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Deep Water and Shoals II


A suffusion of yellow
Looking up at the elfs words, Malachi is obviously glad to hear it
"safe?" he asks of the Grugach as he strains his eyes and ears forward willing them to see around the corner.

"Malhtas" he calls to the boat "Capitan close roun' dhe ben'!"

and with that the whatever reply comes from the grugach he begins a quick jog towards their goal...

(Listen 8+3 = 11)

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Malthas grins, and whistles a slight marching tune beneath his breath. He checks his clothes quickly, to be sure he looks presentable, and turns to Heart---. "The Captain is near, it seems. You have kept your word, and I thank you. Is there likely to be any danger from your people when they see us?"

Bob Aberton

First Post

Heart---- frowns.

"Some danger, possibly. Depend who it is found your Kep-tan. Not all of my Brethren are as merciful as I. Keep weapons out of sight, or there will be bloodshed; I must not look like captive, or they will try to rescue me."


The Grugach shrugs.

"Safe now," he says. "Kep-tan talk to Mind-of-the-Mighty-River."

You can hear little beyond the rustling of brush and the ordinary noises of the river.


You can hear a faint noise of shouting drifting over the river. It is clearly the captain's voice.

"...had enough of this Calypso-be-damned nonsense! Bloody river, bloody mud, bloody forest, bloody stuck up savages wi' pointy ears! I'm not a bleeding fool, if they want t' show me off to their chief like some damned-to-Davy-Jone's-Locker turkey for the slaughter, I sure as Davy Jone's Locker won't go bleeding quietly! ....wants a fight, he'll get one, by Calypso...tell him, Jonah, tell him we a'en't goin' t' give him our weapons, an' we sure as Oceanus' arse a'en't goin' t' be tied up like that many sides o' mutton..."


The captain stares at the elves for a long moment. Suddenly, he slaps at a mosquito on his arm, and, as though this is the last straw, leaps up with a roar.

He hurls his hat to the ground in front of Mind---- with an air of challenge, rips off his coat, and rolls up his sleeves, fury apparent in every motion. Despite his age, the strength of his arms is readily apparent as he curls his knotty, muscular hands into fists and brandishes said fists wildly as he pours out a torrent of abuse at the forest, the elves, the river, the elves, and the elves.

"Submit t' bein' bound? Submit t' being bound? The hell we will! I've had enough of this Calypso-be-damned nonsense! Bloody river! Bloody mud! Bloody forest! Bloody stuck up savages wi' pointy ears! I'm not a bleedin' fool, if they want t' show me off t' their chief like some damned-to-Davy-Jone's-Locker turkey for the slaughter, I sure as Davy Jone's Locker won't go bleeding quietly! Well, I'll say this, if this...this...prancing pointy-eared mother's boy wants a fight, he'll get one, by Calypso...tell him, Jonah, tell him we a'en't goin' t' give him our weapons, an' we sure as Oceanus' arse a'en't goin' t' be tied up like that many sides o' mutton. You tell him we a'en't nothin' t' do with them Standishtowners, an' I'm sorry we killed some o' their kind - or I was, until this son of a b :D :D :D :D opened his Calypso-be-damned mouth!..."

Indeed, he looks ready for a fight; eyes flashing and fists waving, he continues to call down every curse known to a sailor's vocabulary (and then some) upon anything that has anything remotely to do with Grugach.

The elves, upon seeing the captain leap up, reach for their weapons, except for Mind-of-the-Mighty-River, and now they face Captain McCrenshaw with bent bows. This only incites the captain to further heights of fury. He seems only vaguely aware of his surroundings as he gives vent to two days worth of frustrations - the hunger, the thirst, the lack of sleep, and of course, being hunted like foxes through incredibly inhospitable terrain.

"Weapons, is it?" he cries, upon seeing the Grugach leap up with bent bows. "Not elf enough to face me barehanded, eh? Takes six armed pointy-ears t' do away wi' one old man, eh? Have at ye! I'll give you, an' you, an' you - I'll give all o' you a taste o' blood an' vinegar, arrows or no!" He says, waving his fists in the faces of all the elves in turn.

Over the captain's continued shouting, however, you catch a noise infinitely more hope-inspiring that the captain's continued provocation of the murderous looking elves; you hear the splash of oars, and the distinctive voice of a halfling shouting an off-color joke about the habits of Standishtown serving-women. You recognize the voice as Mr. Swifthand, the halfling quartermaster of the CALYPSO'S GRACE. It would seem he is just around the bend in the river.

Now if only you can keep yourself and the captain alive until then...


First Post
Jonah's face turns to grin as the captain starts his protest, and he almost turns around and tells the elves plainly that they refuse, but then a wind carries other voices to his ears, and his grin disappears and changes into surprise. Thoughts bouncing in his head, he raises his hand again, this time to get the captain to wait for a few seconds, and turns his head to talk to the elf leader: "My captain doesn't think that your demands are reasonable, but he is an old man with a quick temper. I can probably calm him down if your men put down their weapons, as they shouldn't have touched them in the first place.

He then turns back to the captain, not bothering to wait for the elves to respond: "I agree with you captain, but I think I heard something coming this way that's on our side. If you would try to buy us some time by pretendind to calm down, we might not have to take these elves by ourselves.

He then waits and silently prays he heard right.


Living EN World Judge
Nico sends to Artimus, indicating the direction of the voices 'Go and get to the Captain, or at least find out where he is, we'll be along.'

Nicodemus casts Locate Object, focusing on the confro the captain that he had studied those many days ago...


Malthas nods to Heart---. "Understood." Tuanna is sheathed, but he checks over the rest of the crew quickly. "Belay weapons, lads. We dunnae want to start up another staring match. The Captain is just ahead."

Listen check was 14, so if he hears the captain's voice, he'll call that out in a loudish voice, attempting to carry to them.

Bob Aberton

First Post

The captain, halted in mid-tirade, pauses for a moment, cocking one ear towards the river bend in what he obviously considers an inconspicuous manner. He takes several choking breaths, swallowing his rage, and unclenches his fists.

"I...might've been at bit hasty there," he says slowly, sitting back down and replacing his hat on his head. "Let's see if we can' work out some more agreeable arrangement."

The elves, upon seeing the captain calm down, also relax, pointing their bows to the ground but keeping them close at hand.

Silence reigns for a long moment...the captain's fit of temper seems to have masked the noise of the approaching longboat, as you can hear little more than the ordinary river sounds now - the boat crew must have heard the captain's shouting as well.


With varying degrees of reluctance, the boat crew sheathes their various weapons. The two seamen unmount the swivel gun from the bow and hide it in the bottom of the boat.

At the same time, you can hear a confused mutter of voices, at least one of which is speaking in Hullish, and rather angrily at that.

Heart---- goes forward and stands proudly in the bow of the longboat, clearly showing that he is a passenger and not a captive.


The sailors, appreciating the need for an inconspicuous approach, row more and more slowly, muffling their oarlocks with their shirts and dipping the blades of their oars as carefully as though they were made of eggshells.

The boat glides gently around the bend.


As you finish casting the spell, you can see the coin shining like a lighthouse beacon inside your head; the Captain is just around the next bend, and very near the shore.

Artimus, meanwhile, confirms this in a circumspect way;

"Cap-tan is just 'round bend...pointy-ears talking to him...Cap-tan angry, Master...his back to the river..."

(OOC All: I'm going to need initiative from everyone, just in case; this includes Reiter [if he's still here] and Malachi, even though they're not addressed in this particular post.)


A suffusion of yellow
(Init? I thought we was all friends:p oh well 13 +5 = 18)

Malachi keeps moving at a firm and steady pace, his body alert for the first sign of the captain and any Grugach that might be with him...

Voidrunner's Codex

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