Level Up (A5E) Discussion Explorer Instinct (Ranger)


Good morning/evening/night everyone.
I had a friendly late night debate with my ranger player, although he still doesn't have the feature; he feel like that Explorer Instinct is a bit lack luster as a long rest recharge.

At 8th level, once between long rests, you can take two reactions in a round instead of one.
In addition, whenever you learn a new ranger exploration knack or replace an existing one, you can choose from druid secrets of nature or fighter soldiering knacks.

We do feel this ability could recharge on short and long rest, but I would like to you guys input on such change. I know that the DM can pretty much do how he see fit, but we haven't played for that long and maybe I can't foresee long term

Thank you

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i don't really see many problems in making it a short rest recharge, especially considering there's a maneuver that gives you 1 to 3 extra reactions on a turn depending on how much exertion you spend on it and exertion refreshes on a short rest.


i don't really see many problems in making it a short rest recharge, especially considering there's a maneuver that gives you 1 to 3 extra reactions on a turn depending on how much exertion you spend on it and exertion refreshes on a short rest.
Well, comparing the manuever is a bit disingenous, as the oppurtunity cost there is much much greater.

To use the maneuver, you have to specifically go "ok I am going to spend this exertion and hope that by my next turn I will need another reaction". Whereas the ranger ability is "anytime you need me buddy, I'm there....the second you need an extra reaction, I've got you".

Now that said, is it fine to give it on short rests? Probably depends on how frequently you give out short rests in your game. I can already say that the manuevers really do ramp up the martial classes quite a bit (I've seen my own ranger do some pretty awesome things with them).

For example, a ranger could use the ability with Speed over Strength to get an extra attack in a fight against large creature type monsters. If those are common in your game, and short rests are common after a fight, than that's quite a big increase to your offense.

Well, comparing the manuever is a bit disingenous, as the oppurtunity cost there is much much greater.

To use the maneuver, you have to specifically go "ok I am going to spend this exertion and hope that by my next turn I will need another reaction". Whereas the ranger ability is "anytime you need me buddy, I'm there....the second you need an extra reaction, I've got you".
yeah, but you can also replicate explorer's instinct 6 times a short rest with it by the time you get explorer's instinct. i'd say that more then offsets the opportunity cost.


yeah, but you can also replicate explorer's instinct 6 times a short rest with it by the time you get explorer's instinct. i'd say that more then offsets the opportunity cost.
Its not a replication though, it costs precious exertion. Sure having an extra reaction is great and all, but it means you are getting to do fewer manuevers per short rest, AND you might spend exertion and can't no benefit at all.

Whereas Explorer's instinct is mostly just benefit, it costs nothing, and you use it exactly when you need it.

Its not a replication though, it costs precious exertion. Sure having an extra reaction is great and all, but it means you are getting to do fewer manuevers per short rest, AND you might spend exertion and can't no benefit at all.

Whereas Explorer's instinct is mostly just benefit, it costs nothing, and you use it exactly when you need it.
i'm really not convinced any of that justifies (edit: necessitates might be a better term here) explorer's instinct recovering only on a long rest. there are several feats that let you use certain maneuvers for no exertion without taking even a short rest between uses, a couple of which are of the same degree as heightened reflexes, and most of which are generally more useful then either heightened reflexes or explorer's instinct. i don't think making explorer's instinct recharge on a short rest would break much.
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