Detail Discussion

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Knight Otu

First Post
Since it appears that there is enough interest in a Living Eberron campaign, this thread is for the judges (Bront and Rystil, those who the two appoint, and me) to carve out the details so that we can start playing quickly. Spectator comments are welcome, of course.

1) The other thread pretty much established the City of Towers as the base. Should recruitment work as in Living Enworld (usually from within a tavern), or in other ways? One suggestion was recruitment via newspapers.
Consenus - Points to use of a tavern?

2) The allowed material has been fully established. This list may be expanded with further books.
Books: PHB, MM, MM3 (Lots of Eberron specific monsters), DMG, XPH, Eberron Setting Handbook, and Races of Eberron. (AKA, SRD, MM3, Eberron, and Races of Eberron).
Races: All races listed in said books above except most of the XPH races and many of the subraces of the PHB races. Hobgoblins, being integral to the setting, are LA +0. Strong subraces (i.e. svirfneblin, drow, duergar) of the common races exist, and Gray Elves are allowed provided their home region is Aerenal (not all Aerenal elves need to be grey elves, though). Elans are allowed using the PGtE background, but might be restricted (max one per player, must be the 1st level character?)"
Consenus - Yes, but Elan restrictions might be discussed.

3) Canon will be what is stated in the ECS, and what is established in adventures.
Consenus - Yes

4) Campaign name - Suggestions have been Living Eberron, Living ENberron, Living Khyber. Additional suggestions - Living Khorvaire, Living Siberys, Living Prophecy, Living Dragonmark, Forged in War, Realms of Artifice; EnWorld of Eberron, Shards of Enworld.
Consenus - Living Eberron

5) Character creation - I suggested allowing a maximum of 3 characters, one 3rd, one 2nd, one first, taking a cue from Living Supers. This allows playing powerful races. Players should note at what level the character started, for replacement purposes.
Stats, 33 point buy. Maximum gold at first level, typical gold at higher levels.
Consenus - Yes

6) Should any organizational stuff be ported over from Living Enworld? Such as DM credits, time XP, and the like?
Consenus - Yes

7) Continuing from before, what about time advancement? LEW uses the near-universally hated Craft points. Should they be used? Or perhaps a time unit system (such as 336 points, 1 for every day of the year, replenished every X interval)?
Consenus - Needs discussion
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#2 - My only comment on allowed material is that there should be a strong bias in favor of allowing new Eberron material as it comes out (Faiths of Eberron and Secrets of Sarlona seem likely to have a lot of interesting crunch).

#4 - Can I cast a vote for 5th/3rd/1st rather than 3rd/2nd/1st, both to get a bit more spread and to make something other than low-level play an option to start with?

As judge, my first order of business is to declare my greatness!

Now that that's over with:

I like EnWorld of Eberron as a name. Living Enberron is cute too. Shards of Enworld could be cool.

To address Drothgery's issues;

#2) They will likely be leaned towards more, since the crunch is setting pertinant, but we will look at any and all suggested material as needed.

#4) It creates potential recruting problems with 5th and 1st level character, both new, looking for adventure. 1st-3rd works well enough I think.

5) I might suggest 32 pts, but 30 works too. Edit: LOL, RA beat me to it.

6) DM Credits: Yes.
Craft Points: Probably (I think we fixed it to work better), though I think Artifacers should get double craft points, and it should be discussed a bit more.
Time XP: Yes.
Thread Structure: Yes

Bront said:
Craft Points: Probably (I think we fixed it to work better), though I think Artifacers should get double craft points, and it should be discussed a bit more.
These the same craft points from UA? What's the beef with them (I have not used them, so I have no feeling one way or the other).
Bront said:
To address Drothgery's issues;

#2) They will likely be leaned towards more, since the crunch is setting pertinant, but we will look at any and all suggested material as needed.
There should defintely be some spelled out system for additional material inclusion, and how to deal with situations were the PC has been designed with a permitted book but a particular DM does not want to utilize it/cannot utilize it (besides the PC just not going on that adventure, which is probably how it'll work best anyway).

The beef was that if you don't impliment the changes we made, crafting non-magical items is more expensive, and crafting becomes a rough thing to do because of a lack of craft points. They weren't implimented on top of the crafting system in LEW initialy, but instead of, which was not what was intended.

As for approval, crunch approval will probably be used as the LEW system for approval of proposed material (someone proposes it, it gets discussed, and voted on).

As for exclusion from a game, that is always an option. GMs can choose to exclude any player/character at their discression, though we would ask GMs to try to avoid that when possable. Somtimes 2 people don't get along, and it's better that way. Sometimes, the GM is not comfortable with a particular rules set (Psionics is a good example), and sometime, the PC doesn't fit in the adventure (The Shifter Druid in a tale of high court intrigue may not fit right)

Bront said:
As for exclusion from a game, that is always an option. GMs can choose to exclude any player/character at their discression, though we would ask GMs to try to avoid that when possable. Somtimes 2 people don't get along, and it's better that way. Sometimes, the GM is not comfortable with a particular rules set (Psionics is a good example), and sometime, the PC doesn't fit in the adventure (The Shifter Druid in a tale of high court intrigue may not fit right)
Good to know, though I think the shifter would "work" through the Court's problem in a very "direct" manner. ;)

stonegod said:
Good to know, though I think the shifter would "work" through the Court's problem in a very "direct" manner. ;)
Some might better than others.

The vicious assasin probably doesn't fit the save the fluffy bunny quest either ;)

Action points? they are a bit awkward in pbp.

EDIT: Adding this to the first page so I can find it again.

I dont think we really need to stick to specific date, just month to month would work. Here is a list of books that are unavailable due to the 6 month rule and when they would be available for REVIEW only.
[B]Book							Release	Review[/B]
Races of the Dragon 					Jan-06	Jul-06
[B]Player's Guide to Eberron 				Jan-06	Jul-06[/B]
Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow, and Truename Magic 	Mar-06	Sep-06
Complete Psionic 					Apr-06	Oct-06
Player's Handbook II 					May-06	Nov-06
Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss 			Jun-06	Dec-06
Monster Manual IV 					Jul-06	Jan-07
[B]Secrets of Xen’drik 					Jul-06	Jan-07[/B]
Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords 		Aug-06	Feb-07
Dragon Magic 						Sep-06	Mar-07
[B]Faiths of Eberron 					Sep-06	Mar-07[/B]
Complete Mage 						Oct-06	Apr-07
Cityscape 						Nov-06	May-07
[B]Dragonmarked 						Nov-06	May-07[/B]
Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells 		Dec-06	Jun-07
Complete Scoundrel 					Jan-07	Jul-07
Dungeonscape 						Feb-07	Aug-07
[B]Secrets of Sarlona 					Feb-07	Aug-07[/B]
Magic Item Compendium 					Mar-07	Sep-07
Drow of the Underdark 					May-07	Nov-07
Complete Champion 					May-07	Nov-07
[B]The Forge of War 					Jun-07	Dec-07[/B]

Anything older than that would be up for review now.
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