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Dawn of Rebellion - My Age of Rebellion Campaign


Voice Over Artist & Author
Fifth session synopsis is now up on DoctorStrangeRoll.

[Sblock=For those who don't want to follow a link]
Upon evaluating the situation, they coordinated with Major Vri’bek and quickly developed a plan. More stormtroopers were in the hanger bay with Desperate Measures. The major turned the ship’s blasters on them and while the troops in the spaceport were distracted by the murderous blaster fire coming from within the hanger bay, the crew opened fire on the stormtroopers.

Between Desperate Measures and their blasters, they made short work of the Imperial troops. They boarded their ship and hauled jets, ignoring commands from the spaceport authorities to halt their illegal departure. As they achieved orbit, the attention of both star destroyers turned upon them, and the Imperials launched flights of TIE fighters to intercept the rebel ship.

The crew went to their battle stations. Ren flew the ship while Marcus and Lisska manned the guns. Doc made the calculations for the jump to hyperspace while Daesha managed the shields, sensors, and damage control with the help of Major Vri’bek.

The closest flight of TIEs engaged Desperate Measures. The Imperials were no match for Ren’s piloting skill and the deadly accuracy of the ship’s gunners. The ship made the jump to hyperspace with minimal damage just as the second flight caught up to them.

While in hyperspace, they conferred as to which freighter they would attack. They settled on the ship with the longest overall voyage; Blue Ronto. With the information provided by Dr. Tysho, they were able to determine a likely stopover for the freighter and decided to lay in wait in an obscure system through which the ship was passing and would have to drop out of hyperspace to delivery some cargo.

Blue Ronto was unarmed and essentially defenseless against the rebel ship. Nevertheless, the crew bluffed the captain into letting them board under the guise of cargo inspectors. It was obvious he wasn’t entirely convinced, but Marcus convinced the human captain that cooperating was in their best interests, particularly since the Blue Ronto’s crew had no particular loyalty to the Empire.

Once the kolto was secure about their ship, our heroes returned to the Listehol Listening Outpost and collected Dr. Jerol, then returned to Mirial. The remaining rakghouls had starved or froze to death, so the long task of cleaning up the base could begin….[/Sblock]

Next session is the beginning of episode 4. I’d hoped to wrap things up in episode 5, before the Halloween session (Oct. 30th). There’s two game sessions left before then, so it’s possible, but we’ve been averaging an episode every session-and-a-half, so, I may need an extra session or two to properly wrap things up. I certainly don’t want to rush things; I have an epic conclusion planned.
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Voice Over Artist & Author
My app failed me and refused to embed music. I apologize.

With repairs to the Rebel base on Mirial underway, Major Vri'bek had a new assignment for the crew of Desperate Measures: track down the person(s) responsible for the tainted bacta. Using information pieced together by Dr. Jerol, they knew they had to return to Ithor and start at the source: interrogate the Ithorian Chodo Both.

Arriving at Mother Ithor to a greatly reduced Imperial presence, the crew landed and sought out Chodo Both. The Ithorian was horrified to learn the bacta he procured for the rebels was tainted. He was willing to show them around the lab from which he acquired it and summoned the two technicians who assisted him. They were able to surmise that it was likely Imperial agents who introduced the plague into the bacta prior to the transfer to the Rebel ship.

While the Imperial lab on Mother Ithor was abandoned, some of the equipment left behind yielded additional clues, albeit not without coaxing. Daesha was able to recover data the Imperial wiped from the computer memory banks which revealed scattered information: Black Argent, Farris Thren, Jan Caffree, Promised Taris.

Marcus recognized the name “Black Argent” from his time in the military. It referred to an Imperial black ops group specializing in bioweapon research. Promised Taris appeared to be the name of a project the group was working on and Farris Thren was somehow connected to it. The mentioned of their old acquaintance from Telos, Jan Caffree was concerning. The crew didn’t know how deep her involvement was, but it was clear further investigation was needed and the clues pointed to the origin of the Rakghoul virus several thousand years ago: Taris.

Doc Cousteau began his calculations for the jump to hyperspace….

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