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die_kluge's story hour - The Lost Continent


ed note: I should point out that the name "Elbard" is product identity of MonkeyGod Enterprises, and no infringement on that name is intended with this story hour. I used the name from their module "Treasures of Elbard", of which only a very loose interpretation of that module is used. In that module, "Elbard" is the name of a kingdom. I am using it as the name of a god.

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(Apologies for neglecting this story hour...)

Merenya continues, "Many centuries ago, in this land, there was a great conflict, a conflcit between gods. There was a battle that raged in this land between Elbard - a god of law and nature, and a god of destruction and chaos named Chairos*. In that battle, both Chairos and Elbard were destroyed. Having lost his god, the son of Elbard, the avatar, was weakened, and was captured by a powerful spider of chaos, who dwells in this canyon. Elbard is immortal, and through his power has survived these countless centuries, but he is weak, his power having been drained by the spider. I, alone, am not powerful enough to rescue him, though he speaks to me in my dreams, and calls out to me from time to time when his power is sufficient."
The party, looking on in stunned silence, allows Merenya to continue once more, "I seek your help to rescue the avatar of Elbard. With your help, I'm sure we can rescue him, though it will not be easy."

"You have our help", Rath says, apparently speaking for the party.
"I will help. I would not wish such a fate to my worst enemy.", Mournaxe says.

"Do you have a plan, Merenya", Rath asks.
"No, I do not. I've only recently realized that with your help this may be doable. But I have not thought about how. I know where he is, though."

(The party then spent about an hour planning, and figuring out which spells they wanted to go in there with, and then rested in a pair of rope tricks to attempt it with a fresh start.)


Wow. *sniff*
If that's not an incentive to keep writing it, I don't know what is. :)

I'm grossly behind, but I would like to finish it. Considering I don't have anything to do at work today (or at least next to nothing), I can try to post some more. Here goes.

The party debates amongst themselves as to their plans for how to break into the canyon and rescue the avatar. Rath takes to the sky since his fly is still active, and examines the layout of the canyon. (ed: I'll upload a map later) Flying back down, Rath asks Merenya if she knows where the avatar is located. Drawing on the ground, Merenya maps out the canyon. "There are two caves leading off the canyon, with entrances here and here (pointing with her stick on the ground). The avatar is held here", pointing to a place off the left-most wall. "That's not that far in", Rath observes. "That's easy for you to say", Bax says, "those spiders will eat us alive once we enter those webs." "Yes", Rath says, rubbing his chin, "I have a plan"

Finding a safe place to throw up a rope trick, the party rests, and the spellcasters memorize a specific allotment of spells they believe will ensure success.

After resting, the party emerges, and they stand at the entrance of the canyon, before the walls and darkness of the webs before them. "Is this plan of yours going to work?", Mournax asks. "We're about to find out", Rath says, calmly. Positioning herself just so, Merenya casts a wall of fire that cuts a diagonal path nearly all the way to the cave entrance where the avatar is held. The fire from the wall burns and spiders scatter every which way, and shriek from the intense heat of the wall. Bax follows this up with a Haste spell. Nytor, and Rath cast some extra protective magics, and Merenya imbues herself and two others with protection from vermin. "Remember, we'll need to walk in a tight formation to take full advantage of these protections. We run in, locate the avatar, and run out."

Merenya drops the wall of fire, and in its wake, a clear path through smoldering webs provides an easy access to the cavern entrance - a funnel of webs that leads into a dark hole in the side of the canyon wall.

Running through the webs, the party is unmolested, though following quickly behind this is a literal sea of spiders that closes in on them. "Hurry!", yells Bax. Looking up, the party is horrified by what they see - hundreds of spiders hanging from tendrils of webs slowly descending upon them. "Stay close!", Rath yells, "these wards will help us!"

Reaching the cavern entrance quickly, the party is greeted by sticky webs along the ground and the walls. "Quick, inside!", Nytor yells. Mournaxe and Ivo pull themselves through the webs with relative ease, but others struggle with it. Nytor casts a Fire Shield to help burn through the webs. The others hold up the rear flank, and ready themselves against an oncoming sea of spiders moving up the path behind them. Already they can see that spiders are repairing the damaged webs behind them. "Hurry!", yells Bax.


Ivo breaks out his flaming axe, and cleaves his way through the sticky webs. Nytor pushes himself through utilizing the flames from his fire shield, allowing them to inflict maximum damage on his surroundings. The others struggle a bit, but make use of the efforts of those in front to carve a workable path into the cave.

Scooting in close so that everyone is in the cave, Rath asks, "is everyone in?!" Satisfied by the responses of "yes!" from his party, like precision clockwork, Rath seals off the cave entrance with well-placed Wall of Force - just stopping a horde of rampaging, fanged poisonous abyssal spiders, which all bunch up at the invisible wall immediately after Rath casts it.

"Whew!", Rath says, sighly deeply. "That's easy for you to say", Ivo points out, readying his axe against 6 cow-sized spiders that descend from the cave ceiling on impossibly thin ropes of webs. "Quickly!", Rath shouts, "we don't have long before that wall will disappear!" Mournax, Ivo, and Nytor move into the webs as best as they are able, while the rest hang back by the door. Together, the fighters and the cleric are able to make short work of the foul beasts. Ivo becomes tangled in the webs of one of the spiders, but Mournax is able to free him quickly. Bax lays back and releases a volley of arrows, while Rath attempts to soften them up with his force burst blasts. Dzintra also uses her throwing daggers to attack the creatures. "I need to replace this wall", Rath cautions. Using some fancy magical footwork, Rath quickly dispels the current wall shortly before its duration expires, and replaces it with another wall. "We're good for a little while longer"

Rath casts a celestial brilliance to illuminate the cave, and almost regrets his decision as a spider as big as a small house moves out of the darkness and joins the battle. It hisses at the party, and bites at Ivo who laughs off the beasts foul poison. Mournax bears down on the creature with his great strength and inflicts much damage on the creature in a short duration. The rest all focus their attacks on the beast, and soon, it is destroyed.

It is quiet for a time, and then Merenya notices something unusual. "Rath, look. All these spiders that were clamboring at the wall of force are scurrying away. What would cause them to do that?" Rath and Bax grimace at each other, and say, almost in unison. "I've got a bad feeling about this."
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Shortly thereafter, the party observes rifts in empty space open up, and strange looking spiders step through these rifts. The spiders - as big as men, and pale with glistening fangs, seem to defy all laws of physics. Their legs wrap and contort on themselves, and the heads seem to switch places simultaneously, as if the three-dimensional world means nothing to them. Dzintra immediately screams in horror - her brain unable to comprehend what she has seen.

"That's the weirdest thing I think I've ever seen", Bax points out, unable to look at the creatures directly anymore. "They're giving me a headache just looking at them.*" Merenya attempts to separate the party from the creatures with another wall of flame. And Bax and Rath attempt to soften them up with more spells. Mournax cleaves into the creatures with relative ease. "I don't see what all the fuss is about - they bleed like everything else - see!"

"I will attempt to locate the avatar", Rath says, casting a detect magic. Rath peers about the room and shrieks in pain, falling to his knees. "My eyes!", he shouts, clutching at his eyes. Bax and Merenya rush to his side, "what's wrong, Rath", Bax asks. "Never before have I seen such magic - its strength has blinded me!"** Nytor asks, "can you tell me where he is located?" Rath points in the center of the cave. "Somewhere in the center. I couldn't tell exactly."

Dzintra turns around and stabs Merenya, apparently driven insane by the spiders lack of cartesian geometry. "Ouch!", shrieks Merenya, who instinctively glares at Dzintra with her deep blue eyes, blinding Dzintra.

Nytor looks and finds several wrapped cacoons in the center of the cave. He works to begin opening them up with Mournaxe's help. The first one yields some sort of unidentified beast. The second appears to be a long dead, desecated Slaad, and finally after opening the third cacoon, Nytor reveals a still alive, though quite pale and weak stag. The stag looks into Nytors eyes, and Nytor says, "I found him!". Then Nytor pauses. "What is wrong", asks Mournaxe. "I'm getting a voice in my head.... there is another, it says.", Nytor replies, with a confused look on his face.

Dzintra then takes off into the cavern, and Ivo runs after her. "I'll get her.", he yells, running into the cave. Dzintra, oblivious to her surroundings, runs right through the wall of flame, and Ivo, foolhardedly, follows through it after her. Grabbing her from behind, Dzintra, though blind, punches Ivo, and breaks free, and then runs back towards the party, through the wall of fire once more.

Nytor lays the Stag aside, and digs up another cacoon. Opening it, he finds a human female inside. She is quite pale and weak, and unable to open her eyes. Huge spider bite scars cover her body. Her armor and appearance is not foreign, and she is dressed as anyone might be from the more civilized locations of the world, so her appearance is a curious one. "Who is that", Mournax asks. "I don't know", Nytor replies. "I heard a voice in my head telling me that she was here, and that I needed to rescue her. If you can carry the stag out of here, I can carry her." "Very well", Mournax says, hoisting up the stag onto his shoulders.

"The wall is about to come down", Rath says, poking his hand up against the invisible wall. "We need to act swiftly if we are to escape. "When it comes down, I will clear our path out with yet another wall of fire.", Merenya says.

Ivo grabs Dzintra this time, and though she kicks and screams, she is unable to break free from his grasp. Meanwhile, Mournax and Nytor kill the spiders, and two that remain open up new rifts in empty space, escaping into the unknown void.

Just then, the wall of force comes down, and Merenya unleashes another wall of fire back out to the canyon entrance. "When we are ready, I will lower the wall, and we can escape.", she says, standing by the exit. "I can dimension door myself and another out of here", Bax says. "We need another of that speed magic", Mournax says, referring to the Haste spell that was in effect when they entered the cave. "Yes, of course", Bax replies, casting Haste once more.

Merenya drops the wall of fire, and the party bursts out the door down the cleared path once again. Bax and Rath dimension door out to the entranceway. And once again, a swarm of spiders descend upon them like the oceans waters but stop short once the party reaches the exterior of the canyon, as if some magical force keeps the spiders at bay.

*Non-Euclidian advanced phase spiders (CR 10) - truly nasty.
** The player playing Rath didn't like that I blinded him with a detect magic spell. "That's not in the rules", he said. "Neither are avatars", I said. ;)


ed: Most complicated combat - ever. But it was fun! And, it's not over with ... yet! ;)

The player playing Dzintra decided that she no longer wanted to play Dzintra. So, the character Nytor pulls from the cacoon is a replacement character that she made. More on that to come.

And, in case anyone is interested, I have stats to many of the monsters the PCs fight in my Rogue's Gallery thread: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=73141

All the spiders are there.
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