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Destiny's Tears-Prologue: A Jewel in the Shadow Part I

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Rystil Arden

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Welcome to all Destiny's Tears Players and Onlookers! Let's put "Speech in Quotes" --Thoughts and Telepathic Communications in these double dashes-- and *Actions in asterisks* like this

*Alyria stepped to the prow of the Spiral Nimbus, feeling the astral wind of her ship's air envelope passing through Wildspace at Spelljamming speed. Suddenly, a gravitational field approached, and the ship slowed down to tactical movement.*

--What could this be?-- she wondered?

*Then she looked up and saw the ghostly glowing ship in front of her*

"Aliandra's mercy!" she whispered in horror, "Its...the Black Truncheon! Azaron...why has he returned?"

Colours are cool as long as they aren't unreadable. Turn off your sigs too, please, and at least for now, put your character name and race or class as the title of each post.

Our Cast of Characters:
Brother Shatterstone: Molpe Lilypetals, Naiad Siren
Keia: Zykovian T'Erilan, Altanian Arcanist/Marksman
Eonthar: Abdiel Lyanthra, Mojiin Preserver
Thanee: Melody, Dolathi Eldritch Infiltrator
Khavren: Fedowin, Rowaini Swashbuckler
FreeXenon (Away til Thursday): Mhrazhar D'el,Mojiin Avenger

So without further ado, let us begin! (I'll start giving descriptions and such in the next post).
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Rystil Arden

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*Having receivied a minimal amount of training in Eldiz, Melody knew that her considerable knack for the life of an Eldritch Infiltrator was enough to allow her to teach herself anything else she might ever need to know. Self-sufficient and curious, Melody wanted to explore Wildspace on her own. Eldiz might contain large numbers of other Dolathi, but Melody could never shake an uneasy feeling here, as if it wasn't even home as much as Tymadeau had been for her, with her mother. Desiring to find a Spelljamming ship with which to explore, Melody heard about a convocation for Spelljamming explorers, adventurers, and thrill-seekers to join some sort of "Alliance" that was being sponsored by the Dolathi Archduke. Apparently, members would gain access to high-quality magical equipment, a source of interesting information from the Dolathis' omnipresent eyes and ears, and their own Spelljamming ships, at least on loan to begin. Quite a generous offer, and in exchange, all the "Alliance" wanted was for the members to complete certain exploratory, diplomatic, and other proprietary missions from time to time. So it offered the opportunity to explore, and it doled out perks for doing so. Talk about win/win! Whether or not Melody decided to join, however, she knew that the Laughing Sail Inn, where those interested in the convocation were gathering, was a good place to find others interested in exploring, like her, who could help her split the cost of exploring in the beautiful and mysterious depths of Wildspace.*

*With that in mind, Melody enters the inn, finding a strange and motley group of patrons inside, from all the places across the Known Spheres that she had studied. There is a Praetorian Warmage and his pet construct, there a Sacra Champion, resplendent in her gleaming white armour, and even two Feldori and a male Rowaini in the corner, passionately kissing and hugging each other in a group of three.*

*The smiling 'Altanian' barkeep waves to Melody. Of course, she is actually a Dolathi named Amity who Melody had met once before in her time in the city, when she first stayed in this inn with her father upon arriving in the city.*
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Rystil Arden

First Post
*You walk into the common room of the Laughing Sail Inn, with a friendly smile and a wave for the lovely Amity, who is a beautiful Altanian girl today. She winks back at you. You thread your way through the small throng that has infested the inn today, heading to the back corner, where Eloquence sat, a Praetorian at the moment, but reading his book as usual, seeming not to notice the crowd of offworlders, not just Altanians like you but people and creatures from across the Known Spheres, that was making such a ruckus that you are rather unsure how he can hear himself think. As you slide into a chair across from him, Eloquence lifts the dark-lensed spectacles that he always wears to protect his eyes (most likely to keep them from giving away his inner thoughts unless he wanted them known) and looks at you.*

"Ah, Zykovian," he whispers, yet you are somehow able to hear him over the discordant din that filled the room, "The preponderence of Offworlders has brought quite a lucrative job for you, methinks. Please, sit down."

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Returned from exploring Kanath, an exploration that had been as fruitless as the Dolathi had warned when they said that the planet was more-or-less desolate beyond the city, you still smile with an inward hope. You had done your best to tend the fledgling spirit of this world, and hopefully you had helped its spirit to grow, bringing the world ever nearer to the time when it could open up in bloom, like a birthing flower, just as Arris had done long ago, before the Dragonlords.*

*Nevertheless, this has done nothing to whet your appetite to explore the Spheres and meet new people along the way. However, you hear about a gathering that may let you grow two trees from one seed: Many different peoples from across the Spheres would be meetingat a convocation tomorrow, and they would be discussing the formation of a group that funded Spelljamming exploration across the Spheres. This was something you would love to see!*

*So with that in mind, you enter the building that the Dolathi call an 'inn,' though you are still unsure why it was not obvious that any building was 'in' while the natural world was 'out' . In any case, the Laughing Sail Inn sounded like a happy name, and the mirthful buzz from the patrons that you can hear from outside the inn seemed to prove the moniker apt. You enter the room and see a blue-haired girl behind the bar. She looked something like Erila, as all Valsians and some other races did. Females of those races all seemed to have long hair, and soft creme-coloured flesh, making it much harder to tell the little people apart than two Mojiin, who would likely have different coloured scales and crests or lacks thereof. She waves you over to the her as you enter the room, something that she has not done for some of the others who have been entering about the same time as you did, to whom she has simply smiled and waved. You think perhaps this girl knows all the other patrons, and she would like to meet you. Either that, or she has some reason to pull aside Mojiin, you suppose.* [/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
*As your ship sets down, the captain cries out to all the passengers:*

"OK folks, we've reached Eldiz; everybody off!" then more quietly to you in particular, "This is the Metropolitan Hub of the Known Spheres, milady. I do hope the arrangements on board were tolerable? I know that my cabin isn't large, but it is the biggest on the ship, so I figured the best I could do for you was to leave it you and sleep on the deck with the crew." [/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
*This was most excellent! You heard from one of your buddies in Eldiz that you met since gaining citizenship in the city that there has been a recent heist of some incredibly expensive gem from some Offworlder. Since it was not a local's stolen goods, you are pretty sure that if you can find it first, you can fence the hot merchandise, and if you're lucky, it may produce enough Eldish Credits to begin your plan of purchasing a Spelljamming ship. The best part was that if it didn't, there was always this convocation of adventurous Spelljamming explorers tomorrow on which you could fall back. Of course, you did hear that the notorious Rosethornes were also looking to pull some 'Creative Wealth Redistribution' on the thief, so you know that you need to work fast. The problem is, you're not sure where to look. Thanking your most recent informant, you walk slowly out of the alleyway, pondering your options.[/SBLOCK]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Molpe Lilypetals: Limnad/Female (Siren)

* With her royal blue eyes wide in excitement at the thought of seeing Eldiz in all of its wondrous splendor Molpe smiles enthusiastically at the captain as he personally addresses her. *

“Thank you, kind sir. I couldn’t have asked to be treated better than how you and your crew treated me.”
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Abdiel Lyanthra, Mojiin Preserver

*Abdiel crosses the room and approaches the blue-haired girl behind the bar.
"Greetings, my name is Abdiel Lyanthra. Were you expecting me?" he asks in Seelie.
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Rystil Arden

First Post
*The Rowaini captain smiles and blushes.*

"It is nothing that any true men of the sea and the stars wouldn't have done. But I see the excitement in your eyes that I remember in my own heart the first time I left Tymadeau and found this place. No need to waste your first day with an old salt like me. Go, the city is calling to you."

*He smiles, remembering his younger days with fond nostalgia.*[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
*In flawless Mojiin*

"Greeting Abdiel. I am Amity, the owner of the Laughing Sail. It is not that I was expecting you, per se, but I do not recognise your face as one of my former patrons', and I like to personally meet everyone who comes to visit me here. My, but we are busy today, but that won't stop me from greeting a new friend from beyond the stars! Tell me, what brings you to my inn today?" she smiles warmly at you.

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