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di Senzio's Tournament: Road to Fallon [El Jefe Judging]


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Velmont said:
"Cepehus Boomhill, have you responsabilities in the enchantement of your weapon, or the curse of Lord Guillaume? Were you aware of any of the spell casts? "

Cepheus looking a bit puzzled answers: No, I have no responsibilities in the spells cast and no, I was not aware of any spells being cast - other than Jik'tu casting detect magic, he did tell me about that.
[sblock]Cepheus did have an idea that it could have been Jik'tu but the only converstaion they have had is that Cepheus should let Jik'tu do his own thing and handle things his way.[/sblock]

Is Lord Guillaume exempt from this interrogation then? It would seem to me that in the light of thoroughness he would be required to answer under this truth spell as well. If it is as he says he has nothing to worry about! Otherwise I would question his integrity and answers he already gave.

Although we still can not rule out a 4th party wishing to see these two duel and see Lord Guillaume fall to Jik'tu.
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Deos watches the competition with interest. When the officials gather round the noble and the gnome, he tries to hear what they are speaking of.


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Jik'tu is not a contestant in the archery contest, and therefore there is nothing to disqualify him from. He has only placed a bet on the outcome which is not illegal nor imoral in the culture of Ossirus IIRC.

Cepheus had no knowledge of Jik'tu's activities spell casting or otherwise which although not discusses is to thier advantage in this situation. I assume if Reynold is a fair man and probably lawful he would consider the above. I think Cepheus articulated that above. He had no idea what I was going to do or did do so he's telling the truth.

I also doubt Reynold as a honorable man would penalize a contestant for the actions of a third party especially if those actions were unknown by the contestant.


Yea I wan hear dis mens answer,

Cepheus has answered gud,

it is only fair that dis man be answer too...

Just cuz he gots golds don't makes him glad to parts wif it...

rich peples get dat way cuz they take care to not part wif golds.

What wud you dos to save golds liddle weasel man?

Kill, steal, lie... wut?


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[SBLOCK=OOC All]The crowd is loud, but anyone approaching near enough can overhear the conversation, as teh group start to talk louder. Listen DC:10 to overhear.[/SBLOCK]

"Jik'tu, I want you to answers the questions, or I'll have to disqualify you from all the tournament." ask Reynold. The orc can see Reynold is not joking, but he turns his attention. "But I am curious now, Lord Guillaume, can you also answers the questions. Have you responsabilities or were you aware these spells have been used?"

"What? Why would I hinder myself. It is ridiculous. Why would I curse myself? Or enchant his weapon?"

"Maybe you can answer it?"

"I've never cast these spells, and I never asked... to enchant the gnome's weapon, or to bane me... that would be ridiculous. And I didn't knew I was bane or his weapon was enchanted." Lord Guillaume seems pretty angry and start to have difficulty to contain himself and stumble a bit on his word as he try

Reynold look at Lord Guillaume for a moment with hesitation, but finally turn to Jik'tu. "Will you answer now?"

[SBLOCK=Sense Motive DC:13]The spell might have force him to tell the truth, but you feel that Lord Guillaume is hiding someting.[/SBLOCK]
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OOC:[sblock]Quozen takes 10+8=18 on the Listen check, and rolls 20 on the Sense Motive check.[/sblock]

Quozen cocks his head a moment, looks over his bow, and walks over by Reynold. "I think I may be able to get to the bottom of this, with your permission. I do not know whether you consider it reasonable for another contestant to participate in judging."

Quozen turns to look at Lord Guillaume and Cepheus. He casually looks out to the crowd as well.

OOC:[sblock]How are the members of the crowd reacting to the situation? Does anyone in the crowd appear to be reacting in an unexpected manner?[/sblock]


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InVinoVeritas said:
OOC:[sblock]How are the members of the crowd reacting to the situation? Does anyone in the crowd appear to be reacting in an unexpected manner?[/sblock]

OOC: Deos is sitting in the stands with a smile on his face. He clearly looks like he is enjoying the current events moreso than the actual contest.


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I casted spells out here today...fore vents

I cast tect magic - an I cast it some more den one too...

Da first time I saw dat one mens in da stand <points to the caster>

He use some magics but dis Jik'tu not knows wut.

Now I knows he U man in dis too so gots no problems wif him.

Standing like one contemplating

If you want to know if I wish dis man <points to the noble> loose

course I do, we habs dis bet ya no. I bes not idiot...

I wish him die fur sult me too.... dat not illegal course you knows dat.

I make whispers to god fur dat, dat not illegal too...

Tell me you not whisper to yous god sometimes fur help when you want sumptin

Sides -

Jik'tu not testent here in dis I only makes dat bet an less I be

ignert of fair ways to do tings - I not be kicked out of sumptin I not ev'n in.

If Cepheus an dat man says true words den they go in vent simple even fur me -

if one dem
<shakes thumb at the lord> not speak truef

den he out and lose his bets da same.

Gin less I stake sumhows -

Anyone here make dis side bets as dey want

dat have nutin do wif contest rules and dis vent.

Less you write dat out sum wheres. Do you?

You habs no thorty to ends bets

an you can't not makes bets not true too.

You gots no thorty over bets Reynold - do you?

Bets twix two people not da rules of vent.

It not fair to Cepheus out cuz I know him and not make answers you like.

he not volved in any stuffs...your man deres knows dis

Dat guilt by knowin me in dat case you guilty too cuz you knows me

I maked bet wif dis purdy mans here it not volve you anyways...

You want me get off test rena I do dat fur you to make tings beters

but I says dat purdy man cheats you know dis now.

So ifin he stay I want make sure he not cheats more...

Looking more inspired -

Wut you say spell mans -

Do my Cepheus say true words?

Did da purdy man says true words?

Member we all must say true words in dis spell I guess so right?

Who is da only two testants...Reynold?

Dem twos right?

Kin you boot testant for somting he not do?

Dat fair to do dat?

Jik'tu say dis too...

I answer you questions - me done! Dat all...

Now dis one last one fur you - U wan me git off rena?

Dat fine but Cepheus truefs says an dat man I think he lied.

I wait off da rena Cepheus I wach and cheer from roads...good I pray fur you gin...

Jik'tu walks away toward the road....he yells back...

You want be fair Reynold or sometimes people not want you round any more...!

Not kick out the truth tellers - only the liars - dat fair like Reynolds we all knows!

[sblock=Velmont] Its your game here but I still don't know how your official knew what spell was cast by Jik'tu at all. Detect magic only gives you the school of he spell not the exact spell. Unless he saw Jik'tu cast it or he'd know he did it anyways. I specifically said he cast the spell away from the field and behind something (which would have looked much like a prayer, there are no visible effects at all) then came back in with the spell in effect. The caster does not have to concentrate on the spell to make it work.

Anyways, Jik'tu and Cepheus are not lying at all. Jik'tu said he cast a spell and before the contest began, he said he cast detect magic which is true, he says he hates and wishes Lord Googly Pants ill and even that he die. He said he whispered to his god (also true) to help Cepheus win and the noble to loose.

No one in Ossirus knows Jik'tu is a cleric at all he wears warriors gear and calls himself a warrior everywhere he goes. He even thinks he is a warrior so it would register as true since he regards himself that way. He is a warrior who sometimes gets gifts (spells) from his god. Cepheus knows he can heal though and that paladin from a few weeks ago.

From what I see the noble is the one lying.

Besides kicking someone out of a contest they paid to get into for something someone else did - that they had no knowledge of is patently unfair and against any lawful or good ideals at all.

Reynold would be a jerk to kick someone out because of the actions another took regardless of the reason even worse would be kicking someone out of a contest because someone the person knew took some action without their knowledge. That is just all kinds of wrong there. Especially when the people who made the actions are not even contestants at all.

Jik'tu just walks off because he is not trusted (even though he didn't lie) because of his past, heritage and circumstance.

Cepheus who is absolutely innocent in this stays and hopefully wins too.

I don't know if the lord actually is guilty or not but he (if the judges catch it) has implicated himself to the same extent Jik'tu has because of his perceived deceptive words and actions. (although Jik'tu didn't lie under oath as it were)

The lord looses his bets (period) because he doesn't beat Cepheus.

Velmont - regardless of what you decide I'll go with it but I'd sure like to know what your thought process was. \

I respect your authority and right to do what you think is best.

Also if you are just having second thoughts about letting us win that much cash or the work involved in us loosing and having to make an adventure for us while we work for the LORD let me know. If thats the case I'd understand that and go with it if thats your rationale. I could respect that perhaps more than anything else.

However, I think you'd be hard pressed with the facts presented to rule against letting Cepheus advance and shoot. He did nothing wrong except talk to Jik'tu no one there knows the scope and terms of their relationship they could just be acquaintances or just guys who hang out sometimes or only one time who knows that but them. They are not partners in crime nor are they known collaborators or criminals know to all. Actually they have never broken the law. Just been loud and unruly.

They didn't coordinate or arrange their actions here in any way. It just worked out to their advantage.



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Cepheus watches Jik'tu walk away and firms his resolve to pay this Lord Guillaume back for their trouble. On or off the tournament grounds.

ooc: This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. At least as far as arch rivals go. :]

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