Earth-C?Steampunkette finds herself in the universe where WotC is a sheep dog.
Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes is live! 300+ more monsters for your D&D 2024, or Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition games, plus new horde rules and rules for heroic monsters who level up alongside you--whether they be allies, companions, or foes! Back it now on Kickstarter!
Earth-C?Steampunkette finds herself in the universe where WotC is a sheep dog.
Already at the drafting an announcement stage?Drafting an announcement this morning. Putting a team together.
I can confirm that Paul Hughes will be heading up the crack team!
On Earth-C, Morrus is Jack Russell Morrissey.Earth-C?
As a big fan of Mr Hughes's work in A5E as well as his insights in the Blog of Holding, I'm thrilled!I can confirm that Paul Hughes will be heading up the crack team!
Is this on the Level Up: A5e website and the A5e Tools website? curious