Dice Questions?

Kevin Cook

Can't find that rare (or not so rare) die?

Ever wonder what a wierd die is used for?

Just want to talk about dice?

Then this is the thread for you ...

I have been gaming and collecting dice since 1977 and am the current Guinness World Record Holder for the Largest Collection of Dice ... so fire away if you need dice info

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Cool. I got one for you.
Who makes 8-sided d4s. I got some at GenCon a few years ago and want some more but I dont remember from whom I bought them from.

diaglo: build something out of it? :P make sure to bring some with you every time you're at your local gaming store and give bag-fulls away to new players

Kevin: congrats on your world record! I think that's a mighty cool record to be holding.

Where is the nice grey-spotted, white-numbered d20, which I lost a while ago?


What game uses those d34?:D

And just for curiosity's sake... just how many thousand dice do you have approximately?
EDIT: Ok, that last part was easy enough to find out... 13,772 dice.

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KB9JMQ said:
Cool. I got one for you.
Who makes 8-sided d4s. I got some at GenCon a few years ago and want some more but I dont remember from whom I bought them from.

I believe that Gamescience made them ... their contact info is on my links page

Thanee said:
What game uses those d34?

Not a game ... they were sold as Danish Lottery Dice

OT: Any idea why my signature is only displayed on my first post? ... the <Show your signature> box is checked :D
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Kevin Cook said:
Not a game ... they were sold as Danish Lottery Dice

OT: Any idea why my signature is only displayed on my first post? ... the <Show your signature> box is checked :D
It *might* be a new server glitch. Dunno, though.

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