Do You Play Subsequent Campaigns In The Same World

Do You Play Subsequent Campaigns In The Same World

  • Yes, there are multiple campaigns happening in the world simultaneously and may affect one another.

    Votes: 18 30.0%
  • Yes, campaigns are successive and the previous campaign happened in the world.

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Yes, and the world is a homebrew creation.

    Votes: 33 55.0%
  • Yes, and the world is a published setting.

    Votes: 14 23.3%
  • Yes, and the campaigns are mostly homebrew creations.

    Votes: 20 33.3%
  • Yes, and the campaigns are mostly published campaigns, APs or adventures.

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • Yes, and the PCs of a new campaign are related to the PCs of a former campaign.

    Votes: 8 13.3%
  • Yes, but the new PC group is not connected to other PC groups.

    Votes: 13 21.7%
  • No, we use the same world but reset it each time.

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • No, we usually start with a whole new world each campaign.

    Votes: 11 18.3%

For all of 5e days I have run several campaigns in the greater Phandalin region. A few follow each other and built upon the last one such as the town has been redrawn to increase in size with a gold boom and new NPCs are encountered and the old ones still come up. My son seem to hate Harbin Wester in all the campaigns. I did run a Leilon and a PotA in Red Larch campaign that did not really go back and forth to Phandalin. The timeline never seems to come up other than one Phandalin campaign following the next in the next year, whatever year that is- but it does not matter.
Same for the 3 5e campaigns I played in, which had 2 different DMs running them. Occasionally we'd hear references to something the previous group had done or get to see how a situation we thought we resolved ended up coming unravelled after we left so we'd have to figure out a different way of dealing with it. IMO it makes the world feel more alive when the previous campaign events impact the current campaign.

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I have definitely reused campaign worlds, but not often. USUALLY, each camp is a discrete setting.

But I reused my supers setting based on Space:1889, HG Wells, Jules Verne, etc. once- in 2 different systems- and would consider doing it again.

And in my longest running game group, we had a shared-world setting (3 DMs) that had several active adventuring groups from 1st to 20th+.

The one setting I reused a couple times was a supers setting, in fact.

I'm running three separate "groups" of players through a home-brew/Greyhawk campaign via pbem mostly. They're all roughly in the same period of time (same month, year), but in different parts of Greyhawk. So, they might hear of one another, or their exploits, or ideally, they'll all end up joining up into one party.

So I answered multiple campaigns in the same world AND home brew, even though I'm using the Greyhawk Map and gold box background and Ashes, I'm using Beyond the Wall character classes, skills, and magic system, with OSE underpinning it all.

I also answered we usually start a new campaign each time - when I was a player, I never remember our forever DM linking campaigns in any way. Once we were "done" or the game petered out, we started a new game. So if we were playing FR, the next might have been Planescape, then Al Qadim, then the next one. I ran a Moonshaes campaign in 5e, then Greyhawk. I might use the same "world" but prefer to move to different areas, when I DM.

For FRPGing, my default is Greyhawk. I've used it for AD&D, Rolemaster, Burning Wheel and Torchbearer.

I tend to pick and choose what seems interesting or relevant. I'm pretty relaxed about setting details. For instance, in an AD&D game over 30 years ago, I set the Keep on the Borderlands in the Horned Society. In a Burning Wheel game in the past decade, I set the Keep on the south-western edge of the Abor-Alz.

The Keep showing up in different places always makes me smile :-)

Everything in my current gaming era has been in the same homebrew world. Some of the campaigns have been simultaneous while others use the previous as recent history.

In fact (players if you're reading this stop) the next campaign is just starting. It's an evil version and those characters may wind up fighting the heroes from the one that just ended

I've run two D&D 3.5 campaigns now in my version of Oerth, and am a player in a different campaign run by one of my players that takes place in that same version of Oerth, so that's three so far.

My current D&D 3.5 campaign takes place in a completely homebrewed world whose deities are patterned after the PCs of my original campaign, so that's a weird, different kind of link between the two.

My grown son ran his first two D&D 3.5 campaigns in his own homebrewed campaign world, and the two campaigns not only took place on the same world, but during the exact same time frame (despite us finishing the first campaign before starting up the second one). He did a great job in seamlessly weaving bits of the two campaigns together.

And he also ran a short campaign based on the Skylanders console game to introduce my nephew to TTRPGs, as he was 10 years old at the time and a big Skylanders fan. That one has no connections to anything else we've ever done.


This came up in a different thread and wanted to do a poll:

Basically, do you play multiple campaigns in the same world, with events in each campaign affecting the state of that world?
here's what I ticked:
  • Yes, and the world is a published setting.
  • No, we use the same world but reset it each time.
  • No, we usually start with a whole new world each campaign.

Traveller, I've almost always run the OTU, and sometimes I don't reset, sometimes I do, and usually, there are NPCs who turn up like a bad penny.
L5R 5? Run 2 campaigns, plus one during playtest, and did reset each time.
FFG Star Wars? Certain NPCs from certain campaigns have turned up as competitors/hostiles in later campaigns, but the general timeframe I run is around ESB... I've also pulled a few out of my inbetween ANH and ESB WEG games.

D&D - if I'm using my homebrew world, it's a reset every time. Except for the Immortals - every player who makes third level gets to add a an immortal.

Normally, tho', I use Darokin on Mystara...

Most games with worlds, I use the world, but reset to default timeline. Those without, new every time, often with player inputs.

I have tried to add enough poll options to get some granularity (so choose all that apply), but as always expound in the comments.

Good list this time. (y)

Relevant to this thread:

Yesterday afternoon I did my first campaign mapping for a while (since I wrote up star maps for Traveller).


This morning I wrote up a settlement list:


The relative change in significance of Rookrost and Stoink, compared to canonical Greyhawk, reflects events in my RM campaign about 30 years ago, when one of the PCs carried an extremely virulent plague into Rookroost.

This came up in a different thread and wanted to do a poll:

Basically, do you play multiple campaigns in the same world, with events in each campaign affecting the state of that world?

I have tried to add enough poll options to get some granularity (so choose all that apply), but as always expound in the comments.

Three so far in my current homebrew setting.

I have one very large and old campaign world, and probably 2/3 of the campaigns I run are set in it. Each one moves 5-30 years forward in time. The characters are not related, but PCs have regularly appeared an NPCs in later campaigns. If a player came to me with a background that made sense for them to be rlated, I would let it happen.

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