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Deuce Traveler's Sewer Rats


Pickwick snaps back into focus as the gem is snatched from his hand. "Awwww," he says forlornly. "Well, I guess we'd best go so we can all get our OWN gem."

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Pickwick snaps back into focus as the gem is snatched from his hand. "Awwww," he says forlornly. "Well, I guess we'd best go so we can all get our OWN gem."

"I'd rather Hardnose hold onto the gem anyway. All right let's go seal up this portal." say Fergus.

Deuce Traveler

"To be honest, I don't know what problems you might expect. Normally the sewers close to the city are reasonably safe except for the occasional vermin such as overly aggressive rats. If I thought it was completely safe, however, we would simply send in the Union workers without asking you to accompany them. But after seeing this creature, who died after fatally mutating, I am worried over creatures that may have mutated and not died..." The clerk's voice trails off as she nudges the ugly, large rat-like corpse with her shoe.

OOC: Unless no one has another question or preparation, we will start my next post with meeting the Union workers at the sewer entrance. I know some of your PCs have dark vision, but not all. How do those without dark vision expect to see in complete darkness with only 2 sun rods for light amongst 5 characters?

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
"Sure, let's get this done and get some work in!" he adds, as the gem is looted. He wonders just how easily it would be to pilfer the gem, but decides to leave it in their hands for now.

Checking his weapons, his gear, and then nodding, he heads out to the meeting place, keeping an eye on the group. He has not worked with anyone before, and is used to making up his own mind when the time came to decisions. Working with a team will be a change...

Deuce Traveler

The party heads out and meets with the two Union workers outside of one of the many entrances to the sewer. The men are both dwarves, each carrying a full bag slung over their shoulders and wearing specialized mining helmets that make a faint splashing sound when their heads move. "So, you're our protection for this little jaunt? People in the City call me Stubby, and my buddy here is red," he says, jerking his thumb at his red-bearded companion.

"I'm ready to start. Red and I will pull up the rear, and we'll be barking directions from back here. It's your job to take point and keep the area clear for any danger. The tunnels get a bit tight, with only about a five foot circumference through much of where we'll be walking. Though it opens up wider where some of the piping links up, or in the occasional chamber. So which of you is gonna take lead? What's your party order?"

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Looking at the group, Needles was not sure if anyone else was able to lead in the dark. "I can take lead. I don't need light and can sneak about quietly. Unless someone else is better at this than me.."


First Post
"Unfortunately I can't see too well in the dark. I'll stay near the back and protect our union friends. That way I won't interfer with Needles' scouting." says Hardnose.

OOC: [MENTION=34958]Deuce Traveler[/MENTION] I overlooked the fact that 3e Halflings don't have darkvision. Can I replace my oils with sunrods or is it too late.


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Chernguk walks around the clustered group so that he is beside Needles, giving him a slight nod. "I can come with, I live in these tunnels, and don't like the bright light anyway..."

He reaches around to his lower back, pulling out his crossbow made from an assortment of repurposed sewer materials, bones, and melted down pipes. He unsprings the crossbars and cranks the leverage switch into place, cranking down on a lever to put tension on the string.

Pulling a bolt from the strange quiver at his back, he knocks it in place and flicks the trigger assembly, locking the bolt in place. He connects his two climbing hooks onto his belt harness, and then takes a steadying breath. He looks at Needles, and gives a single, firm nod.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Watching the laboring task of the crude crossbow being readied, Needles is disinterested. When the task is done, he looks to the others and adds, "Then the rest can fill in the middle."

Turning to the entrance, Needles flings out a slim rope with a leather stitched ending in one hand and a black stone in the other. Placing the stone at the end, he lets it hang, ready to be flung at a moments notice. "A sling is easier to use, and does not reflect light. Might want to muddy up those pipes to stop light being reflected."

Turning to the entrance, he heads in, ready to get this underway.

[sblock=Needles Skills]Not sure how you want to run the checks, so here is what he has. You can roll for him privately, so that he is unaware of crit failures/etc. Listen +5, Spot +5, Balance +7, Tumble +7, Move Silently +7, Hide +11, Search +10. He will move quietly and keeping to the shadows (Hide/Move Silently) while listening and checking for anything out of the ordinary. Should he encounter anything, balance/tumble and search are listed.[/sblock]


Pickwick examines his longspear and wonders if he has chosen wisely for the tight quarters of the sewers. "Yeah, I'm... gonna stay behind the beefcakes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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