. Balic had citris, Urik had obsidian, Draj had food, Raam was a mess.

Tyr did not export mass amounts of irob but they had enough to have iron spear tips for the troops and export some to Urik for example which was used to mine obsidian.
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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Did the designers give each city state a specialised trade item.
Based on only the 4e setting books ...
It looks like something that 'just happened' rather than was pre-planned. Merchant caravans are an Athas trope, what would they be carrying from place to place?


No if you use an inferior material like an obsidion sword it still would be weaker.

Magical weapons iirc did not have to use the breaking rule. A magical steel sword is still better than a stone one.

But think about it in terms of how it scales. Many weapons only have got a d6. so these would all be d4 like improvised weapons almost. Or like a steel dagger.
Try to think about my idea as reflecting the tougher total physiology of Athasian people. It just does not make sense to me that a spear with an obsidian tip should do far less damage than a quarterstaff (I did make a thread on that quarterstaff doing to much damage in this forum). It would mean that someone with an obsidian tipped spear is better off using the blunt end of his weapon and this is a bit weird.


But think about it in terms of how it scales. Many weapons only have got a d6. so these would all be d4 like improvised weapons almost. Or like a steel dagger.
Try to think about my idea as reflecting the tougher total physiology of Athasian people. It just does not make sense to me that a spear with an obsidian tip should do far less damage than a quarterstaff (I did make a thread on that quarterstaff doing to much damage in this forum). It would mean that someone with an obsidian tipped spear is better off using the blunt end of his weapon and this is a bit weird.

Yeah I might just put a weapon breakage rule in for inferior weapons.

I reread some of the 4E DS last night, it was a it flavourless and they sucked a lot of the appeal out of the setting with talk of things like demons, rakshasa, Djinn which are kind of generic desert world things that 2E actually lacked. They did have some interesting locations/plot hooks in the description of the world and if I mix up some 2E, 4E and 5E ideas for the critters I could do some decent conversion. For example The Dragon of Tyr casts spells as a level 20 wizard, has legendary action and some of the 4E abilities could be tweaked and added on (until they do a final psionics system).


Well did you put in the breakage rates? That's what 2e did instead increasing and decreasing damage. Inferior materials break easier and more often. This is much better than messing with damage, which becomes a slippery slope fast.

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Well did you put in the breakage rates? That's what 2e did instead increasing and decreasing damage. Inferior materials break easier and more often. This is much better than messing with damage, which becomes a slippery slope fast.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk

2E had that and a penalty based on what the weapon was made of- stone, bone or wood. -1 to hit and damage is actually worse than a reduced dice of damage which is more or less -1 to damage.

To hit/damage

Bone -1/-1
Stone -1/-2
Wood -2/-3.

They also cost different amounts, wood was dirt cheap (10%) but you are more or less using a toy sword at that point for example. I would swap bone and stone around.

2E had other ways of making "crap" weapons be more viable though. An obsidian Great Sword would still be decent vs large critters (3d6-2 damage) compared with a wooden staff (1d6) which has no penalties.
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You might want to be careful on a Thri-Kreen's extra limbs as a Thri-Kreen Dual Wielder could dual wield greatswords.
You might want to be careful on a Thri-Kreen's extra limbs as it allows them to wield a shield and have a free hand in addition to their normal setup, effectively making their AC 15+Dex mod.

Also you may need to, ah, "prune" the spell list a bit, as create water is a second (first?) level spell.


You might want to be careful on a Thri-Kreen's extra limbs as a Thri-Kreen Dual Wielder could dual wield greatswords.

Also you may need to, ah, "prune" the spell list a bit, as create water is a second (first?) level spell.

The conversion assumes that you have the 1st boxed set available and the 2E rules unless contradicted or obsoleted by mechanics would still apply. Things like Athasian monster list (whats available) for example would apply but you wold need 5E stats for them.

They nerfed the create food and water spells in 2E and some spells and magic items just do not exist (decanters of endless water). 2E Create water creates 4 gallons of water per caster level, on Athas it is a half gallon (or 1/8th as effective). The 5E one does 10 gallons, on Athas I would nerf it to 1 gallon (1/10th as effective)

The initial post was more or less how to update the most relevant things to 5E mechanics, not an attempt to rewrite everything from the ground up.

It was also part of the exclude stuff idea. I do not have time to rewrite all the classes and races and some of it is place holder stuff until things like elemental domain and psionic rules turn up.

If you really wanted to you could use the 2E defiling radius in 5E, what defiling does mechanically might be tweaked.
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I have been working on some critters. Opinions on this bad boy.

Huge Humanoid Neutral Evil

Armor Class 18

Hit Points 115 (10d12+50)

Speed 30 ft.

Str 23 (+6), Dex 15 (+2), Con 20 (+5), Int 14 (+2), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)

Skills Athletics +7 Perception +5,

Senses passive Perception 15

Languages Common, Braxat

Challenge 6 (2300 XP)

Multiattack. The Braxat makes two club or uses psychic crush or psionic blast.

Club +9 to hit, one target. Hit: 20 (3d8+6) bludgeoning damage.

Psionic Blast (recharge 5-6) Each creature in a 30’ cone must make a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw, taking 45(10d6) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Psychic Crush must make a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw, taking 38 (8d6) psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. A successful save deals half as much damage and negates the disadvantage.

Oops the picture is quite large.
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