• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


the Jester

I got my girlfriend the board game Descent for her birthday about a month ago and we finally busted it out (along with MajorMoab, who got her an expansion for it :)) and tried it yesterday.

It was very fun!

Very D&D Lite, there's even a dm-analog who runs the monsters and stuff.

The game setup is a little complex- tons of tokens, decks and tiles- but it makes for fun and pretty fast & furious play experience.

I recommend trying it if you get the chance, funny dice and all.

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Super Pony

Studded Muffin
The set-up is the hardest bit. Get past that and it's good fun waiting to be had, imo. Large dogs, frisky cats and roving toddlers are the bane of Descent :)

I picked it up so my daughter and I could use the tiles in our D&D game. We might give the rules themselves a go at some point, but not sure it's worth learning. Same story with Heroscape, we bought it for our D&D game and don't know if we'll ever look at the rules that came with it.

Opinions? If you're already playing D&D and happy with it, is there anything special about the rules sets for the boardgames?


First Post
I think it's nice to have when your regular group can't make it. I haven't had a chance to really dig into the 2nd edition yet, though, so I'm not sure what to think of that one.

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