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"Different" Magic Items


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This is not mine, but I heard it on another thread not to long ago. It was an inteligent rope named Rover (or something). It was like a dog stuck in a ropes body. I thought that was one of the most creative ideas I had ever heard.

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Bran Blackbyrd

There's always, "The Red Rod of Orgasmatron", but that only applies if you run a Wheel of Time campaign. ;)

Bag of Plenty: Standard neverending bag o' food, except that after about 10 or 20 uses there's a 10% chance that it develops a hole in it. This hole leaks a bright light, but nothing more. When the bag gets 10 of these holes it ceases to function. All these numbers can be adjusted to taste.

Orcish Blood Statue: This is a small statue depicting orcs engaging in a vulgar act. If you "feed" the statue a drop of blood (blood must come fresh from the user) it will grant the user +1 (or more) to their attack rolls for the next 10 minutes. The statue demands more blood in order to function each time the same person uses it. As if that weren't bad enough, the user becomes addicted to the process and this addiction also increases with each use.

Stoking Sword: This is a dull, blackened sword with a pitted blade. When it is placed in a heat source such as a fire, becomes red hot and will retain this heat until the wielder commands it to cool off. The weapon itself isn't "plussed" and does damage as a masterwork weapon, but while it is hot it, does an extra point of fire damage and works like a weapon with the Wounding quality, as per the DMG. This heat does not affect the temper of the blade. The weapon can be heated by a torch, a fire, or any spell or affect that does heat/fire damage. (The wounding effect comes into play regardless of any fire immunities the victim posesses)

Bran's Manga Mallet: +2 Merciful Knockback Maul of Impact (looks like a large, ironbound, wooden mallet)

Most of these aren't that useful, but I also stink at this sort of thing, so I have no clue how much these items would cost. :)


First Post
Talking skulls. You can never have enough talking skulls.

A talking skull will have a knowledge skill or language skill.
Each skull allso have a distinct peronality.
We once had the skull of a cook, it kept complaining about the state of our food.

Giant Beans:
A (large bean) that grows into a very large bean plant over night. The plant have one (1) bean pod that contains a giant. The giant will help you but not fight for you.
You could have fire giants from chilli beans.

Magic crowbars that enhances you strength.

A black tophat with an infinite supply of white bunnies (that will tick the druids off).

A singing sword (+2 defender with an additional 1d6 sonic damage)

A name tag. You stick it to an outsider and i shows he/she/its true name.

A red ball of distraction. You throw it and _every_ summoned creature chases it.


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AstroGnome said:
Talking skulls. You can never have enough talking skulls.

Ahh, that reminds me of Tandor the Talking Head. My character picked him up in a curio shop, and carried him around in a belt pouch that had a hole cut out for the face. Tandor constantly talked about all the adventures he used to go on, and how he could lead us all to treasure. Lousy little liar...grrr...err, anyway, Tandor came to a sudden and tragic end when he started talking about my thief character's,ah, indiscretions in front of the party. It's remarkable how defenseless a severed head can be when someone wants to shut it up.

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