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Defenders of Daybreak, The Early Years.


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I, on the other hand, had no such scruples.

I got to Boston for one weekend every other month or so, and wasn't about to waste 6 out of the 48 hours that I had. (Beleive it or not, at that time Piratecat's campaign was NOT my chief reason for travelling 8 hours on a train.)

'Course, if I'd realized that Bandeeto had such scruples, I'd have cooled it. I just figured Arcade's Icy Wall of Virtue (tm) was him playing hard to get.

By the time I caught a clue, the thing with Cadrienne was woven all through her and it required a major character revision to get it out.

But more about that later.

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Arcade’s Journal – Vaprak the Destroyer

...Tao picked up the trail of some orcs. After following for some time, we came to a spot where the tracks circled a hill. Sensing a good spot for an ambush, we quickly made plans. Tao and DogB slipped around the other side of the hill, while the rest of us raced over the top. On the far side we found two orc guards asleep. One began to awaken and I slew him with a ’Missile, but then the other awoke with a start, blew a blast on his horn, and fled. Tao stopped him cold with her bola, and we braced for an attack, but none materialized.

We circled the hill and doubled back down the trail, finally arriving at the base of a steep hill with a ruined fortress at its crest. Just in case, I brought up Mirror Image. It was lucky that I did, for as we started up the hill a thrown spear passed right through one of them. DogB, seemingly less well trained than his predecessor, sprinted towards the ruins barking threateningly. Nolin, Tao and Tephis all ran in pursuit of the dog, while Cadrienne and I slipped around the side of the building.

DogB ran between two sections of shattered outwall, and there was a thud followed by a great yelp. The three Defenders arrived to find a grinning ogre with a club, standing over the broken corpse of the dog. It raised its club high, and howled: “Fer Vaprak, the Destroyer!”

In a rage, Tao attacked. But her fury was such that she slipped and managed to stab herself with Heartscar! Needless to say, it was not turning out to be Tao’s best day.

She rallied, however, and the three managed to fell the ogre. Upon its forehead we found a curious brand, in the form of a spiked crescent. Clearly, a member of one of the many vicious humanoid cults. I noticed some movement inside the remaining two-story tower at the fortress’s northeast corner, but rather than risk more spears we made for a clearing within the central pile of ruined buildings. There we discovered a stair that led down into a stone room.

As we started downwards, a horrible clawed hand reached out from under the stairs and grabbed Nolin’s leg! Tao severed it with a single stroke, but it continued to hold on. Nolin finally managed to pry it free and fling it down into the room. It quickly scuttled under the stairs. Suspecting a troll, I pulled a flask of oil and prepared a spell. Tao, Nolin and Cadrienne leaped down to engage the creature. I saw the creature’s other claw emerge and Reduced it. Then I hurled the flask under the stair, where it smashed all over the hideous beast. After a brief engagement, and some well aimed blows, we managed to light the oil, sending the troll up in smoke. We assured ourselves that all of its parts were accounted for before continuing on and closing the doors behind us.

In the next room we found a horribly defiled altar, with a fanged crescent hanging above. Cadrienne went to work with Holy Water trying to remove some of the taint, and we began to search the room. We were interrupted suddenly, as the door flew open with a crash. There stood an ogre with a polearm, screaming that we would pay for our blasphemy.

He swung at Tephis and missed badly, embedding the weapon in the wall. Tephis fled towards us. Nolin and I both launched Magic Missiles, but they were absorbed harmlessly by a glowing shield that appeared around the ogre, or rather ogre mage.

The ogre and I cast simultaneously. I managed to shake off his Hold Person, but he was only mildly singed by my Darkening Bolt. Cadrienne, Nolin and Tao charged, as I cast Irritation upon him. He managed to slam Nolin and Tao’s heads together, but unarmed he was no match for the three of them. With a horrid curse he dropped to the ground, and began to emit a choking black vapor that swirled towards the altar.

We moved away quickly, expecting a nasty surprise. The surprise was pleasant, however. The smoke tried to embrace the altar several times, but seemed to be foiled by Cadrienne’s hurried purification efforts. With an awful howl, the smoke was sucked into the ground below the altar and the room began to collapse. We left in a hurry....

...decided to check out the tower. On the doorstep we found some orange-colored fur. There was a brief argument, as I thought the stuff was squirrel fur, while Nolin seemed convinced that it was cockatrice fur. Hmph. We entered the tower and discovered bunks for seven. After a short search, we heard some thumping upstairs, and cautiously ascended.

Tao slammed the door open. In the darkness we saw a pair of huge glowing eyes, and I launched a Color Spray. The wooden light ball revealed a gigantic squirrel, and a stunned but unarmed orc. Tao dispatched the squirrel. When we attempted to question the orc it rushed at me, and accidentally impaled itself on Heartscar.

The room contained a large pile of bones, with squirrel toothmarks. Tephis thought to cut off the thing’s tail and bring it back for Tom-Tom. An excellent idea, I thought....

...after the ground had settled, Nolin went below to search for treasure and found some gold, silver, and electrum. He also found a spider statuette, and obsidian knife, and a ceramic decanter with a foul liquid. There were scrolls as well, which discussed the nature of the cult of Vaprak, a god who wishes to destroy all existence. The squirrel had resulted from a perverted version of Animal Growth. The evil artifacts were given to Cadrienne for disposal at her temple....

...Tao buried her dog, and we headed home. Stopped to pick up the wyvern head and its treasure. Tephis is going to have the head stuffed and mounted for our wall. The Temple of Morphat intends to destroy the artifacts, and paid us a finder’s fee for them. Tom-Tom loves the squirrel tail...!

...Tao tells us that a mass exodus of humanoids from the inland hills has occurred since the destruction of the Temple of Vaprak. She has returned to the wilderness to finish her training....


This adventure was something of a turning point for me. It marked the stage where I stopped using primarily Dungeon Magazine adventures, and started using my own stuff. I'm more proud of what came after this point than I am by what came before it.


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Arcade’s Journal – Lord Tarim-Loial

...finally received word! Lord Tarim-Loial, Alix’s father, is due any time. Have tried to make the Manticore as presentable as possible, with much spit and polish. We have heard terrible things about him from Alix, but knowing how Alix’s judgment of personal character works, he may actually be a very sweet, kind, old man....

...the lord arrived early in a splendid coach, and was announced by a footman. Alix was completely taken by surprise by the timing of his father’s arrival, but he tried to put a good face on things. The rest of us remained below in the common room while Alix went with his father upstairs to Alix’s private suite to talk things over. Naturally, Nolin and Tom-Tom could not resist following them to eavesdrop!

This time their curiosity was most fortunate. Behind the closed door they heard a sudden thump, followed by a hoarse scream. Nolin yelled down for assistance and we burst through the door. There we found the “lord” holding Alix aloft by the throat, slowly strangling him. Nearby, Cambion glowed like a miniature sun in its sheath, but Alix had been unable to draw it. It seemed that the doppelgangers had returned once again, probably to retrieve Cambion while repeating their assassination of Alix.

Nolin and I blasted the creature with multiple ’Missiles. Sorely wounded, it dropped Alix. As it tried to crawl across the floor, I picked up Cambion and handed it wordlessly to Nolin. Nolin began to move towards it. It suddenly transformed, before our eyes, into a young pregnant woman and began beseeching Nolin for mercy. Nolin briefly stopped dead, obviously recognizing the woman from his past. A look of terror crossed his face, followed by one of pity, and then of disgust. He finished the beast with a curse and a single stroke. The doppelganger in death became rubbery, and nearly featureless....

...just as we were asking Stavros to have the head stuffed for the trophy room, we were summoned downstairs. Lord Tarim-Loial was arriving for real at last! While Stavros hid the body, we examined the footman. It turned out that he was a dupe, as Cambion proved. We formally greeted the lord, and informed him of the duplicitous actions of the false lord. He was most pleased with our actions, and thanked us for saving Alix. Cambion, held surreptitiously, indicated that this lord was the real article. Again Alix and his father retired upstairs, and they resolved many issues between them.

Afterwards, the Defenders were invited to visit the family manse in Kindric, with transport to be provided by the house coach, in a few months’ time.

Alix later informed me that the lord was quite impressed with me. A most excellent afternoon.

Later, Alix, Tom-Tom and Cadrienne spent some time roaming the town with Cambion, looking for any other disguised shapechangers. (We have become very wary, indeed!) They nearly set upon a druid they encountered in the market, but thankfully, they stayed their hands.

Cadrienne has again been having vivid dreams, this time of circles of mushrooms. The druid was able to give her the name of the particular mushroom when she described it. We suspect that these mushrooms may constitute the mystic faerie circles of the northwestern forests.

Oania the dryad, the brownies, and Frolic the dragon all have been indicating that something untoward has been happening to the faerie circles, causing the entire wood to sicken. We decided, as a group, to investigate the problem ourselves....
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I'm not sure the diary mentioned it; after the doppelganger was dead, they were horrified to see the real Lord Loial arriving. They shoved the doppelganger's dead body into the inn's garderobe (toilet.) And of course, Lord Loial had to use the bathroom.... there was much silliness with playing "hide the corpse." It was a great game. :D


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Oooh, the old "Hide the Corpse" game. That's always fun.

I always pity druids when people get paranoid about doppelgangers. There's shapeshifters and...shapeshifters people. Try not to go around slaughtering poor crunchygranola treehuggers instead of evil monsters.

Was this the first hint people got about Nolin's past? The pregnant lady aspect was obviously the girlfriend he ran out on.


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Piratecat said:
I'm not sure the diary mentioned it; after the doppelganger was dead, they were horrified to see the real Lord Loial arriving. They shoved the doppelganger's dead body into the inn's garderobe (toilet.) And of course, Lord Loial had to use the bathroom.... there was much silliness with playing "hide the corpse." It was a great game. :D

Bandeeto how could you leave that out!? Makes me wonder what else we're missing out on.

Is that something just wouldn't keep track of or did you leave it out for other reasons?


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Welverin wrote:
Bandeeto how could you leave that out!? Makes me wonder what else we're missing out on.

Is that something just wouldn't keep track of or did you leave it out for other reasons?

Actually I left it out for several reasons.

1) This is Arcade's journal. He hates slapstick. Also, he spent the "hide the body" period talking with Lord Loial to keep him distracted, and it may have slipped his mind.

2) This campaign moment occurred, by my reckoning, about 9 years ago in real time. I personally wish I could remember all of the hilarious moments so I could post them, but the actual written journal is pretty rudimentary. (Mostly recording specific facts like names, places, spells used, treasure obtained, and general plot points.) I fill in backstory where I can.

3) I'm counting on folks like KidC, Piratecat, Sialia, Jobu, Tremere and Sagiro to comment on this stuff! (Kind of Mystery Science Theater 3K-like.):D


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Arcade’s Journal – The Faerie Circles, Part 1

...started off early, much to Tom-Tom and Nolin’s disapproval. The group consisted of Tom-Tom, Nolin, Glimmer, Cadrienne, Velendo, and myself. We had not gone far before we encountered Frolic. He had been looking for us.

Although I have not mentioned it previously in this journal, I should write a word or two concerning Frolic’s friend Michael. It has been clear for some time that he is a very unusual boy. He seems to attract all sorts of magical attention, and his understanding of magical concepts is uncanny for such a young lad. If given proper guidance, he might become one of the most powerful mages of this age. Without training, he might well become a serious threat to those around him. I must remember to ask Ortigal to give Michael a reference for a scholarship at the Oursk Academy, if the boy’s parents are not too opposed.

Michael had asked that Frolic give us a short wooden stick, as he thought we might need it. Frolic also told us that the faerie circles are being destroyed, becoming “lightless”, about twice per month. He agreed to take us to the nearest intact circle....

...traveled along through the forest. We heard female voices singing in the trees, a strange wordless tune that was both beautiful and enchanting. Literally enchanting, as several party party members, including Nolin and myself, fell under a spell and began stumbling towards a tall tree. There a pair of disgusting harpies perched, but we charmed ones saw only beautiful women. The other party members tried desperately to break the charm, and just in time Nolin was shaken to awareness. His song countered the spell, freeing the rest of us. Frolic appeared to flee.

Glimmer launched a magical arrow at the harpies, and it burst into a huge fireball. Badly wounded, the creatures took to the air, still singing. Sadly, Nolin was charmed once more! I struck the pair with a forked Darkening Bolt, but it was not enough to finish them. One of them stooped to grab Nolin, while the other attacked Tom-Tom.

Tom-Tom gestured, and the smoldering flames on his harpy flared into fiery snakes which struck at her. I blew the other harpy across the clearing and away from Nolin with Gust of Wind. Velendo launched an arrow which finally brought one of them down. The party closed in and killed the other.

Just then Frolic arrived with “reinforcements”, which turned out to be a ten-foot tall, enraged bear! We all rapidly climbed nearby trees to avoid being mauled. Once safely aloft, I Reduced it to five feet, and Frolic used his breath weapon on it. It happily wandered away, banging into trees as it went....

...not much treasure. Rested in one of Glimmer’s pavilions, feeding hot pies to Frolic and healing. Tom-Tom saved a few fruit pies for later....

...the next day we arrived at the faerie circle: a clearing surrounded by ancient elms, with a refreshing, six-foot diameter pool of water in its center. We were debating what to do next, when disaster struck.

We heard what sounded like a high-pitched, buzzing whine. Looking up, we saw a giant mosquito, apparently with something invisible mounted upon its back (we saw a tiny saddle and reins). It struck at Velendo, and began draining his blood with extraordinary speed. Tom-Tom smashed the mosquito, but was then struck hard in the leg by something he couldn’t see. The buzzing noise then became audible everywhere at once.

Suddenly, tiny cuts began appearing all over Tom-Tom’s lower half. Within seconds, his boots, breeches, legs, and feet were cut to shreds! I tried casting Mirror Image followed by Sleep, but with no effect. Nolin cast Comprehend Languages, and was able to tell that several creatures were speaking too quickly to be understood.

As more party members were now being slashed by the invisible beings, we dove for the pool. I was afraid that Nyquil would not follow me into the water, but he did without hesitation.

As we entered the pool, we found ourselves in a vortex. We were whirled about and finally emerged feet-first from a large pool of blood into Faerie, a strange, twilit land. The blood quickly dried, leaving no stains. Instead of elms, we found ourselves surrounded by a ring of thirty-foot-tall mushrooms with eyes. A quick inventory revealed that, sadly, our flatbox of holding had been destroyed in transit.

We did not know if Frolic had accompanied us, and Nolin began singing songs promising fruit pies to attract him. Foolishly, he did not have any pies on him when he began singing! In moments he was surrounded by several unknown faerie dragons, and hoisted dozens of feet in the air.

Before they could harm Nolin, Tom-Tom threw two pies into the air, which were promptly devoured. This left Nolin plummeting towards the ground, but Nyquil saved him with a rapid burst of Feather Fall dust. Seeing an urgent need, Glimmer created another pavilion tent filled with pies for the dragons, which Tom-Tom distributed. For these deeds, the dragons gave Glimmer a glowing platinum circlet, and Tom-Tom a golden one. The dragons then let us be. No sign of Frolic....

...talked for a bit to the giant mushrooms, and were directed down a path to a gate. We were advised not to eat or drink anything during our stay, which seemed to fit with the legends we had heard of the place.

On the way we encountered a group of small, red-capped mushrooms with windows, doors, and chimneys. Glimmer, always judgmental about appearances, called them “uglier than a pig’s ass.” Promptly, his head was transformed to that of a donkey, with a pig’s snout. A small yellow caterpillar who lived in the mushroom had cast the spell. He was otherwise quite helpful, and directed us to continue down the path until we reached a river, and then to follow the bank. I marveled at the clever use of Alteration magic, and resolved to have a tiny spinning wheel made for the caterpillar in exchange for its spell. I suspect that it would work wonders on Alix!

We approached the river, and were passed by two magnificent, elfin beings on horseback, pursuing a gigantic hart. On the river itself we saw tiny white sprites who left trails of ice as they skated over the river’s smooth surface. Sadly, they fled at our approach....

...finally arrived at the gate. It seemed to be made from a titan-sized ribcage, and was guarded by an unhappy gnome. His name was Lumkin, and he introduced himself as the jester of the Queen of Faerie. An important conference was being held, and he had not been permitted to attend, as he had run out of riddles to tell.

We expressed our great interest in attending the conference, but Lumkin required us to answer his latest riddle before we could pass. It was long, drawn-out, boring, and really quite obvious. Tom-Tom (of all people) answered it without breaking a mental sweat. We gave him some helpful riddle-composing advice, and in return he agreed to return Glimmer’s head to normal.

Unfortunately, no one told Lumkin what Glimmer’s head was supposed to look like, and Glimmer wound up with a normal donkey’s head! Lumkin listened to our description of the buzzing creatures, and suggested that they might have been dark faerie elves, or “Doxelfar”....

Ed. Only a few original Arcade verbal components left. ;)

Gust of Wind:
"Blowing bluster, Nor'east guster, tornado, hurricane!
Atmospheric, hypobaric, send cyclonic strain!
North wind's breath, salt sailor's death,
Knock foemen to their knees,
Come cruel cutting courser, with artic gale force, er...
Well... at least with a brave bracing breeze!"
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