• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



I aim to misbehave
Velmont said:
"Sentinels... Tanks... Seems a good combat that happen here, and the government lost it. Why didn't we heard about it? It should have been in the news, no?" asks Andrew, looking at Corey and Lorenzo.
I would think so," Lorenzo replied. "I'd ask my resident internet guru, but he just turned out of sight . . . speaking of which, we should keep everyone together. We don't need to get separated in a place like this if something bad . . . or weird happens."

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First Post
"Yeah, I agree. Let go help Kyle in his search. I don't know if we could really help him. I am not sure what he is searching. Wait a second here, I'll go search Gabe and Eleyna. They are over there and seems... what are they doing?" Andrew pause a second looking closely.

Kyle Graham hp 2/2

Kyle nodded as he pulled out his leatherman and started looking for a way to pop open the access panels. He was a bit calmer knowing Jenn was close, even though he knew she and him were so not happening. He'd seen enough girls talk like Jenn did to him. They were strickling in 'just freinds' territory. Not that he'd know how to talk to one of the glam/in crowd anyway.

Sighing he focused harder on the task at hand. When they got across the border, she and 'Zo would slide back into their social strata and he'd slide into his. Of course he didn't plan on sticking around much after the border anyway, he was thinking the Mutant Underground could use a shifter like himself to help others get out. Course he had zero plans of telling the others that.


Rogue Warrior
While Andrew pointed out that they were obviously split up, Lorenzo and Corey noticed the strange man talking to Eleyna and Gabe.

The stranger before Gabe and Eleyna looked tired and his clothes looked worn but, he did not look hurt and he didn't have any visible weapons. He was tall and thin with dark, messy hair and a bit of a beard. "Oh, yes. I'm Aaron Tayler. I live here, with the others. We don't get many visitors here. None really. Who are you people and what are you doing here?"

Kyle managed to find a couple of panels that were not pulled apart or destroyed. He pulled wires, flipped switches and removed anything he thought looked promising, useful or just cool. He was constantly aware of Jenn's presence, not completely lost in his work. After a minute he climbed up higher and looked down into a massive hole in the Sentinels head. It was a rats nest of sensors, control grids and wires. He loved it! While he worked, Jenn noticed that she could not see any of the others from where they were. Not that her and Kyle couldn't handle themselves but, still.

Kyle Graham hp 2/2

Kyle humms to himself as he pulls out panels, cards and cable, pausing from time to time to run his maglite over another interesting component.

"Jenn, you keeping an eye out?" he says as he drops on load of stuff by the entrance. He looks around and wonders if he should shift into a slimmer form to get into the trickier spots.


I aim to misbehave
Lorenzo Reynolds HP 2/2

Lorenzo looked to Andrew, and to the scene unfolding before Gabe and Eleyna. "I'd say they're meeting the locals . . . let's not interrupt them and scare anyone unnecessarily. We should watch them so that we're ready if they need help."

' 'We're ready?' Marcus thought. 'What we are you talking about - you've got nothing that would help out if they got in trouble.'

kid A

First Post
Eleyna Robertson

Thinking quickly, Eleyna told as much truth as she could without giving away anything incriminating. "I'm Eleyna, and this is Gabe. These are our friends. We're on a road trip up North. Heading to Toronto for a vacation. We were driving and we thought this was a rest stop from futher away. What... what are you all doing here? Do you live here?"


First Post
Gabe nodded his head curtly as Eleyna laid out her story. His hand was cold and clamy against Eleyna's skin. He didn't have to fight, at least not yet.

But still, Gabe couldn't shake the fear and doubt in his stomach. This place was trouble.

It's just the setinals man. Chill out. It's cool. Just keep your mouth shut and don't start screaming radio waves or anything. Just keep your mouth shut. Please mutations, behave. I'll...um...buy you a present later.

Gabe's shoulders sagged slightly as his mind mocked his pleas.


First Post
Andrew stay silent a moment, and seems to think about the situation. "Ok" he replies to Lorenzo "But what about Kyle and Jenn? We leave them alone for the moment. Honestly, that place gives me creap, but at the same time... I dunno. It seems some kind of safe."


Rogue Warrior
Aaron Taylor did not appear to think twice about what Eleyna told him or about anything concerning her or Gabe. He was almost in a daze, simply reacting to what was happening around him. "Yes, we do live here, now. There were more of us before the accident. We were travelling by bus. That bus over there, actually." He pointed off to what was obviously the remains of a charter bus. It had been badly damaged and did not seem to be of much use any longer. "We were going to New York, from Indiana. We wanted to show our support for a pro-mutant rally going on there. As our bus came down this road, we stumbled into the middle of a battle. There were mutants, tanks and then Sentinels. Destruction just erupted out of everywhere and there was nothing we could do. There are a few of us left and we just live here and maintain this spot as a memorial to all who died." He stopped talking and it seemed abrupt. Then you realize he simply had nothing else to say about it. He stared back at Eleyna and Gabe.

Jenn could hear Kyle rummaging around in the Sentinel and she could hear his voice however, she really couldn't make out what he was saying. Kyle moved away a mass of wires and cables and found a panel that had been welded shut.

As Corey, Lorenzo and Andrew watched Eleyna and Gabe, they slowly noticed a few of the other people in the area, moving about. They seemed to move slow and without much purpose.

Voidrunner's Codex

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