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Deuce Traveler's Last Stand of the Dorinthians

Deuce Traveler

Good job ambushing the goblins. And welcome back, Rix. No problem about the weekend thing. The policy is that I'll continue the adventure on the weekends if everyone replies, or if we can reasonably continue with the responses we have. Otherwise, I'll wait for Monday night to move on. Since you're part was critical, I waited until tonight to continue.

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Deuce Traveler said:
I am currently seeking an alt in this home made campaign, the description of which you can find on the first post of this thread. The campaign has six chapters, which will take all characters to level 6. Since we are currently in chapter 2, the character will start at 2nd level. Any takers?

Yeah, I'll bite!

Deuce Traveler

Fenris said:
Yeah, I'll bite!

Thanks, Fenris. I'm actually going to move you to the active category as soon as the party makes it out of this section of the adventure, and move Lira the Elven Fighter to the inactive alt slot. Right now the party's buddies are stationed at the threatened gnomish homeland. We could introduce you as a human, halfling, half-elf, or half-orc from the original town. We could also introduce you as a member of the gnome, dwarven, or elf delegations from the various kingdoms. We have a melee ranger, wizard, rogue, and cleric, so any other character class would be welcome.


I was thinking about either a Radnal Ruffian or a member of a defunked cavalry archer.

Human fighter either way since most of the other bases are covered. I have read through the background, but did not see character creation guidlines.

Deuce Traveler

Character creation is conducted by rolling a 4d6 for each ability, taking the top three dice with each roll.

The total points of all six scores should not exceed 75. If you have a total score of 76 or 77, or some such, decrease one ability score by two and raise another by 1. This way you can tailor your character a bit.

I like dice rolling more than assigning points, but if you have trouble rolling up a character at home, we can try to come up with a solution. Gold is the average listed under the PHB.

Character classes may come from the PHB. I also just got the PHB II from my local vendor, and will consider character classes from there. The only other books being used currently is the DMG and Monster Manuals.

You character will start at 2nd level to match the party, so consider a background with combat experience.

I think that covers it. Let me know if there are any other problems.


Alright a first shot. DT, let me know if anything needs correcting.

[B]Name:[/B] Dartis Kalnian
[B]Class:[/B] Fighter
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] NG
[B]Deity:[/B] The Rider

[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1 (XXp.)     [B]Level:[/B] 2        [B]XP:[/B] XXXX
[B]Dex:[/B] 17 +3 (XXp.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] XX (2d10+2)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (XXp.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +3     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] XX/XXXX
[B]Int:[/B] 11 +0 (XXp.)     [B]Speed:[/B] XX'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +1 (XXp.)     [B]Init:[/B] +4        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +X
[B]Cha:[/B] 11 +0 (XXp.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -1         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +3    +0    +3    +X    +X    +X    16
[B]Touch:[/B] XX              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] XX

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +1          +4
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +3          +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      0    +0          +0

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Composite Longbow         +5     1d8           20x3
Longsword                 +3     1d8+1      19-20x2
XXXX                      +X     XdXX+X     XX-XXxX
XXXX                      +X     XdXX+X     XX-XXxX

[B]Languages:[/B] Dorinthian

[B]Abilities:[/B] XXXX

[B]Feats:[/B] Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 15       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 5/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Climb                      1    +1          +2
Handle Animal              5    +0          +5
Intimidate                 2    +0          +2 
Jump                       1    +1          +2
Ride                       5    +3    +2    +10
Swim                       1    +1          +2

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Composite Longbow       100gp   03lb
Studded Leather          25gp   20lb
20 arrows                 1gp   03lb
Longsword                15gp   04lb
Dark green cloak          1gp
[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXlb      [B]Money:[/B]8gp XXsp XXcp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX

[B]Age:[/B] 21
[B]Height:[/B] 6'2"
[B]Weight:[/B] 180lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Blond
[B]Skin:[/B] Fair
Appearance: Dartis is a young man whose bearing has all the hallmarks
of his aristocratic upbringing. His blond hair is short int he manner of the archers.
He keeps a sword by his side as he tend to be too close tot he enemy when he runs out of arrows.

[sblock]Dartis was the youngest son of the Baron of Kalnian,
a small Barony located in the south. Like his brothers Dartis was raised
to join the cavalry. He was taught to ride and shoot at a young age. When
he reached majority, Dartis joined the army just as all the Kalnian's had
before him. But unlike his ancestors, times were troubled and the Tallone
were always a threat. Dartis was stationed on the southern border and
watched for Tallione incursions becoming involved in minor skimishes along
the border. The real trouble began when the order came to move north to
quell the riots. Dartis was glad when his commander told them they weren't
moving as he didn't believe that they should leave the border updefended to
support the corrupt rule of Rasnen. Once the Tallione invaded soon after
things changed, Dartis was first and foremost a Dorinthian and he would
defend his country from the Tallione. His unit was pushed back, and further back.
The losses were very hard and his unit was disbanded and he was reassaigned
to a unit from the small town of Fair Creek. This was a small bit of good fortune
for him on a foul day as he found out that after a long seige his father's keep
had finally fallen in the south and his family slain.

Dartis was there at the Lost Battle of Kalden and followed his commander back
to the town to report the massacre. Dartis rode his horse so hard getting back
the the poor beast that hea had had since he was a boy, died from the run, But
the warning was sent. Dartis followed the town watching over the
migration and awating orders from the only current leige he had, Baron Dorin,
on how to proceed. Meanwhile he lost most everything he had int he flight from
Kalden, but his weapons he had with him.

Deuce Traveler


I like him the more I look over him. Fix the XXXXs if you decide to keep him and put him in the rogue's gallery:

HPs are max at first level, 3/4s of max each additional level.

XP should be 1,500 to start.

Keep in mind that this chapter and the next will mostly take place in dungeons, buildings, etc. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 will be more outdoorish, which means that you will have a good opportunity to really take advantage of your horsed archery.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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