Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

I'm giving it 5 because it's a high quality product, and a great DM screen. My only personal quibble - I would have rather have had some reference on combat actions as opposed to some of the random generators, which I most likely won't use. But I see what they were trying to do, and recognize that this is one product that is impossible to satisfy everyone 100% with their particular needs.All in all a great buy.

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5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

Nearly everything on it (with the exception of the NPC traits) is something that I want close at hand during a Game. There is little extra space to throw a couple of specific rules (grapple, shove, my house rules on death saves, etc) on there at the expense of the inside art (which I was loath to do...). If I had to say something negative, it would be the outside art. It certainly isn't bad, but I liked the 4E cover art a bit better...

4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

I like the new screen a lot as I have liked everything WOTC has put out since 5E started. I would agree and reason for 4 stars some charts I probably wont ever use, otherwise the other charts I will and I love the artwork.

4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

A functional, sturdy DM screen. The artwork is inspiring on the player side, and the information on the DM side, while sparse, is likely to be used frequently. DM screen info is hard to get "just right" as every DM has particular needs, but I think this did a decent job. Front and center are conditions, which at my table is post-it marked in every PHB, it's used quite a bit. The other bits are a nice touch: "Something Happens!" feels irrelevant at first blush but an odd thing happened as I made fun of it: I rolled, and ran a mini-adventure for my kids on the fly and even used the NPC name generator. Who knew? Like most tables of this sort (trinkets, random dungeons) some people may love it, but for those that don't it can be a source of inspiration, so don't knock it. I also appreciate the sparsity of data, again, its hard to balance between an eye chart of data and nothing but art, but I think this is the right balance.

If you want a DM screen for the new edition, this is as good as it gets short of building your own. For me, I am happy to put down the 4E screen for 5E games. I am sure my players will like the change of scenery as well.

3 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

A friend picked this up and I DM'd with it. The lack of combat information was disappointing. The conditions could have been condensed to one panel. While it is pretty and of solid cardboard, I will be making my own DM screen with the information I need or overlay one of the panels with a paper tent with combat statistics.

5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

I found the balance of information fine. I've been DMing since 1st, and I don't need a TON of stuff to clutter the screen. A better perspective actually comes from my son, who is new to gaming, and DMing. He thought the screen "cool", and said it helps him "LOTS" when he ran his first game.

4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

The artwork, of course, is beautiful. And I am glad they used the landscape orientation instead of portrait. My only issue is I think they could have been more efficient with their use of space for the tables. They could have gotten a lot more info on these panels without affecting readability. But still all in all a great screen. Having all of the conditions was a win for me.

5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

The screen is well built and the landscape format is what I've been looking for in a screen. The outside art is interesting and well done. The interior tables are large enough to see at a standard playing distance and contain many useful tables. I would have liked to see a little less interior art, replaced with even more tables. The conditions could have been fit into a single panel, opening up additional room for additional reference material. Overall very well done. And landscape!

4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

It's a pretty screen and it is solid and thick. It is a four-panel landscape screen with a red dragon scene on the player's side and tables and sporadic artwork on the GM side.The tables included will be very welcome for novice GM's, such as a name generator and a "stuff happens" table, but the core with cover rules, conditions, and other things that are constantly being used is the best parts of the screen.I would have included a few more tables instead of the airy space around each table, but some might appreciate the easier-to-navigate design at the cost of a bit less information.All in all, a solid GM screen, and well worth the cheap price (due to its sturdy nature, I expect it to last me many years).

5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

As others have mentioned, a solid, well-built cardboard affair with very nice artwork both outside as well as inside--which I find to be a nice touch. While several have griped about the inclusion of an entire panel (or more) being devoted to stuff like on-the-fly NPC creation, or random inspiration, I couldn't disagree more with them--that's exactly the kind of stuff I usually want on my screen when the players inevitably go miles away from anything I have prepared. I think this screen may go a long way towards preventing the inevitable stumbling that can occur when you've got nothing prepped, or worse, the NPC you dream up on the fly that is a carbon copy of at least 5 other NPCs you've showcased in the last 5 sessions.I'll admit, I wouldn't mind a few extra tables or items on the inside of the chart, and that tempted me to call this a 4/5 instead of a 5/5, but after staring at it a bit, I think the lack of clutter is actually going to serve me well in quickly finding information that I need during the game. Better yet, I have room to add a table or three of my own without covering another table, or room to put up a Post-It note to remind me of something. If you've got very specific needs in your screen, or the idea of the artwork on the inside turns you off, you may do well to purchase one of the many fine fill-your-own screens from your FLGS, and make your own inserts or modify some of the many I've already found online, but if you want a screen you can use right out of the box at a fairly reasonable price point, grab this.

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