Dusty Dragon
We all know (or should know) that web is an excellent spell in the 5e era. It provides pretty good control for a 2nd level spell, and because of the way saves work in 5e, the spell can stay relevant throughout the game - casting web in a fight at level 15 can be a legitimate move.
Because of this, I re-read the 5.5 version carefully, and then found a rather potent combo... which turns out was in the 5.0 rules all along too!
Say an orc foe is in the web, and then get hit by a fire spell - the orc is going to take an extra 2d4 fire damage from the burning web. But we all know that, it's not much damage, you would be better off keeping the web up in most circumstances instead of burning it down. But the rule says each five foot cube of web inflicts that damage. I think it's reasonable to say that the average medium creature, such as our orcc, will fit in such a cube.
But an ogre? or a giant? An ogre is what, 9-12 feet tall? So they will definitely take fire damage on the upper and lower body. And they take a 2X2 square space - so that's 8 cubes of web, so + 16d4 damage. A huge giant, say 16 feet tall and 3X3 squares? That's 54 d4 extra damage!!!! And with no save!
This makes web, which traditionally has been a poor performer vs large and very strong enemies, quite dangerous to such foes, if you can get the timing right.
Some may feel that this is TOO good, and I'm inclined to agree. Perhaps the "height" of the creature shouldn't be considered, which still means a burning web would inflict up to 8d4 fire damage to a large creature, or 18 d4 to a huge one.
Because of this, I re-read the 5.5 version carefully, and then found a rather potent combo... which turns out was in the 5.0 rules all along too!
Say an orc foe is in the web, and then get hit by a fire spell - the orc is going to take an extra 2d4 fire damage from the burning web. But we all know that, it's not much damage, you would be better off keeping the web up in most circumstances instead of burning it down. But the rule says each five foot cube of web inflicts that damage. I think it's reasonable to say that the average medium creature, such as our orcc, will fit in such a cube.
But an ogre? or a giant? An ogre is what, 9-12 feet tall? So they will definitely take fire damage on the upper and lower body. And they take a 2X2 square space - so that's 8 cubes of web, so + 16d4 damage. A huge giant, say 16 feet tall and 3X3 squares? That's 54 d4 extra damage!!!! And with no save!
This makes web, which traditionally has been a poor performer vs large and very strong enemies, quite dangerous to such foes, if you can get the timing right.
Some may feel that this is TOO good, and I'm inclined to agree. Perhaps the "height" of the creature shouldn't be considered, which still means a burning web would inflict up to 8d4 fire damage to a large creature, or 18 d4 to a huge one.