Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

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Retired game store owner
5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

The 5E DM Screen from WotC is a surprising treat. Of course it is a glossy sturdy 4-panel landscape screen. On the players' side is a nice action scene of an adventuring band facing off with a scar-faced red dragon. On the DM's side we see a full panel of NPC tables, including all new NPC Characteristics and Name Generator tables. Next are nearly one and a half panels of the illustrated Conditions chart, which includes Exhaustion. Then there are the expected Setting a DC, Cover, Obscured Areas, Light, Skills and Associated Abilities, and Travel Pace charts. Also included is the Damage by Level and Severity chart. Then there is a very helpful Encounter Distance chart, which I believe is not in the DMG. Finally, there are 2 real gems: the Something Happens! table and the Quick Finds table, both of which I believe are also brand new.The only (for me, minor) disappointment is the lack a Weather table, but that would require a couple more panels.This screen is uncrowded and easy to read. It includes needed reference material, some aids to help a DM just wing it, and some charts that can provide some great inspiration. All and all, I am very pleased with this screen.

Jack Abrasion

First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

Players side is beautiful! Also, if you're paying attention you'll notice the adventurers are all minis from the Icons of the Realms starter set. The DM side is thankfully uncluttered. I had been using a fan-created screen that was packed with tables and rules references and I found that I was never using it except to hang initiative cards on top. I couldn't find the info I was looking for when I needed it. This screen keeps to the vitals. It contains all the only things I really found myself opening books for: conditions, cover, and obscured areas, which are all smartly located toward the center. Also included are things I never knew I'd need, but am thankful to have, such as an entire panel for creating NPCs. Something Happens! and Quick Finds tables are a great inclusion. I could have done with one or two more small tables, such as a list of combat actions, but that's no dealbreaker. My one and only gripe is that there's a typo on the first panel (NPC Ideals #15). This is forgivable in a 300 page rule book but it's hard to understand how no one caught that before it went to print. Overall, I'm very happy with the thoughtful design of the DM side, which allows my eye to find what I'm looking for quickly. And I can't stop staring at the players side.
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Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

What a refreshing treat. I continue to be impressed with releases for the D&D 5th product releases, and this one is no different. The artwork on the players side depicts a massive Red Dragon that covers the entirety of the screen when fully extended, its wings seem to encapsulate the entire table. My favorite part of the artwork is how it truly captures that classic old school artwork from D&D 1e PHB. Inside, the art work is continued, leaving some room for DMs to customize their screen with post-its (face it, we all do this, and now Im not covering tables I might use). My favorite part is the left panel, which is devoted to building NPCs on the fly (because face it, your players will want to roleplay with that merchant or fishmonger, and you'll need a personality and name on the fly). I like that its not trying to be the PHB, that its a screen to reference when needed, not to keep the DM's eyes on the screen at all times and instead focus on their players. The screen comes in a protective sleeve that has a big poster inside reminiscent of those Uncle Sam WWII posters instead with the Lich Ascerak commanding "We Want You", a nice touch. Compared to the screen put out by Gale Force 9 for Tyranny of Dragons, this screen far outshines. This Deluxe DM screen is definitely in keeping with Wizards design concept of bringing D&D to its roots and focus on roleplaying and face-to-face human interaction. I picked mine up yesterday for $14, but you can pick this up for $9 through Amazon on the 20th. Not a bad price for a DM screen with these high production values.
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5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

Gorgeous art on the outside, brings back the awesome vibe from 2nd ed DM screens. Good strong stock and four panels. You can only put so much on a DM screen, everything provided is useful for a DM who needs a quick rule. Love the "Something Happens!" chart, not in the DMG, so a added bonus to have. There's enough art for the DM to view (on his side) to give him some love back. I have seen some DM screens that are way too busy, too many charts and you can get lost trying to find things when the DM screen is suppose to be easy and quick to find things! The biggest thing is the height! I can see my players, no more looking around the screen to see what is going on. They really thought this one out. Bravo WOTC!


First Post
4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

I like the screen but will have to add a layover with combat stuff. Personally I feel the Conditions should have been condensed to 1 panel, leaving room for 'actions in combat'.


3 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

The art and layout are great. However, for my use it's not as functional as it could be but does a good job of covering 3 broad areas that a DM may need.


First Post
3 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

The art on the inside takes up far, far too much space that could have been used for information that would actually help you run the game. On top of that, there are many inclusions that are frivolous or just not useful. A big chart taking up a fifth of the left panel gives you a silly little way to randomly roll up names for NPCs? What a waste. Sadly, you're probably better off either buying this and pasting on your own inserts (or some of the much, much better and more comprehensive sets available online) or just placing your favorite inserts into one of the many plastic/sleeved screens available for not much more than this product. I may paste some useful stuff into this screen and use it, but I'm just as likely to just let it collect dust on my shelf or give it to someone else. Pass on it if you're looking at reviews and wondering if it's worth the money: it's not.

5 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

Great production quality. This thing seems like it will survive a lifetime of being packed in my "go-bag", unpacked, abused on the table, and packed up for next time. Love that it is landscape instead of portrait. Great art on the front. Though I don't think anything will ever top the 4E screen. Jeez I loved looking at that. Lots of great stuff on the back. I really like the various random event tables and the focus on non-combat situations. The "Something Happens" table is hilarious. I really like that there is art on the back, especially the illustrations accompanying the conditions descriptions. Funny! If there is a slight ding, it is that there is maybe slightly more unused space on the back than I expected, even given the quality art. There could have been another table or two from the DMG fit on it. But that is a very minor criticism, and I go back and forth with appreciating the breathing room. Overall a great DM screen, and I consider it more important/useful for a 5E DM than the PHB.

Diehard GameFAN

First Post
4 out of 5 rating for Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen

While this isn’t stat heavy and lists NPC blocks or BAB charts or damage and weapon types or any number of things that a DM might need but can probably remember and woudln’t need in a given session anyway, what it does give you is more than enough to keep a Fifth Edition game of Dungeons and Dragons moving along at a brisk pace without you having to crack open a rulebook and lets you be a little more creative without letting your players know too much how you’re fudging things to make the session more exciting or that you didn’t adequately prepare for them to go and take your plans and turn them sideways like they often do. This is a great Dungeon Master’s Screen that works well with the Fifth Edition rules set and I look forward to using it often.

Voidrunner's Codex

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