D&D 5E Debating Ranger vs fighter levels for level 13-17


Rage turn 1. Attack.

Frighten, toggle reckless and attack on turn 2.

That might work sometimes. It takes another turn to be frightened, Ideally you want to frighten them on turn 1 from range so they can't move close to you and either lose their attack or have to make a weaker ranged attack (in addition to the disadvantage). Also this would work for instill fear, but not cause fear because cause fear is a spell.

I think I would need a 13 constitution to multiclass into Barbarian and I only have a 12.

I could go 3 levels in Rogue for Steady aim maybe, bonus action disengage is also great on frightened enemy. That seems like a lot though since I don't use finesse weapons in melee.
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I decided to stay Ranger until level 16 (8/8), but I am wondering whether to get a Wisdom ASI or Martial Adept feat at Ranger 8. It went slightly different than planned. At level 15 she is S20, D13, C12, I8, W16, Ch10. Current feats are Lucky, Heavy Armor Master and Resilient-Wisdom. She has superior technique fighting style with menacing attack through fighter and defense fighting style through Ranger.

I did not get Shadow Touched because I found pipes of haunting and a Greatclub of terror (like a mace of terror but a greatclub). So Cause Fear through shadowtouched seemed overkill when I can use Instill Fear 5x a day, the club and pipes each up to 3 times a day and menacing attack once per short rest. Her primary melee weapon is still the flaming maul.

The Wisdom ASI would give me better Charisma and Wisdom skills, a better DC on Beguiling Twist and Ensnaring Strike (the only save spell I have) and a better Wisdom save. The main thing here is Beguiling Twist DC which I will be using A LOT.

Martial Adept would give me 2 more maneuvers and another dice. Right now she is kind of limited against enemies that can't be charmed or frightened, this would give her a little more diversity against undead and golems and similar as she would have 2 other maneuvers (probably two of goading attack, pushing attack or trip attack).

What do you think Wisdom ASI to bring Wisdom to 18 or Martial Adept? FWIW we are playing to level 20 and the last 4 levels will be fighter.
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