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Defenders of Daybreak, The Early Years.


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Have I missed the escape scene from being buried or has it not yet been posted? I've been trying to follow all the different links and while it has been quite entertaining, I believe I have gotten lost in the past somewhere.

<For those out there who are currently in an ongoing campaign that you enjoy enough that you think you might want to recall it some day, I highly recommend setting up some sort of game log. We had no idea what we were losing at the time, that it would ever matter to anyone but us. >
Good advice. I have followed a lead posted by someone on these pages of giving additional experience points to a member of my group who can keep good notes on our campaign. While it may not be of interest to anyone outside of my group, there are a great many adventures I’d love have from back in my high school and college days. All I have are old character sheets.

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I have not yet written the escape. It is difficult to write, and perhaps you will see why, and why it has to be me who tells it, even though Dylrath was worse than useless, but it's well worth the telling.

But the episode list has me in its grip for the moment, so that will be what I work on next.

And yes, Piratecat, please do tighten all this up once I get back to giving out real information. All this "really I am going to write soemthing soon" stuff can go.

apart from the stuff about thatdarncat owing me some spell translations . . . ;)


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Ok folks. After a prolonged hiatus, I'm finally going to take up the thread of the old tales again. I'll start where I finished, with the Academy of Flamecraft. I recommend you blip back and catch up on the storyline if you've forgotten it, otherwise it's going to be a bit confusing.

I'm going to be experimenting with a new style. The speaker is still Arcade Deltarion, but rather than excerpting his journal, he will be contemplating the events of the past. He is not speaking to anyone in particular, but rather revisiting things within his own mind.

Comments are welcomed. New posts to occur every few days.
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Academy of Flamecraft - Part 1. Arcade.

I remember the flames.

The braziers flare like suns. The fire sweeps across the dais.

I did not expect the raw blast of heat, and at the last instant I doubt our wisdom in choosing this gate. Then I fear my own doubt, for in truth some gates are barred to those who are not without fear. A spiral then. The flames, too, swirl, and we are gone.

I expected a trap. The situation demanded one. The Academy of Flamecraft, lost for many centuries... even so it would never be undefended.

Expectations met. The derro must also have been surprised.

It was well that the Prismatic Walls guarded our flanks as we stood on the arrival platform, sheer drops on all sides and surrounded. Again the wand performs well.

We move with great speed; the shaman's lightning still faster. Another painful battle, completed with cost.

The scorched map from the shaman's belt proves nearly unreadable. We circle up the immense shaft on the wide stone ramps; scramble over the occasional gaps.

The silence, the heat, they are oppressive.

Finally the many-doored hallway. Alix (bumbling cretin) fawning over the cute, antennaed monster with a propeller on its tail. His belt buckle and nearly his weapons made sacrifice to its hunger. The thing prefers rich ore to coarse iron. Nolin tricks it into one of the few rooms with an intact stone door.

So little remains here that is whole. Empty corridors.

Cadrienne. It was not the lost library calling silently to her. Her holy book, ashes in dragonfire. She read my books for comfort, studying intently over my shoulder. Too intently? Should I have guessed the truth?

The deadly tapestry with teeth, and nearby the carapace and mandibles of a creature that once burrowed through solid rock. I shall remember its form for myself.

The lost chamber, it's walls, floor, ceiling covered in tiny precise runes. In the corner, the bones of the imprisoned genius. At the end scribing the runes with his blood and finger bones, too weak to effect his escape. With sufficient power and sanity, the walls might have become the impossible, a free-standing gate.

Another ambush. The derro, ready this time, still no match. Nine magic missiles? Kestellan? How did the pompous, conniving fool manage it? Still, I fail to guess. Cadrienne's smile... it was warm on my back.

The iron bottle stripped from Dargastal's ravaged corpse was occupied, but not by an innocent. Freed, the efreet thanks us and departs with promises of later service.

Kadraskus, genie edged in fire. Alix's eyes shine with greed. Who knows what deals he makes behind our backs?

Statues stare with flaming eyes, mesmerizing. Long-dead Masters of the Art, burning still.

A small scrap of burnt paper, forgotten. We are directed through the test of elements, to the chamber, the Room of Ceremony. With a "found" key, Cadrienne unlocks the door. Within, the Mirror stares back at us. Portals to Fire, Magma, Smoke, lurk beneath their tapestries, awaiting only the braziers' lash to disgorge hellish servants.

History plays across the Mirror, too fast to follow, as if obeying silent commands. An exit appears. The Mirror is also a portal. Home, crouching in the snowdrifts.

We depart. We relax, we eat, we drink. We are idiots. I am an idiot.

Too late, I finally comprehend and charge outside to effect rescue. The smoke spirals slowly up from the rune melted in the snow. Cadrienne is gone. She has been absent for some time, I think. The necklace gem, it seems, was also occupied. Mirata du Chemith has played us well.

Tao swears. Nolin despairs. Velendo berates God. We panic.

The note arrives. It is polite. The Headmistress of the Academy is nothing if not polite. Even her threats are polite.

She will return to power draped in our friend's flesh. We have been warned. It is time to be heroes.
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First Post
Wow ... that was nice. Very Joycean in places (in a good way, I hasten to add). "Tao swears. Nolin despairs. Velendo berates God. We panic." was just a beautifull moment. The tense-swapping was a little disoritenting at first but you get used to it quickly enough. I'm looking forward to see how you're going to tackle PCs Byzantine plots though Arcade's interior monologue.



Dearest Defenders,

We apologize for the excitement and consternation that our abrupt exit must have caused. However, we thought it best that you not learn the entire truth in a place where it could have been dangerous to you.

Cadrienne is here with us, after graciously allowing us to share our body for a short time. We must urge you not to try and find us. Despite your anxiety, Cadrienne is currently as safe as a mathamatician in her library, and we would not want any accidental miscommunications to alter this happy state of existence. As it is, we are sure that you can expect to see her within a few months.

Please be aware that should you choose to come visit our humble abode, it is (as you know) somewhat in a state of disrepair, and certain areas have been closed off. As we move to repair things and set wrongs to right, certain areas could be unsafe. Cadrienne would be sorrowful if she learned that her friends had died or been crippled unnecessarily on her behalf.

We expect to be traveling for a certain period while we tie up a few loose ends and learn more about this wonderful kingdom which we find ourselves in. We are sure that with our combined knowledge of geography and current events, our trip will be an insightful one. If you talk to anyone in your local power structure, please be kind enough to mention that we might pop by for a visit, just to catch up on old times and eliminate any vicious rumors that might be circulating.

Reassure our family for us, won't you? We wouldn't want them to worry, for unless someone makes very poor use of judgement, everything will be just fine.

- (her sigil)


Tee hee hee.

Calphas has a great sense of humor. He never strikes Velendo down for all the criticism, he gives him more responsibility. Heluva harsh punishment to one with Velendo's personality. Those two are gonna be arm wresslin' buddies by the time Velendo gets to see him.


First Post
Academy of Flamecraft, Part 2. Arcade.

Then, as now, the true enemy was Time.

Mirata du Chemith, archmage, legend. She had been dormant, imprisoned for centuries, hungry and waiting. Paltry spells stolen from behind my back, over my shoulder, appetizers, at best.

Her own tomes, the roaring furnaces of power, lay hidden in her chambers. Fully restored she would be quite unstoppable. In our favor: ancient rules remained – a time for rest… a time for study.

We planned, swiftly.

A blurry series of green flashes: the Staff and I taking Mirata’s warning and a request for aid to the highest mage in the land. Nolin and Velendo seek Proofer Thibault, Morphat’s High Priest. The rest wait, arm, brood.

In the red dark, Alix plays his games. Bargains, debts and efreeti.

We had seen, or rather we had not seen, her chamber.

Quick glances down a narrow shaft at the bottom of the ramps, gagging on the dragon stench. The colors surging. It is unpleasant to be blind. The dragon is long gone, the Prismatic Sphere remains.

The Rod of Cancellation taken from the derro is dust. Spent to bring down the Wall of Permanent Force guarding the Mirror.

We reassemble. It appears that we are on our own.

One of Alix’s games goes awry. His Guildmaster is… displeased. We acquire a beardless boy, a still younger Birdhouse. Apprentice to Alix? I shall keep both eyes on this one. He jokes, he smiles, he has not a clue. Dylrath. Pray Gods he be of more use than his brother!

Tomtom links our minds. I return us to the ramps. Below lurks the Sphere….


“Carceri’s Flames! How are we gonna get down there?!”

Alix, prepare the haul crossbow. Blindfolds, please, everyone. You know how much clearance you have, and it’s not much. I hope there’s a way to Dispel this thing.

“You’re a looney, Arcade! We’re gonna fry like grease on a spit! The Sphere is right below the shaft!”

Alix, shut up.

“OK, folks. Here’s a song to swing, fly and crawl by. Make it good!"

Thank you, Nolin. Get a good grip, please.

“Calphas, I’m really going to get you for this.”

Once Alix is down we’ll follow. Keep the ropes clear. Do NOT look at the sphere.

“Whoa! This is so cool!”

Dylrath, shut up.


I remember the noise.

The Sphere circumvented without casualty. Below waited the guardian.

There are no shadows. There is nothing to hide the iron giant. At its heart pulses the Ruby of Cascarra. The gem’s voice echoes in our minds. It wishes only to live.

It lurches towards us. We are fighting blind. The hammer and the anvil. Do NOT look at the sphere!


Tao, beware!

“I’m OK. It’s just a minor wound. If I can just get this one leg!”

“Rat turds! Didn’t someone bring their iron golem repellant?!”

Alix, back away. I’m going to try something. Tomtom, get the Blast Scepter ready.

“Almost… got… this… leg…!”

Grease. Tao, Tomtom, now.

[NOOOOO! Not this! Please, spare me! Pleeeeea….]


The golem has fallen to its knees, its upper half intersecting the sphere. The ruby is gone.

I think she knows we are here.
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