Day of the Vorpal Sword

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Elf Witch

First Post
I have had players ask for vorpal swords and what I tell them is if you want them in the game then the NPCs may have them as well.

Usually most go never mind. :)

I have only seen one in play and it after awhile I think the DM hated it.

The Red King

First Post
I have had players ask for vorpal swords and what I tell them is if you want them in the game then the NPCs may have them as well.

Usually most go never mind. :)

I have only seen one in play and it after awhile I think the DM hated it.

I want a quiver full of Vorpal returning arrows!


Golden Procrastinator
It certainly was part of the Basic D&D Master Set - that specialization system was incredibly powerful. I can't remember if C&T gave the possibility of going to d20 damage - I'll have to look it up.
Yes, according to the C&T rules, a grand master using a long sword against a large opponent rolls a d20 for damage (in addition to +3 to hit, +3 to damage and various other benefits).


Eternal Optimist
Yes, according to the C&T rules, a grand master using a long sword against a large opponent rolls a d20 for damage (in addition to +3 to hit, +3 to damage and various other benefits).

þe gods! That's a lot of damage!

Alas, Paul was running his campaign on Saturday, so the vorpal sword was not in attendance (and the remaining group greatly missed its presence as they were chased by owlbears!)


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