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Dawn of the Warforged


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Valharath climbs into the interior of the carriage, which has been converted into something of a meager isolation chamber. There are no benches inside, merely a pile of plush cushions and blankets. The kalashtar settles into a cross-legged position, staff laid over his lap. He shows no sign of protesting or expressing discomfort should the dromite clamber into the coach with him but perhaps inwardly hopes that their guest rides up front with Rothitash.

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Rothitash climbs up to the front of the carriage and sits upon the bench located there for the driver and takes up the reins.

"Meet Shock and Awe."

He gestures to the horses pulling the carriage.

"You can ride up here."

He waits for their guest to climb aboard and will begin the trip following the directions of the guide.

Isida Kep'Tukari

The swamp grounds give way to ancient cracked and pitted square pavement. There is an overpowering smell of rotted vegetables and freshly-turned soil that permeates the air.
The remains of stone arches reach for the sky and what appeared to be low mounds are in fact overgrown small buildings. You're unable to see from where you stand if they are accessible.
There is no obvious movement.

OOC: If you have a lore skill you feel might be relevant feel free to roll it

Facet's face lights up. Literally - small shards of the deep blue and purple crystal in her face glow ever-so-slightly as she advances on the stone arches slowly, Trundle waddling along behind her. She takes in every nuance of what they look like, how they're placed, and then looks closer to see if any markings remain, and tries to figure out what in Eberron they were once meant to do...

Knowledge (psionics) - 1d20+10=16
Search - 1d20+10=11


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The wildlands of Adar

The trip through the winding mountaind and then onwards into the heartlands of Adar is fairly pleasant, save for the occasional rain. The dromite guide appears to be a fairly pleasant, chatty feller, who's grasp of common is fairly weak, which he makes up with a good amount of enthousiasm and the occasional dromite word. Coupled with your Kalashtar innate telepathic ability you are able to make a decent conversation, should you feel up for it.

X'erath'errlan doesn't really know why you are summoned, he appears to be posessed by an innate wanderlust and is put to good use by his community as a messenger.

As the evening falls you make camp at an often-used campsite with a small mountain stream nearby.

OOC: 3 perception rolls each (onefor each hour of your watch). Feel free to ask questions of your newest friend if you want to

Voda Vosa

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Muncher had not been too talkative on the barge trip to the ruins. He feared to fall off board and sink to the bottom of the river. He knew that Cannith dog would leave him behind to rot for eternity, warforged were just scrap metal for him; or so Muncer had come to think. The aggressive demeanour of Traxxas didn't help at all.
As they reach solid land... or what is considered relatively solid around these parts, Muncher relaxes, and disembarks as ordered. He glances off to the group with the tall warforged... Muncher believes his name is Alecto. He shakes his head, really needs to pay more attention to stuff. Lost in thought he doesn't percieve Zeta climbing off the boat along side him. His galvie in his hand, he approaches the group with the "fixer" as he calls her in his head, can't remember the name really.
"You look like you could use someone to look out for you while you do your... thing. I'll stay nearby, scream if some monster jumps out of the bushes." he states from about 15 feet, then looks around for anything that might be dangerous.

OOC: Muncher will be guarding. His spot is +4 and his listen +2.


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Zen(4)Zeta was perhaps the oldest, and certainly the least approachable of the group. Zeta stood near Muncher, quietly assessing the construct, as Zeta does with every being it comes across.

Durability, comparable.
Destructive potential, superior.
Status, ally.

The last order given to Zeta was to explore the ruins, and so it shall. Zeta leaves Muncher behind and enters the ruins, alone if nobody follows it. Zeta is not sure what it is looking for, so Zeta simply observes its surroundings and takes note of anything it considers interesting or out of place.
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Ancient ruins, Somewhere in the swamps north of Zarash'ak

Zeta seems to lead the way further down the square, moving towards the mounds. They are indeed overgrown ruins, some of them open, some of them closed with heavy stone slabs engraved with worn glyphs and patterns. In a glimpse at the edge of his vision, zeta sees a glimmer of movement in the darkness deep inside one of the mounds.


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Zeta weighs the options.

Return to the others? Not optimal. Not enough information to report, yet.

Zeta heads toward the glimmer of movement, cautiously and slowly, watching and listening for a possible threat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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