D&D General DIY xps foam terrain. Videos? Pics? Advice?

Some steps (no pun intended) from my current modular stair/stacker project:



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Very cool! If/when I get a hot wire table, I'm going to make these asap.

How many times did you dry brush? My tiles so far are coming out too dark

I actually cut most of these by hand because I don't have a table yet - but when I get one I will redo these or just make a set that fits together better. I think next time I will put some small washers between the layers to give them some heft as well.

As for dry brushing: black matte/mod podge layer first (two coats), heavy coverage dark gray (mixed with a little bit of regular gray to lighten it slightly), painted some of the "off-color" squares (after seeing that ziggurat!) and then dry brush regular gray for the edged and bevels, and then very light dry brush with "fog gray" over various places to bring up texture.

Next step is a black wash which always comes out too dark and dirty looking - so looking to once again adjust my mixture - not sure why it always looks so bad. Any advice for blackwashing terrain, @pogre?

I actually cut most of these by hand because I don't have a table yet - but when I get one I will redo these or just make a set that fits together better. I think next time I will put some small washers between the layers to give them some heft as well.

As for dry brushing: black matte/mod podge layer first (two coats), heavy coverage dark gray (mixed with a little bit of regular gray to lighten it slightly), painted some of the "off-color" squares (after seeing that ziggurat!) and then dry brush regular gray for the edged and bevels, and then very light dry brush with "fog gray" over various places to bring up texture.

Next step is a black wash which always comes out too dark and dirty looking - so looking to once again adjust my mixture - not sure why it always looks so bad. Any advice for blackwashing terrain, @pogre?
My process is not too dissimilar, but a slightly different order to my steps.

Prime black - modge podge/black paint mix.
Dark Gray heavy dry brush - huge make up brushes from dollar general store used here and for most dry brushing.
Lighter gray dry brush
Fairly bright stone variations painted
Very light white dry brush
Dark wash - my formula = 100 ml of water, 100 ml of Liquitex Matte Medium, a splash of flow aid, 30-40 drops of black acrylic ink and 30 drops of burnt sienna acrylic ink
Dry brush of Desert yellow - kind of a dark yellow/tan color.
Very light dry brush of Ivory

For me, it seems like the last couple of dry brushes help bring the whole thing together.

So what you're saying is, just paint, water, and dishsoap are not enough I need to go out to Michael's for the matte medium and risk buying a bunch of other stuff while there? Damn. :ROFLMAO:

Actually just made another batch and it came out PERFECT! The difference was using slightly less paint, adding a couple of drops of dark green paint as well, and replacing the dish soap with a few drops of that dishwasher finishing sauce and mix the bejezus out of it. It really has the right amount of flow. I think my last few tries were too thick and ended up just staining the whole thing.

Here some quick formations I did as a test - I think they came out pretty good and when actually laying flat on the battlemat and not on brown paper laid down to manage the mess of paint and glue, they should look even better.





Painting will probably get started next week. I'm thinking about using this color pattern...

Here's my "paint by numbers" map:

Here's the choices so far:

Choice #1
yellow (1) /orange (2) / blue (3) / purple (4)
Inspired by Better Call Saul. I know it's anachronistic, even for d&d, but I just like the colors 🤷
I nixed green because it was the oddball color

choice #2
Red (1) / Brown (2) / Yellow (3) / Blue (4) / Black (0)
Inspired by Mystara Spheres of Power
Energy = Red
Matter = Brown
Thought = Yellow
Time = blue
Entropy = Black (placement of black squares will be rolled randomly within each row)

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