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die_kluge's story hour - The Lost Continent


Once outside the web-infested canyon, Dzintra attacks Ivo blindly. Ivo drops her to the ground, and then Dzintra sits on the ground, and babbles incoherently.

"We need to keep moving. I don't want to be so close to this place." Rath says. Mournaxe takes a running leap, and leaps over the large section of water that forms a small pond at the entrance of the canyon. Nytor follows, and Ivo begins to tread the water. Just as Merenya begins to move forward, Dzintra rises, and attempts to attack her. Merenya responds by shoving Dzintra into the water, where she flails about blindly for some time.

Mournaxe pauses, "I smell something. Smells like the frog creatures."
"The Gripplis, or the Slaad?", Rath asks. "Yea, we tend to meet a lot of frog creatures around here", Bax muses.
"The Slaad.", Mournax replies, plainly.

Just then, at the top of the canyon wall, a gray slaad emerges at the edge. "Greetings", the slaad says, with a hiss. "Release the source of power to ussss, and we will ensure that your deaths are quick and painlessssss."

Though blinded, Rath shouts back, "Never, you vile creature!"

"It is just as I sussspected, pathetic mortal. Your bodies will make excellent hosts for our seeds. Infect not the spellcasters, they are mine!"

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