D&D General Demetrios1453 Plays the Gold Box Games


Not to interrupt the spine tingling terror of the Graveyard, but I have to say, in all the play-thrus I’ve done I never knew you could actually clear Podol Plaza!

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Not to interrupt the spine tingling terror of the Graveyard, but I have to say, in all the play-thrus I’ve done I never knew you could actually clear Podol Plaza!
You can clear the Cadorna Textile House as well, but it's full of poisonous, paralyzing, and level-draining creatures, which makes it a whole lot less fun.


Pedantic Grognard
Oh, I seem to have missed several of these.

Anyway, in case those reading along didn't realize it, the reason the goblins in the Podol Plaza encounters swapped from surrendering to fleeing when their morale broke is because his characters started getting slowed down by the treasure they were carrying from defeating the earlier encounters. The NPC AI isn't particularly sophisticated, but it does have a simple "If I'm faster than the PCs when I fail my morale roll, try to run away; if I'm not, surrender and let them take my stuff."

Voidrunner's Codex

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