should Daunton's Dead Shadow be saying Uh-Oh Cov? Because that's what I just heard
I believe anyone in any of cov's adventure's should be saying uh-oh Cov
Do the Lords have actual power? I didn't know that. In Love Bites, I'd assumed that Brunt is the nominal head of government, who has to maintain the approval of the Politica as a sort of parliamentary body. Brunt has a fairly free hand in most of the day-to-day stuff, but if he pisses off the Politica too much, they can toss him out and put up another mayor in his place, sort of thing. The nobility don't have much direct, official power as individuals; they have to work in concert to really accomplish anything governmentally. Which they almost never do; too much squabbling and infighting. On the other hand, the nobility have the power and influence (and money) to go outside the law when they feel like it: private armies, bounties on people they don't like, etc. It's that last bit that had Brunt all stressed in Love Bites.
As for justice, it's on record that Brunt thinks adventurers are a necessary evil, that without them and their unruly ways the city would quickly be overrun by horrors. So he's prepared to bend the rules for them and look the other way if a few dead criminals turn up from time to time. It's when the PCs start killing nobility or roughing up ordinary citizens that things get a little heated.
Okay, how strict is the definition of 'murder'? Because a wandering band of sociopaths is rampaging through the warehouse district leaving a bloody mess. And I'm curious as to whether is normal for criminals' deaths to go unnoticed by the authorities. I may wind up having to turn them in anyway, and just see what happens...
Gellan watches the two crossbow bolts slam into his new comrade, and a red haze begins to fill his vision. "Enough with mercy, enough with restraint! You shall all die!" He dashes forward with blades flashing, leaving two of the hapless humans lying in a pool of their own blood.
"I don't fear death, do you?" A bestial anger seems to fill his eyes as he charges toward the dwarf. He passes by a goon and deflect the blow with his shield and then push aside the second goon in his path with his sword, killing it.
Zharne wildshapes rushes to Thorn's side then he jumps between the human and the shifter, he succeeds in dodging the thugs blow in which Thorn sees an opening in the thug's defense and attacks but misses then the transformed elf lands and use the crate's side to launch him towards the other human on Thorn's right side, Zharne then viciously attacks and kills the human which bloodies Zharne's fur.
Adventurers. Sociopaths."Minarath, stop staring and act!" Gloom move forward and charge the human. The human easily evade the blow. "You're soul will go to Lauto."