DDI Updates end in March - WotC Trevor Kidd



2 months after the last Dragon and Dungeon material for 4th edition the DDI tools will no longer be updated.

The tools and ezines will remain available.

Trevor Kidd said:
Hey all.

This month we want to share some upcoming changes to the DDI tool set and subscription. As we look to the future launch of D&D Next, we are shifting our focus to the development and support of the new rules set, which will impact the Dungeons & Dragons Insider subscription service.

•DDI will remain available to those who still wish to access all the great 4th Edition Magazines and Tools as part of the DDI subscription.
•Starting in March of 2014, the DDI tool set (Character Builder, Adventure Tools and Compendium), will no longer be updated with new 4th Edition game content.
•Existing issues of Dungeon magazine and Dragon magazine will continue to be offered for viewing.

If you have questions about your DDI subscription, please contact customer service.

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Called it. It may be up for a while, but I suspect that the old DDI will not survive indefinitely -- I predict its final demise within 24 months of the release of 5E.


The last two updates have been June and end of August.

They include Dragon and Dungeon crunch beyond two issues back.

If that schedule holds, next update would be end of October. Usually Trevor announces it is coming.

The next would be December and the last February.


The question I have is will we have to keep paying for a DDI subscription to access the 4e stuff after they stop updating it and before they launch it with DnDNext stuff?

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